I need help boyos. (Everyone help)

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Deleted member 281

PhD in LDARing.
Sep 10, 2018
My ex-oneitis just texted me wishing me luck with tomorrow's exam, I said thank you and wished her luck with her exam, and she replied with thanks.

Last time I talked to her I said I wanted nothing to do with her other than fuck her brains out, literally, and she got really upset and blocked me on WhatsApp telling me she will never talk to me again, she texted me today, (via normal SMS) 4 months later. My question is, should I continue the conversation or not? If I should, what should I say?
yes bro/no man
if shes texting you now she probably wants you to fuck her brains out tbh? alternatively she might forgive forget just be friends xD but idk tbh thats for you to figure otu
idk how you are/how you two are but maybe ask her if she wants to study together? ive heard that thats a thing nts do. idk try asking some questions on the exam stuff see where that takes you, if shes responsive why not go for it tbh
if shes texting you now she probably wants you to fuck her brains out tbh? alternatively she might forgive forget just be friends xD but idk tbh thats for you to figure otu
idk how you are/how you two are but maybe ask her if she wants to study together? ive heard that thats a thing nts do. idk try asking some questions on the exam stuff see where that takes you, if shes responsive why not go for it tbh
It's a very complicated story, we studied together, she even sexted me but gave me nothing IRL. Didn't even kiss me. She did tell me she was a virgin and was perhaps scared, or just using me for attention, idk what to do tbh.
You know what boyos? FUCK IT! Let me just continue texting her, saying whatever comes to mind lmao
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you option is ldar
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just apologise for being rude the last time and start over.
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If it seems like she's interested in fucking or wants to forgive and forget and just be friends (idk if you want this, I'm guessing not), probably apologize for being rude but make sure it's not too beta
lool why would you apologize to her if you didnt rape her
cucks itt
you made clear you want to fuck her, she keeps talking to you. talk to her, see where it goes
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You talk like that to your oneitis? High T alpha :chad: wtf?
tell her lose 30 lbs go gym buy car and own a house or gtfo
Low inhib af.

I would just move on tbh. Pretend nothing happened and move on.
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tell her lose 30 lbs go gym buy car and own a house or gtfo
You talk like that to your oneitis? High T alpha :chad: wtf?
I used to be kind to her, but when I realized she wasn't going to give me her pussy I used to say literally whatever came to mind. Sometimes she used to text me "what are you doing?" And I used to reply with "watching porn" KEK.
Low inhib af.

I would just move on tbh. Pretend nothing happened and move on.
I did, now she randomly texts me 4 months later, something is fishy, tbh.:feelstastyman:
Update no 2: she just unblocked me on WhatsApp.
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She wants the cawk OP
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He is clearly sending her low effort low inhib replies.
He's not her emotional support and not her $ cuck so why the fuck would she text him if not for his dick when it's almost certain that her whole world revolves around her holes
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My ex-oneitis just texted me wishing me luck with tomorrow's exam, I said thank you and wished her luck with her exam, and she replied with thanks.

Last time I talked to her I said I wanted nothing to do with her other than fuck her brains out, literally, and she got really upset and blocked me on WhatsApp telling me she will never talk to me again, she texted me today, (via normal SMS) 4 months later. My question is, should I continue the conversation or not? If I should, what should I say?
Just confront her saying "I thought you would "never talk to me again?"
Those are always the best conversations.
  • +1
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Just confront her saying "I thought you would "never talk to me again?"
Those are always the best conversations.
Dude find out what she wants from you, cut to the chase can't waste time with bullshit you already seem low inhib asf anyway. Tell her you are still down to fuck her brains out jfl.
Just throw your phone in the river to avoid anxiety.
I think she wants you to fuck her tbh
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Reactions: SquareChinOrDeath and Deleted member 281
Just confront her saying "I thought you would "never talk to me again?"
Those are always the best conversations.
Hahahaha, too late now.

Jk bro @battlefieldincel just build.up repore and fuck her
I'll bring up fucking as soon as possible and post screenshots here.
Not really.
Alright, will do it when I have time (tomorrow). Currently I have to study, can't waste time with her, she is massive talker, can keep talking for an hour.
Dude find out what she wants from you, cut to the chase can't waste time with bullshit you already seem low inhib asf anyway. Tell her you are still down to fuck her brains out jfl.
I'll find out what she wants soon enough and update.
I think she wants you to fuck her tbh
I should have mentioned this in the original post too, she always behaved like she had a massive crush on me, but never gave me anything, it's probably because she either likes me and is a paranoid virgin or she is a huuuuggggeeeee attention whore.
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Hell yeah bro u got this
I don't even know where I'd bang her though, I have no job to rent a hotel room, I have no car, I don't have my own place, I'll just live of the validation that she wants to bang (if she wants to).
I don't even know where I'd bang her though, I have no job to rent a hotel room, I have no car, I don't have my own place, I'll just live of the validation that she wants to bang (if she wants to).
Just fucking in the street like the indians
Just fucking in the street like the indians
Even when we used to talk before she always used to ask where would we even fuck? Guess we are going to have to do it in public toilets.
Even when we used to talk before she always used to ask where would we even fuck? Guess we are going to have to do it in public toilets.
A friend actually did that before not a bad idea
If ur low inhib u will be fine
Tell her to read Siege, by James Mason @Ledgemund
She wants your dick if she comes back after telling you that she never wants to talk to you again.
She probably wouldn't get upset if chad said he only wants to have sex with her, don't set your expectations high.
She got upset because I told her fucking is the ONLY thing I wanted. I had told her before that I wanted to fuck and she never got upset then.
Femoids are submissive, flirty and make it easy for chad, if you're getting shit-tested then you're likely a potential betabux or being cock teased.
@that avi
Femoids are submissive, flirty and make it easy for chad, if you're getting shit-tested then you're likely a potential betabux or being cock teased.
Yes but some pretend to not want to get fucked to not seem like a slut. Secretly they want it.
I only have texting experience as an anonymous guy though.

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