I miss being redpilled. I was so innocent and naive.



Dec 27, 2019
I used to enjoy tv, movies, and regular music. I used to introduce myself to new people (at work, in class etc. even to girls). I used to try to talk to any girl I had class with. I was so excited when I thought about my future. I liked hanging out with people.
Today, Im doing well financially but I’m so damn lonely since I moved to a new city for my job.
The blackpill hit so hard I’m practically numb. I don’t feel anything anymore. Its Difficult for me to even care about people I used to know. I don’t even try introducing myself to girls unless they introduce themselves first.
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blackpill also destroyed me at a very young age. i started watching faceandlms vids when i was 13
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just take a shower bro
but seriously, yeah i agree my fellow bro, i am quite mentally damaged after this blackpill/obsessing over looks, etc bull shit.. really hits me hard, still trying to recover from it a bit. :(
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Tbh it made me happier which is weird, before I used to think deeply why some folks just didn’t respect me yet dick rode the other person to the utmost degree. When you figure out the truth and have options to change it; you feel at ease. Keep ascending or die
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whenever i see a movie now this is what happens in my mind.

"this wouldnt have happened if he was ugly."
"this wouldnt ever happen to me."
"ugly people will never experience this."

everything seems futile and boring

blackpill also destroyed me at a very young age. i started watching faceandlms vids when i was 13
you couldve ascended from age 13 chief. i wish i discovered the blackpill at that age, i wouldve done so much and couldve enjoyed high school to the fullest.

how old are you rn?
I used to think deeply why some folks just didn’t respect me yet dick rode the other person to the utmost degree.

i cant believe i never connected the dots
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whenever i see a movie now this is what happens in my mind.

"this wouldnt have happened if he was ugly."
"this wouldnt ever happen to me."
"ugly people will never experience this."

everything seems futile and boring

you couldve ascended from age 13 chief. i wish i discovered the blackpill at that age, i wouldve done so much and couldve enjoyed high school to the fullest.

how old are you rn?


i cant believe i never connected the dots
im 14 and a poorcel
Tbh it made me happier which is weird, before I used to think deeply why some folks just didn’t respect me yet dick rode the other person to the utmost degree. When you figure out the truth and have options to change it; you feel at ease. Keep ascending or die
Also because I'm relatively disassociated with my appearance compared to most PSLers I think, at least in relation to others
Understanding how insanely superficial the world is and people are almost takes the pressure off. It's like life really is just a crapshoot and has little to do with your inner qualities. No reason to care that much about it, just see it as a game.
Today I did an impromptu mental exercise where I imagined myself as some 6'9 insane frame PSL 7 high IQ slayer, then I thought about watching myself grow old and being powerless to stop it, knowing death was around the corner
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im 14 and a poorcel
bro wtf.

your penis size is normal for your age.
your height(5'9") is tall for your age

join the football team at school and go make friends boyo.
When I look back at my pictures from bluepill days I cringe really and understand why I was never respected, I take pride in my frauding and softmaxxing to build my new self tbh

im 14 and a poorcel

Bro the stuff you can do right now to looksmaxx you don't need any money for, well maybe a little bit but nothing crazy. Literally swim + lift weights (shoulder press, pull ups, chin ups) to stimulate frame growth, mew, eat tons of eggs + fatty meats (cholesterol is the building block of testosterone and it's been conclusive that higher cholesterol foods like eggs boost T), learn proper neck posture and posture in general, I'm sure im missing some but this is a great way to start
bro wtf.

your penis size is normal for your age.
your height(5'9") is tall for your age

join the football team at school and go make friends boyo.
football isnt popular in japan and we dont have one. im asian so it will not grow any larger
When I look back at my pictures from bluepill days I cringe really and understand why I was never respected, I take pride in my frauding and softmaxxing to build my new self tbh

Bro the stuff you can do right now to looksmaxx you don't need any money for, well maybe a little bit but nothing crazy. Literally swim + lift weights (shoulder press, pull ups, chin ups) to stimulate frame growth, mew, eat tons of eggs + fatty meats (cholesterol is the building block of testosterone and it's been conclusive that higher cholesterol foods like eggs boost T), learn proper neck posture and posture in general, I'm sure im missing some but this is a great way to start
i cant swim tbh. i also been lighting weight and eating fatty foods, taking creatine, boron,vit d3 and k2.
also i will buy melatonin for good sleep.
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Reactions: BigBoy and Deleted member 3593
football isnt popular in japan and we dont have one. im asian so it will not grow any larger

i cant swim tbh. i also been lighting weight and eating fatty foods, taking creatine, boron,vit d3 and k2.
also i will buy melatonin for good sleep.
join any sportsteam, it is instant success to chad
When I look back at my pictures from bluepill days I cringe really and understand why I was never respected, I take pride in my frauding and softmaxxing to build my new self tbh

Its so difficult for me to look at pictures before I looksmaxxed. I’ve deleted almost every pic of me from high school.
im not even the same person anymore.
i wish I knew about this stuff 6 years ago
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Reactions: HighIQcel, Deleted member 275, Deleted member 3573 and 3 others
Its so difficult for me to look at pictures before I looksmaxxed. I’ve deleted almost every pic of me from high school.
im not even the same person anymore.
i wish I knew about this stuff 6 years ago

yea dude, I still have a pics of me from highschool...I literally can't I just laugh instantly.
You wish you can cure yourself.
But once you are blackpilled, there is no point of return.
You are here forever browsing through these sites. Nobody escapes these forums, except for chads.
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Reactions: Deleted member 4310
Also because I'm relatively disassociated with my appearance compared to most PSLers I think, at least in relation to others
Understanding how insanely superficial the world is and people are almost takes the pressure off. It's like life really is just a crapshoot and has little to do with your inner qualities. No reason to care that much about it, just see it as a game.
Today I did an impromptu mental exercise where I imagined myself as some 6'9 insane frame PSL 7 high IQ slayer, then I thought about watching myself grow old and being powerless to stop it, knowing death was around the corner

yep that’s a healthy mindset to have; I feel bad for the blue pilled incels that spiral their inner thoughts into a major depressed state and then fuck themselves even more by taking anti depressants all because they lacked a few MM of facial bone growth. my message is keep finding a way to better yourself in all aspects of life. Financially, aesthetically, mentally etc.
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a few mm of bone = difference between life or death.
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Reactions: HighIQcel, OCDMaxxing and curryslayerordeath
I feel you, it's not possible to delude yourself into thinking the blackpill is untrue either, you witness it literally everytime you're near women.

Just take the honkpill and laugh at cucks, sjws, soyboys/redditors/male feminists and how most leftists are NPCs. It's hilarious how absurd everything is and how they can't think independently.
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Reactions: HighIQcel, OCDMaxxing and Deleted member 3593
try drinking more water bro
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Do what I'm doing to escape the blackpill bro. Start a family!

I watched this kind of stuff when I was 12-17yo. I used to blame literally everything except for looks for the failure to obtain life quality. The federal reserve and their monetary policies, the advertisement industry, corrupt politicians, etc. Made me feel powerless. Had I watched FACEandLMS instead I could've done some shit to improve.
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Blackpill is like being plugged out of the matrix. You will NEVER be the same. And you will always be aware as with every year that passes your SMV is dropping due to aging. Blackpillers should kill themselves once they reach 30. I regret I did not. I'm not a rotting oldcel piece of shit and only thing I deserve is to die in extreme pain due to being too much of a pussy to kill myself during prime.
football isnt popular in japan and we dont have one. im asian so it will not grow any larger

i cant swim tbh. i also been lighting weight and eating fatty foods, taking creatine, boron,vit d3 and k2.
also i will buy melatonin for good sleep.
You should Ronaldmaxxx:

I used to enjoy tv, movies, and regular music. I used to introduce myself to new people (at work, in class etc. even to girls). I used to try to talk to any girl I had class with. I was so excited when I thought about my future. I liked hanging out with people.
Today, Im doing well financially but I’m so damn lonely since I moved to a new city for my job.
The blackpill hit so hard I’m practically numb. I don’t feel anything anymore. Its Difficult for me to even care about people I used to know. I don’t even try introducing myself to girls unless they introduce themselves first.
Get a dog, go to a dog school and dog parks to meet new people, start learning a new language and look for language meet ups, go to fb pages like "new in xxx"
I used to enjoy tv, movies, and regular music. I used to introduce myself to new people (at work, in class etc. even to girls). I used to try to talk to any girl I had class with. I was so excited when I thought about my future. I liked hanging out with people.
Today, Im doing well financially but I’m so damn lonely since I moved to a new city for my job.
The blackpill hit so hard I’m practically numb. I don’t feel anything anymore. Its Difficult for me to even care about people I used to know. I don’t even try introducing myself to girls unless they introduce themselves first.
this is so true
I barely enjoy video games now, if Im watching tv or a movie I cant focus on anything, all I do is autistically analyze everyone's smv. I rarely communicate with friends I made before getting in to the blackpill, let alone talking to new people. The only thing that keeps me from being technically a hermit is that I live in a town instead somewhere where the only person in a radius of 30km would be me
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Nah only made my life better once I found out about the blackpill. Girls treat me good now so idgaf.
just take a shower bro
but seriously, yeah i agree my fellow bro, i am quite mentally damaged after this blackpill/obsessing over looks, etc bull shit.. really hits me hard, still trying to recover from it a bit. :(
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i dunno . now that im blackpilled i at least can't be disappointed because i can't get my expectations up.
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Nah only made my life better once I found out about the blackpill. Girls treat me good now so idgaf.
I’m definitely treated better by everyone. Im objectively better looking than before.
Its just so tough seeing through people. I can’t enjoy anything. I can fake it though
I used to enjoy tv, movies, and regular music. I used to introduce myself to new people (at work, in class etc. even to girls). I used to try to talk to any girl I had class with. I was so excited when I thought about my future. I liked hanging out with people.
Today, Im doing well financially but I’m so damn lonely since I moved to a new city for my job.
The blackpill hit so hard I’m practically numb. I don’t feel anything anymore. Its Difficult for me to even care about people I used to know. I don’t even try introducing myself to girls unless they introduce themselves first.
I wasted so much time because of red pill stuff. I could have been saving money. I could have tried to get MSE, or eating leaner. The black pill is harsh and cruel, but it’s fair.
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