I may convert to Catholicism or Orthodoxy



Apr 22, 2024
People like Jay Dyer and other Trad Orthodox converts make me want to also become Orthodox.

Then again the Papacy also seems Biblical and there are so many Marian appirations and visions and miracles.
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  • JFL
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follow your heart, dont let others influence your decision, imo both the orthodox and catholic church are valid and both lead to salvation
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follow your heart, dont let others influence your decision, imo both the orthodox and catholic church are valid and both lead to salvation
Everyone that has faith in Jesus Christ as the son of God and lives a life of obedience to God's commandments receives salvation, denomination does not matter.
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  • JFL
Reactions: try2beme, LancasteR, lastamericanvirgin and 1 other person
follow your heart, dont let others influence your decision, imo both the orthodox and catholic church are valid and both lead to salvation
Everyone that has faith in Jesus Christ as the son of God and lives a life of obedience to God's commandments receives salvation, denomination does not matter.
In the moment a Egyptian brother of mine and myself are both Free Gracers. Issue is, we see early first and second Century Church fathers, students of the Apostles, preach the real actual blood and flesh of our LORD in the Eucharist.

Something free gracers do not hold to.

Problem is Orthodox can be quite arrogant in the comments and defend a works based salvation not Faith Alone.

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In the moment a Egyptian brother of mine and myself are both Free Gracers. Issue is, we see early first and second Century Church fathers, students of the Apostles, preach the real actual blood and flesh of our LORD in the Eucharist.

Something free gracers do not hold to.

Problem is Orthodox can be quite arrogant in the comments and defend a works based salvation not Faith Alone.

Personally, I don't believe in faith only. Due to verses like Revelation 22:19, Revelation 21:27, Revelation 3:5 and especially Matthew 5:20 as well as Paul's excerpts like 1 Corinthians 6:9-11.
While I don't believe your works are that which saves you as your good works amount to nothing in God's eyes (Isaiah 64:6) and Paul tells us that doing the law does not justify us, but faith in Christ (Romans 3:19-23). I don't believe you can be wishy-washy in your life, sinning as you please and willingly continuing in practicing lawlessness and still receive salvation through faith.

I personally believe communion is good, I come from a Catholic background so I always took it as of great importance, but I used to believe that only the Catholic church can transubstantiate the bread and wine into the blood and flesh of Christ, which I no longer do.
I hold onto the Eucharist because of its establishment in John 6 and Paul's letters in which it is mentioned.
Personally, I don't believe in faith only. Due to verses like Revelation 22:19, Revelation 21:27, Revelation 3:5 and especially Matthew 5:20 as well as Paul's excerpts like 1 Corinthians 6:9-11.
While I don't believe your works are that which saves you as your good works amount to nothing in God's eyes (Isaiah 64:6) and Paul tells us that doing the law does not justify us, but faith in Christ (Romans 3:19-23). I don't believe you can be wishy-washy in your life, sinning as you please and willingly continuing in practicing lawlessness and still receive salvation through faith.

I personally believe communion is good, I come from a Catholic background so I always took it as of great importance, but I used to believe that only the Catholic church can transubstantiate the bread and wine into the blood and flesh of Christ, which I no longer do.
I hold onto the Eucharist because of its establishment in John 6 and Paul's letters in which it is mentioned.
Why don't you think it's merely symbolic?
Personally, I don't believe in faith only. Due to verses like Revelation 22:19, Revelation 21:27, Revelation 3:5 and especially Matthew 5:20 as well as Paul's excerpts like 1 Corinthians 6:9-11.
While I don't believe your works are that which saves you as your good works amount to nothing in God's eyes (Isaiah 64:6) and Paul tells us that doing the law does not justify us, but faith in Christ (Romans 3:19-23). I don't believe you can be wishy-washy in your life, sinning as you please and willingly continuing in practicing lawlessness and still receive salvation through faith.

I personally believe communion is good, I come from a Catholic background so I always took it as of great importance, but I used to believe that only the Catholic church can transubstantiate the bread and wine into the blood and flesh of Christ, which I no longer do.
I hold onto the Eucharist because of its establishment in John 6 and Paul's letters in which it is mentioned.
Matt 5, and Rev 21 don't teach losing salvation. Jesus is making a point, not saying we need to be righteous. We can't. We need His later Sacrifice.

Revelation is saying we need to be covered by the Blood of the Lamb and Christ's Righteousness imputed on us.

Otherwise we can't.

1 Corinthians. Paul is speaking to already justified believers

He says

"Such were some of you, but NOW you have been washed sanctified. Justified. Etc etc."

He's telling them why do you go back to that stuff? You're saved. Act better.

God can still chastise a believer in this life.
Why don't you think it's merely symbolic?
Because Jesus states to eat his flesh and blood, which was later elaborated on during the last supper. Now the reason I believe it is that if there was no element of Christ's blood and flesh present we'd not really be fulfilling His command. We'd be partaking in an act without substance if it was merely eating bread and wine as a symbolic reflection. And Jesus would be commanding us to eat nothing more than plain food, Jesus gives this act a high importance, literally saying that one who doesn't partake in eating His flesh and blood has no life in him. I don't believe a mere symbolic reflection would be of such high importance as to literally say those without it have no life in them.

To me it makes sense that when Jesus was commanding to partake in eating His flesh and blood that it was actually meant (obviously when saying literally I don't mean to say he implied an act of cannibalism, as during the last supper it was elaborated to be bread and wine). And early church texts corroborate this.
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Because Jesus states to eat his flesh and blood, which was later elaborated on during the last supper. Now the reason I believe it is that if there was no element of Christ's blood and flesh present we'd not really be fulfilling His command. We'd be partaking in an act without substance if it was merely eating bread and wine as a symbolic reflection. And Jesus would be commanding us to eat nothing more than plain food, Jesus gives this act a high importance, literally saying that one who doesn't partake in eating His flesh and blood has no life in him. I don't believe a mere symbolic reflection would be of such high importance as to literally say those without it have no life in them.

To me it makes sense that when Jesus was commanding to partake in eating His flesh and blood that it was actually meant (obviously when saying literally I don't mean to say he implied an act of cannibalism, as during the last supper it was elaborated to be bread and wine). And early church texts corroborate this.
It's symbolic. Once we believe and accept Jesus as Lord, the moment we are Saved, we eat His flesh and drink His blood, the Lamb of God.

Jesus talks about this.

Jesus asks them after saying they must eat His flesh and drink His blood,
"Does this trouble you?"

"The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit and life."

After some people rejected and left and He knew who would betray Him, He said.

"He went on to say, “This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled them."

Which I believe is a evidence of some sort of pre-destination.
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Everyone that has faith in Jesus Christ as the son of God and lives a life of obedience to God's commandments receives salvation, denomination does not matter.
  • JFL
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Matt 5, and Rev 21 don't teach losing salvation. Jesus is making a point, not saying we need to be righteous. We can't. We need His later Sacrifice.
Matt 5:20 states "For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven."

I don't see why this would not mean that if your righteousness is higher than "that Pharisees and the teachers of the law" that you can be certain you won't enter heaven. Jesus is saying that your righteousness must exceed something, not that faith is all it takes.
I don't know if to really think a person cannot become just. Obviously we have all sinned and fallen short, but whether a person actually can't stop sinning, I don't know if the Bible actually teaches sin is impossible to overcome.

The Revelation quotes I used are not a good of an example, apart from Rev 3:5
"If you conquer, you will be clothed like them in white robes, and I will not erase your name from the book of life; I will confess your name before my Father and before his angels."

You may take the conquering to mean just belief, but I don't think even that is in line with faith alone teachings which also says that once you become saved you will always be saved. This verse describes an act of conquering, or persisting in order to achieve eternal life. And that only if you fulfill this condition your name will not be erased. There being an act of someone's name being erased which means salvation is not at the beginning point of faith.

Revelation is saying we need to be covered by the Blood of the Lamb and Christ's Righteousness imputed on us.
Well the quotes are saying something entirely different from what I initially thought, they were talking about entrance to new Israel, not heaven, except for Rev 3:5.

1 Corinthians. Paul is speaking to already justified believers

He says

"Such were some of you, but NOW you have been washed sanctified. Justified. Etc etc."

He's telling them why do you go back to that stuff? You're saved. Act better.

God can still chastise a believer in this life.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11: "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor sexual perverts, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God."

I think what Paul is saying is clear. Those practicing mentioned sins will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. If the point was to merely say, "do not do this, you are saved and therefore should do better".
Then Paul would have not said: "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived".

Jesus indeed cleanses us of our sins, He sanctified and justified us. Yet our faith in Him does not excuse us of continuing sin. Those who stay unrighteous will not inherit heaven. I believe the Bible is clear on this.
Reformed !
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Matt 5:20 states "For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven."

I don't see why this would not mean that if your righteousness is higher than "that Pharisees and the teachers of the law" that you can be certain you won't enter heaven. Jesus is saying that your righteousness must exceed something, not that faith is all it takes.
I don't know if to really think a person cannot become just. Obviously we have all sinned and fallen short, but whether a person actually can't stop sinning, I don't know if the Bible actually teaches sin is impossible to overcome.

The Revelation quotes I used are not a good of an example, apart from Rev 3:5
"If you conquer, you will be clothed like them in white robes, and I will not erase your name from the book of life; I will confess your name before my Father and before his angels."

You may take the conquering to mean just belief, but I don't think even that is in line with faith alone teachings which also says that once you become saved you will always be saved. This verse describes an act of conquering, or persisting in order to achieve eternal life. And that only if you fulfill this condition your name will not be erased. There being an act of someone's name being erased which means salvation is not at the beginning point of faith.

Well the quotes are saying something entirely different from what I initially thought, they were talking about entrance to new Israel, not heaven, except for Rev 3:5.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11: "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor sexual perverts, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God."

I think what Paul is saying is clear. Those practicing mentioned sins will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. If the point was to merely say, "do not do this, you are saved and therefore should do better".
Then Paul would have not said: "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived".

Jesus indeed cleanses us of our sins, He sanctified and justified us. Yet our faith in Him does not excuse us of continuing sin. Those who stay unrighteous will not inherit heaven. I believe the Bible is clear on this.
The Bible explicitly says its not of ourselves but a gift of God. A gift is free. Totally free


Jesus separates the sheep from the goats.

The sheep hear His Word and believe.

The goats don't believe on the SON because they add their own works to His gift and thus believe in their filthy rags not the finished work of Jesus.
Matt 5:20 states "For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven."

I don't see why this would not mean that if your righteousness is higher than "that Pharisees and the teachers of the law" that you can be certain you won't enter heaven. Jesus is saying that your righteousness must exceed something, not that faith is all it takes.
I don't know if to really think a person cannot become just. Obviously we have all sinned and fallen short, but whether a person actually can't stop sinning, I don't know if the Bible actually teaches sin is impossible to overcome.

The Revelation quotes I used are not a good of an example, apart from Rev 3:5
"If you conquer, you will be clothed like them in white robes, and I will not erase your name from the book of life; I will confess your name before my Father and before his angels."

You may take the conquering to mean just belief, but I don't think even that is in line with faith alone teachings which also says that once you become saved you will always be saved. This verse describes an act of conquering, or persisting in order to achieve eternal life. And that only if you fulfill this condition your name will not be erased. There being an act of someone's name being erased which means salvation is not at the beginning point of faith.

Well the quotes are saying something entirely different from what I initially thought, they were talking about entrance to new Israel, not heaven, except for Rev 3:5.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11: "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor sexual perverts, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God."

I think what Paul is saying is clear. Those practicing mentioned sins will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. If the point was to merely say, "do not do this, you are saved and therefore should do better".
Then Paul would have not said: "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived".

Jesus indeed cleanses us of our sins, He sanctified and justified us. Yet our faith in Him does not excuse us of continuing sin. Those who stay unrighteous will not inherit heaven. I believe the Bible is clear on this.
So here's the deal, "Those who stay unrighteous." That's now a work to keep a Free Gift. It's now relying on our own self.

The entire point of Jesus dying for our sins is His righteousness is Imputed onto us believers, His sheep, who don't deserve it.

That means nothing I do future or past, matters, I am saved and cleansed and washed.


He is telling them, why do you go back to do those stuff, as if you are unSaved acting like them? Such were some of you. You're going back.

It has nothing to do with their Salvation but all to do with punishment and chastisment here on earth which God does to those He Loves.

His children.
I fully agree that it's not your works that save you. Yet your righteousness has to exceed in certain ways, like the Bible says, in order to be saved.

The Bible explicitly says its not of ourselves but a gift of God. A gift is free. Totally free
This dichotomy of gifts having no condition does not exist Bible. Take for example the gift of the Holy Ghost, Acts 2:38: "Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit". Not a free gift without condition.

If you want to cling onto a passage like Romans 6:23 as means of justifying this doctrine of faith only/once saved always saved, then go ahead. But you will do so in spite the quotes that I previously quoted from both Paul and Jesus. Just know that "free gift" does not necessitate having no condition, strings or needs. It does not literally have to mean gift free of anything and that it probably does not in light of the passages I quoted before.

The goats don't believe on the SON because they add their own works to His gift and thus believe in their filthy rags not the finished work of Jesus.
I don't believe in my works, I've said I believe that God (and I) sees my works as filthy rags. This doesn't negate previous points.

So here's the deal, "Those who stay unrighteous." That's now a work to keep a Free Gift. It's now relying on our own self.
I don't see the problem of having to do something in order to receive something. Saying that it's not a gift because you have to be in a certain state of righteousness is pointless semantics. It's not relying yourself because you're not the one giving yourself salvation.
What do you think of all the passages I've quotes that clearly support what I'm saying? Are they all negated because of your definition of what a free gift is? It's not like the claims I'm making are my own empty words with no basing on scripture, I'm just attempting to reiterate it to you. Maybe it'd make sense to argue what constitutes a free gift if there were no other relevant scriptures, but that is not the case.

The entire point of Jesus dying for our sins is His righteousness is Imputed onto us believers, His sheep, who don't deserve it.
Think of all the things you can justify doing with this while still receiving salvation, you will end up like this: https://www.biblegateway.com/resources/encyclopedia-of-the-bible/Nicolaitans

That means nothing more than that you were forgiving, this was not intent on saying you were washed from judgement.

It has nothing to do with their Salvation but all to do with punishment and chastisment here on earth which God does to those He Loves.
If it was punishment on earth Paul wouldn't have said "if you do this you will not inherit the kingdom of God"

I've spent much of my time going back and forth on this but you desperately cling onto the notion of faith alone/once saved always saved which is unbiblical. I'm not trying to defend my pointless interpretation here, I've wanted to make clear the teachings of the Bible. It seems my time was wasted.
People like Jay Dyer and other Trad Orthodox converts make me want to also become Orthodox.

Then again the Papacy also seems Biblical and there are so many Marian appirations and visions and miracles.
My ex was orthodox
These are real Christians tbh
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  • JFL
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur and lastamericanvirgin
I fully agree that it's not your works that save you. Yet your righteousness has to exceed in certain ways, like the Bible says, in order to be saved.

This dichotomy of gifts having no condition does not exist Bible. Take for example the gift of the Holy Ghost, Acts 2:38: "Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit". Not a free gift without condition.

If you want to cling onto a passage like Romans 6:23 as means of justifying this doctrine of faith only/once saved always saved, then go ahead. But you will do so in spite the quotes that I previously quoted from both Paul and Jesus. Just know that "free gift" does not necessitate having no condition, strings or needs. It does not literally have to mean gift free of anything and that it probably does not in light of the passages I quoted before.

I don't believe in my works, I've said I believe that God (and I) sees my works as filthy rags. This doesn't negate previous points.

I don't see the problem of having to do something in order to receive something. Saying that it's not a gift because you have to be in a certain state of righteousness is pointless semantics. It's not relying yourself because you're not the one giving yourself salvation.
What do you think of all the passages I've quotes that clearly support what I'm saying? Are they all negated because of your definition of what a free gift is? It's not like the claims I'm making are my own empty words with no basing on scripture, I'm just attempting to reiterate it to you. Maybe it'd make sense to argue what constitutes a free gift if there were no other relevant scriptures, but that is not the case.

Think of all the things you can justify doing with this while still receiving salvation, you will end up like this: https://www.biblegateway.com/resources/encyclopedia-of-the-bible/Nicolaitans

That means nothing more than that you were forgiving, this was not intent on saying you were washed from judgement.

If it was punishment on earth Paul wouldn't have said "if you do this you will not inherit the kingdom of God"

I've spent much of my time going back and forth on this but you desperately cling onto the notion of faith alone/once saved always saved which is unbiblical. I'm not trying to defend my pointless interpretation here, I've wanted to make clear the teachings of the Bible. It seems my time was wasted.
The Bible makes it clear that none of us are righteous not one. The Bible makes it clear in Titus 3:5-7 that it is by no works of righteousness or the moral law or anything.

How is one MADE Righteous? Only by the washing by the blood of Jesus Christ.
  • JFL
Reactions: Htobrother
I fully agree that it's not your works that save you. Yet your righteousness has to exceed in certain ways, like the Bible says, in order to be saved.

I've spent much of my time going back and forth on this but you desperately cling onto the notion of faith alone/once saved always saved which is unbiblical. I'm not trying to defend my pointless interpretation here, I've wanted to make clear the teachings of the Bible. It seems my time was wasted.
Notice you're opening and last statement, Notice the double talk which most works salvationist tend to do.

You say it's not of works. Then you go on to say I am clinging onto the notion of Faith Alone.

So which is it?
Think of all the things you can justify doing with this while still receiving salvation, you will end up like this: https://www.biblegateway.com/resources/encyclopedia-of-the-bible/Nicolaitans

That means nothing more than that you were forgiving, this was not intent on saying you were washed from judgement.
Notice, those are Saved believers who are relishing in sin.
They will receive a temporal chastisement on earth. But once you're Saved you can't lose it otherwise Jesus failed.

Watch this.

John 6:39
And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all those he has given me, but raise them up at the last day.
  • JFL
Reactions: Htobrother
Notice, those are Saved believers who are relishing in sin.
They will receive a temporal chastisement on earth. But once you're Saved you can't lose it otherwise Jesus failed.

Watch this.

John 6:39
And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all those he has given me, but raise them up at the last day.
Quran mogs
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Quran mogs
quran is toilet paper with arabic grammatical errors, and sun setting in mud, earth sitting on a whales back, and the islamic hadiths say satan farts when u pray and pisses in ur ear as u sleep. It's a laughing stock.
I fully agree that it's not your works that save you. Yet your righteousness has to exceed in certain ways, like the Bible says, in order to be saved.

Romans 4:5
However, to the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness.

You need to really read this.
Romans 4:5
However, to the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness.

You need to really read this.
Notice you're opening and last statement, Notice the double talk which most works salvationist tend to do.

You say it's not of works. Then you go on to say I am clinging onto the notion of Faith Alone.

So which is it?
It's not double speak. Your good works being looked at as filthy rags and worth that to God is not mutually exclusive to you having to be righteous to receive salvation.
Your works are like filthy rags and it's your mercy through faith that justifies you. Yet in order to receive this mercy you have to be righteous. Understand this nuance?

Romans 4:5
However, to the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness.
Faith is not an equivalent or substitute for righteousness, but God graciously treats it as if it were the same. Otherwise, no one could be saved from sin and have eternal life. That is Paul's point.

John 6:39
And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all those he has given me, but raise them up at the last day.
And this is nothing more than Jesus reinforcing His promise.

I don't think I'll add more as I see it as futile, and it's honestly draining.
It's not double speak. Your good works being looked at as filthy rags and worth that to God is not mutually exclusive to you having to be righteous to receive salvation.
Your works are like filthy rags and it's your mercy through faith that justifies you. Yet in order to receive this mercy you have to be righteous. Understand this nuance?

Faith is not an equivalent or substitute for righteousness, but God graciously treats it as if it were the same. Otherwise, no one could be saved from sin and have eternal life. That is Paul's point.

And this is nothing more than Jesus reinforcing His promise.

I don't think I'll add more as I see it as futile, and it's honestly draining.
Lol if I have to work and try to be righteous, then I am relying on myself, not Jesus's finished work, and then I am paying for a Free Gift. That defeats the entire literal definition of a "Free Gift."

John 6:29
Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”

(Notice the Apostles asked Him, what are the works plural of God to be Saved. Jesus replied, there is one "work" singular. Believe. Once you believe, you are sealed and justified forever, because He makes it clear He will lose not a single person that the Father gives to Him.)

Romans 4:5
However, to the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness.
Notice, those are Saved believers who are relishing in sin.
They will receive a temporal chastisement on earth. But once you're Saved you can't lose it otherwise Jesus failed.
No, they're not in heaven
  • JFL
Reactions: lastamericanvirgin
It's not double speak. Your good works being looked at as filthy rags and worth that to God is not mutually exclusive to you having to be righteous to receive salvation.
Your works are like filthy rags and it's your mercy through faith that justifies you. Yet in order to receive this mercy you have to be righteous. Understand this nuance?

Faith is not an equivalent or substitute for righteousness, but God graciously treats it as if it were the same. Otherwise, no one could be saved from sin and have eternal life. That is Paul's point.

And this is nothing more than Jesus reinforcing His promise.

I don't think I'll add more as I see it as futile, and it's honestly draining.
Paul literally tells them, hypothetically, if someone did NO work, ZERO. His Faith is counted as Righteousness and He is Saved.

What is so hard to understand that Jesus paid it all for us? You want to rely on your own self righteousness which Paul condemns and God Hates.
Yet in order to receive this mercy you have to be righteous. Understand this nuance?
Titus 3:5-7
"he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life."

Yet you guys claim we must be righteous or reach a certain point of Righteousness.

You do NOT know the Gospel.

Notice Paul say's that HE SAVED us. Past tense. We are Saved.

The Orthodox claim we aren't truly Saved in this life it's a "process" and we must do works and self righteousness.

This is not the Gospel, man I tell you with love you seem like a nice guy. Sorry man, it's not. Can't you see the severe errors?
People like Jay Dyer and other Trad Orthodox converts make me want to also become Orthodox.

Then again the Papacy also seems Biblical and there are so many Marian appirations and visions and miracles.
The papacy is an aberration to the orginal church. The pope even says Islam and Christianity worship the same god. Why follow such doctrine. Even the Filioque is false. The Catholic Church is in error and less biblically relevant as orthodoxy. Ask me any orthodox question you have brother I’m new myself only converted 2 months ago and I’m going through my Catacumism in 7th of next month
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In the moment a Egyptian brother of mine and myself are both Free Gracers. Issue is, we see early first and second Century Church fathers, students of the Apostles, preach the real actual blood and flesh of our LORD in the Eucharist.

Something free gracers do not hold to.

Problem is Orthodox can be quite arrogant in the comments and defend a works based salvation not Faith Alone.

The argument regarding fath and works means that Your faith will BEAR FRUIT. The closer you come to following god the more godlike you become which will show in your works aka cooperating with god. This is biblically proven, the issue with protescucks is that they have a silly “faith works” thing so you can be a sinner etc and still be saved like how are you even able to grow in Christ if you don’t know if your truly saved :feelstastyman:

This is what we mean by “Faith and works” your faith will BEAR FRUITS. As Jesus said “You will kno them by their fruits and by their fruits you shall know them. We partake in gods energies and through them we experience his grace and from there we become more pleasing to god in our walk in faith and our works show this to god and tie most pleasing
The argument regarding fath and works means that Your faith will BEAR FRUIT. The closer you come to following god the more godlike you become which will show in your works aka cooperating with god. This is biblically proven, the issue with protescucks is that they have a silly “faith works” thing so you can be a sinner etc and still be saved like how are you even able to grow in Christ if you don’t know if your truly saved :feelstastyman:

This is what we mean by “Faith and works” your faith will BEAR FRUITS. As Jesus said “You will kno them by their fruits and by their fruits you shall know them. We partake in gods energies and through them we experience his grace and from there we become more pleasing to god in our walk in faith and our works show this to god and tie most pleasing

Romans 4:5

"However, to the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness."

Can you just read everything I posted on here, and realize God Hates when we add any of our filthy rags to His Finished work?

These people aren't sheep. They claim we must do the works, yet do they? They have such a self righteous standard it's actually anti Gospel.


Romans 4:5

"However, to the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness."​

Can you just read everything I posted on here, and realize God Hates when we add any of our filthy rags to His Finished work?

These people aren't sheep. They claim we must do the works, yet do they? They have such a self righteous standard it's actually anti Gospel.

Dude… please understand these do not oppose eachother, faith without works is dead as it’s not true faith or love, being faithful to Christ requires WORK and collaborating with god requires FAITH.

I can also post many papers of the gospel to strengthen my point but I won’t here because as I said THEY ARE NOT OPPOSED to eachother they work HAND IN HAND AS I HAVE BEEN SAYING TO YOU

Faith is not an intellectual assent to the salvation offered through Christ, that is belief. A belief is an action of the intellect, faith is how that belief is expressed in the world.

The easiest example I can give, though imperfect, is if you describe someone as being a faithful spouse. You would not say that because of their intellectual assent to the vow of marriage, but to how they live out those marriage vows.

Think of the healings in the Gospel, where Christ commends a person's faith. That person did not just sit in their home and think about Christ healing them. They had to do something, they had to get up and go to where Christ was and encounter him. Notice even the paralytic at the pool had to give a verbal assent to Christ's healing, he had to dosomething in order to be faithful.

Faith vs. works creates a false dichotomy that is nonsensical as soon as you look more deeply at it.
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Dude… please understand these do not oppose eachother, faith without works is dead as it’s not true faith or love, being faithful to Christ requires WORK and collaborating with god requires FAITH.

I can also post many papers of the gospel to strengthen my point but I won’t here because as I said THEY ARE NOT OPPOSED to eachother they work HAND IN HAND AS I HAVE BEEN SAYING TO YOU

Faith is not an intellectual assent to the salvation offered through Christ, that is belief. A belief is an action of the intellect, faith is how that belief is expressed in the world.

The easiest example I can give, though imperfect, is if you describe someone as being a faithful spouse. You would not say that because of their intellectual assent to the vow of marriage, but to how they live out those marriage vows.

Think of the healings in the Gospel, where Christ commends a person's faith. That person did not just sit in their home and think about Christ healing them. They had to do something, they had to get up and go to where Christ was and encounter him. Notice even the paralytic at the pool had to give a verbal assent to Christ's healing, he had to dosomething in order to be faithful.

Faith vs. works creates a false dichotomy that is nonsensical as soon as you look more deeply at it.
I can't do this I just know I'm going to stop trying to convince people. You want to be a goat okay go ahead.
I can't do this I just know I'm going to stop trying to convince people. You want to be a goat okay go ahead.
Dude undrstand our “works” is GOD WORKING through us not us ourselves we are all sinners brother all of us we are all scum it’s by the grace of god we are even allowed salvation and through that we love him and have faith in him and our faith in him brings us closer to him which makes him work through us to sin less.
It’s by the Grace of God.

Faith without works is dead.

“If you love me, you will do my commandments”

Christ tells us over and over.

If you believe you will do the “work.”

But it’s not us doing the work by our own power but the grace of God working over, through and with us.

Also faith can usually be translated better as faithfulness; which implies “work.”

But it’s not work, in as much as, it is a joy, and the yoke is easy, the burden is light.

Bible verses without context of the entire Bible are worse than useless. Entire factions of Christianity exist because someone got obsessed with their private interpretation of one Bible verse.

Lemme ask you a question do you love your mum? If so would you do stuff for her? Do you buy stuff for her do you honor her? If so that’s not jsut your faith in your love to your mum but also your WORKS. Essentially we are saying having faith in god leads to god working though you to help you not Sin. Why do you think the bible mentions avoiding SIN SO MUCH. Its due to this your works is your faith in god allowing you to show it in works. For example I jack off a lot and now I don’t as my works in Christ is strong due to my faith

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