i prefer going to work than fucking this girl am I low T?



Sep 5, 2019
when i go to work i actually look forward to it, socialising with lots of others who are similar interests wise, doing things i enjoy and get fufillment out of it. it also shapes my day which is super important for me or i go bat shit insane rapidly

when i have to see this girl sometimes after work, i just cant be bothered anymore. sex is just mediocre in general and i get especially triggered when she tries to make an effort by buying more useless shit like "sexy underwear" to get me in the mood

im going away with her soon and i honestly predict it to be much worse than workcelling, i will want to rip her head off by the end of the stay i can feel it now.

and before you say find a different girl, this girl is ideal; pheno matched, GL, sexy, smart etc its just not that enjoyable for me and i cannot imagine how fucking bad it must be if you are married and living together long term

ive been trying to think of the solution but honestly, you cant win becasue without her im sure id miss her, when im with her i want to be alone etc. the other thing is im feeling guilt becasue she deserves much better and could easily find someone who would treat her much better imo

life is just mental, its not just her, when im with the same people for a period of time i just dont enjoy it anymore. like a game or a film when youve seen it once its just never the same
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You might be gay :feelsyay:
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peanut head motherfucker

you may be low T or homosexual
you paint such a beautiful picture with your words that I didn't read

next time try an actual picture
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im feeling guilt becasue she deserves much better and could easily find someone who would treat her much better imo
This is pretty low T actually.
"You deserve better queen! You go girl!"
you paint such a beautiful picture with your words that I didn't read

next time try an actual pucture

photo of what mate, its just not fun anymore i dont even think im depressed as i look forward to work

i think ive just mentally put her behind everything else
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  • Woah
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I had a problem with my one night stand. I jerked off before she came over and instantly flooded with feeling of regret and low t, low sex drive. Just stay in no fap and fuck her
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photo of what mate, its just not fun anymore i dont even think im depressed as i look forward to work

i think ive just mentally put her behind everything else
You said "this girl".

One can be forgiven for believing that one was about to view a photograph.
This is pretty low T actually.
"You deserve better queen! You go girl!"

once again black and white thinking by you

i just recognise im not treating her well as other men could, and probably even not satisfying her as im not even satisfied myself

lets hope you get to experiance this mate, i doubt it though
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I had a problem with my one night stand. I jerked off before she came over and instantly flooded with feeling of regret and low t, low sex drive. Just stay in no fap and fuck her

yep + workcelling drains you too. just oldcell problems

like i said, if i was living with this girl i would be needed to be refered to the mental hospidal asap, i can just about manage a few evenings a week. even a day on the weekend is too much

i know now why my manager tries to stay at work for as long as possible
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cage bragging mongoloid
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den red but i bet op is a fag
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It has corelation with your inner narcisism maybe , and with our age..dunno
Maybe yours and her mindset isnt in harmony like she may be pretty or high class, but there may be some deep connection missing
This is why many people are single nowadays
Good that u enjoy going to work, i try to make money without being forced to workcelling, i hate sitting at the same plac efor 8 hours with other people who are all bluepilled af and have boring lives , 7 to 4 and live for weekends
Life is complicated
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It has corelation with your inner narcisism maybe , and with our age..dunno
Maybe yours and her mindset isnt in harmony like she may be pretty or high class, but there may be some deep connection missing
This is why many people are single nowadays
Good that u enjoy going to work, i try to make money without being forced to workcelling, i hate sitting at the same plac efor 8 hours with other people who are all bluepilled af and have boring lives , 7 to 4 and live for weekends
Life is complicated

yes i dont work that typical job anymore, i do something i actually enjoy with very genuine people and i only work half days but bring some work back. the average office job is full of scumbags

the really fucked up thing is i think she actually likes that i am indifferent with her, she thinks its like a challenge for her to win me over again or something like its her job to fix it. i honestly dont think she wants some guy to just make her life smooth

i really struggle to know whats better, i know even if i was completely single i wouldnt even care to go out and slay - now i want knowledge, fufillment and to progress in my craft.

maybe it is related to narcisism in the way im self driven, but i dont think im a typical entitled narc i want to earn and deserve everything i achieve
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Your problem is not a rare, i know some people who are similiar
Maybe u are too selfish and maybe narcy and maybe already too old to accept someone new in your life to making compromises, and so
Many odlcell remains single from the factors above

I feel that i am low T too, i like high class looking females, i dont like big asses, big tits on females, and all that stuff
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Your problem is not a rare, i know some people who are similiar
Maybe u are too selfish and maybe narcy and maybe already too old to accept someone new in your life to making compromises, and so
Many odlcell remains single from the factors above

I feel that i am low T too, i like high class looking females, i dont like big asses, big tits on females, and all that stuff

ye all my friends in LTR are depressed and misrable, when i see them they just moan about their partner

i dont need to experiance that to know, i feel like im drowning when i even have to spend 2-3 days with her

there hasnt been one happy marriage in the history of mankind, its just unnatual

if you look in the natural world, almost always the parents never stay together...then you get the spider where the mother eats the father to provide nutriants for the baby.
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ye all my friends in LTR are depressed and misrable, when i see them they just moan about their partner

i dont need to experiance that to know, i feel like im drowning when i even have to spend 2-3 days with her

there hasnt been one happy marriage in the history of mankind, its just unnatual

if you look in the natural world, almost always the parents never stay together...then you get the spider where the mother eats the father to provide nutriants for the baby.

Ok i have similiar problem
Most my friends have LTR but i am too narcy and sellfish to accept someone in my life
And all that bullshit they need to handle in their LTR i am happy alone
We are "single" generation and ther ewill be much more isngle people

Last time i had something to really fullfill me was 5 years ago when i was a member of amateur theathre and staying on stage was best feeling for me
Unlucky, i am oldcell with not so much talent so there were no chance for me to be an legit actor
So fucking depressing that i only desire something i couldnt achieve, so pls and alcohol arrived to my life
Now i try to find inner peace and harmony, but its hard
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Now i try to find inner peace and harmony, but its hard

thats what i feel, its the only thing left

life is just a long path to find yourself, to find it you must try everything and once you find it then you simply drop everything else

and ye, LTR are impossible now if you arnt just a complete walkover, becasue women life is drastically different and they will not change for you. you either allow them to live their life by making sacrifices to your own life or you do it alone

but i think you are right, maybe in the near future you will be married and not even sleep in the same house, i dont even like to sleep in the same bed as this girl
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thats what i feel, its the only thing left

life is just a long path to find yourself, to find it you must try everything and once you find it then you simply drop everything else

and ye, LTR are impossible now if you arnt just a complete walkover, becasue women life is drastically different and they will not change for you. you either allow them to live their life by making sacrifices to your own life or you do it alone

but i think you are right, maybe in the near future you will be married and not even sleep in the same house, i dont even like to sleep in the same bed as this girl
Fuark extreme legit
I always hated to sleep with the girl at bed
I cannot imagine to have bedroom together, i need my on laptop and cope with own thing
Such a legit thing
i think when i will have some weird kind of LTr with a female, we will live in separate apartments lol
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nah not really if you get sex regurally

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