I often have the same nightmare

Lonenely sigma

Lonenely sigma

Future "username-o-plasty" candidate
Oct 22, 2022
Ever since I was a kid, I always (like once every 20 days) had this very similar nightmare repeating.

It would start on a beach. Sun would be very bright and shine directly above me. There are many colors and it all feels so bright. It has that "liminal space" vibe to it.

I am always completely alone on this beach, which is kilometers long. There is nobody in sight wherever I go. Also, there is absolutely 0 sound whatsoever. Pure silence and solitude in the middle of the day.

Then, out of nowhere, a huge wave would wash the entire beach. Most of the time I dream this, I manage to survive, but its always followed by me trying to find my stuff and seeing one by one get further and further away from me, being carried by the waves.

Anyone experiences smt similar to this?

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