I realized most whores are generally ugly



🐜🍑 🐜🐜🐜🐜
Aug 14, 2022
They are usually insecure about their average face or whatever personal problems which is why most women cope with makeup you’ll see the top percent literally don’t need makeup

all women are whores obviously but don’t let these mtbs or lower make you feel bad.
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Water. They’re also very loud and rude too
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if a ugly girl holds off on sec the dude dips if she puts out he might stay lol
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Water. They’re also very loud and rude too
What do you think of the women who are quiet most of the time but are actually insecure?
I knew a girl who didn’t think she was that pretty but was actually really cute.. but she was pretty feminine and quiet. She didn’t really talk to many people, and you had to actually talk with her for a bit for her to talk with you

You think this girl is a hoe or not?
She did drugs too, but basic like weed.. only had a few friends, but tbh I think she did weed to cope with a family member who she lost.
The few friends, she was only in a small friendship group of 3 in total. She didn’t go to clubs/parties.. but was turned on at the thought of serial killers/ murderers. She actually liked Jeremy Meeks before blackpill lol
She liked Christian bale too because he was a serial killer

She was also on antidepressants for a while but she didn’t sleep with anyone during that time period

Very extreme mixed signals

But I feel like if you do weed you must have at least a few times fucked around right?
She was also kinda forward with guys when drunk (maybe that’s her pattern when she gets drunk?)

I’m really confused by women like that, but don’t think we should jump to the immediate worst scenario. That’s incel mentality
What do you think though?
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Reactions: try2beme, Darkeningstar, ElTruecel and 2 others
What do you think of the women who are quiet most of the time but are actually insecure?
I knew a girl who didn’t think she was that pretty but was actually really cute.. but she was pretty feminine and quiet. She didn’t really talk to many people, and you had to actually talk with her for a bit for her to talk with you

You think this girl is a hoe or not?
She did drugs too, but basic like weed.. only had a few friends, but tbh I think she did weed to cope with a family member who she lost.
The few friends, she was only in a small friendship group of 3 in total. She didn’t go to clubs/parties.. but was turned on at the thought of serial killers/ murderers. She actually liked Jeremy Meeks before blackpill lol
She liked Christian bale too because he was a serial killer

She was also on antidepressants for a while but she didn’t sleep with anyone during that time period

Very extreme mixed signals

But I feel like if you do weed you must have at least a few times fucked around right?
She was also kinda forward with guys when drunk (maybe that’s her pattern when she gets drunk?)

I’m really confused by women like that, but don’t think we should jump to the immediate worst scenario. That’s incel mentality
What do you think though?
Are u the foid lol, oddly specific pick me girl writing
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  • JFL
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@greycel be very weary but sounds more ideal than the majority of foids
  • JFL
  • Woah
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@greycel be very weary but sounds more ideal than the majority of foids
You sure?
I think that’s the average foid, at least in the west

In Dominican Republic, mullattos and mestizos fuck around a lot right? The foid is from US of A, a white part of it
So maybe she is more than ideal for your area but what do you think relative to white people in US?

Most women who are not absolute whores who go clubbing etc, would be like this I think.

I remember when we were 15 she told me with a surprised/ disgusted/ looking down on, but kind of show off way that, in the toilets the high schoolers in her year hook up

Man I really wish she saved herself for me, I would have given her the world.
I truly think that her and my soul were meant to be together in this life.
And she really wanted me too, despite being deformed LTN because we had the exact same personalities and were each others EXACT type (we looked very similar)

She was quite literally Terrastacy for me. Way beyond Stacy or gigastacy (she was top 3 most beautiful women I’ve ever seen online or in person, even before I spoke to her). Objectively she was much lower than that, but subjectively she was me ran through a female filter.
Imagine Brooke Shields coming to you bro and doing all the hard work of moving to you, and you both have the exact same personality, and you and Brooke Shields talk for hours everyday together and she actually loves you

Oh well..
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tbh yeah if you can find a girl you would consider mtb but she isnt wearing makeup, she is probably top 5%
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  • JFL
  • Hmm...
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Damn @greycel so you also fumbled the bag with a foid before. But it seems this one was more serious for you
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Reactions: lunin7 and greycel
Damn @greycel so you also fumbled the bag with a foid before. But it seems this one was more serious for you
Not I fumbled the bag bro, I could’ve been with her and honestly maybe even had the chance to make things serious ngel

But I’m always tossing and turning wondering if I did the right thing. I don’t know if she had a 0 bc
The reason guys want women with low body counts is that they will still be feminine and submissive, and will not be affected by past trauma

She clearly didn’t have any of that, was extremely feminine, kind of protective of me when other women were talking to me, she’d come close and ask me to go somewhere with her.. and 99.999+ % of single guys would have gotten with her, especially since she was objectively Stacylite, feminine, very cute, LTR material
Then for me specifically she wasn’t just Stacylite, but genuinely a terrastacy. Way hotter for me than any PSL Icon Foid is for the average guy.. like Margot Robbie/ Prime Megan Fox/ Maddison Beer
Imagine they came up to the average dude, that’s what it was like for me, because she was subjectively perfect for my type

Exactly what I’d look like, but a cuter version of me ran through a female filter

I genuinely was in awe when I first saw her, and most ppl there knew yeah she was cute/pretty but nobody had even close of a reaction to her specifically that I did
There was also a 17 year old Stacy actual model there that was objectively more beautiful but was not my type at all

I personally though can’t live knowing that my wife has opened her legs for another man before, so one night when we were together and both very drunk, and she was giving extremely hard IOIs (I won’t get into detail), I still didn’t sleep with her
Most other guys are cool with low body counts and that’s good, honestly very recommendable, but I personally would never marry or even have a gf for the rest of my life if she’s been with another dude
I’d pick a MTB 0 bc over a Gigastacy (or in this case Terrastacy), with even 1bc

I still didn’t sleep with her, despite that 99.99999+% of guys would, even the “devout” Christians/Muslims etc

It just didn’t align with what I believe in morally

But I’m always wondering if she had a 0 bc then or not
Did I make the right decision?
Everything could have been the most perfect existence man, I truly could have my choice with any girl in the world and it would be her (not even talking from an emotional standpoint, just physical), and then you add the fact that emotionally I was into her from talking with her and we had the exact same personalities, which I’ve only seen with a few women in my entire life..

The chances of all this stuff is truly objectively speaking 1/ billions. I am incredibly lucky amongst the people who are incredibly lucky amongst the people who are incredibly lucky
Or should I say that I’m exceptionally unlucky, given how close all of this was

I need closure man. Was she a virgin you think?
I should also add that once we were going through her phone, and the most recent pic was an actual PSL Chad in a selfie pic
It lowkey fucked me up inside and I became a bit cold and I think she saw that. Just be first theory lol.. who probably wasn’t even into her and she wasn’t his type. Just used for a pump and dump if anything, she deffo wasn’t the type to be unfaithful to someone if she was in LTR

But it could have been a Snapchat selfie too, I did see a faint filter iirc

Which one do you think is more likely and what do you think are the percentage chances she fulfilled my criteria of 0bc?
I just want closure, but I don’t want you to lie to me dude
I’d honestly just get closure after I hear a 3rd parties response on this

Also what do you mean “also” :feelshehe:
You got a story to tell?
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Reactions: STUPIDREFEREES, ElTruecel and lunin7
What do you think of the women who are quiet most of the time but are actually insecure?
I knew a girl who didn’t think she was that pretty but was actually really cute.. but she was pretty feminine and quiet. She didn’t really talk to many people, and you had to actually talk with her for a bit for her to talk with you

You think this girl is a hoe or not?
She did drugs too, but basic like weed.. only had a few friends, but tbh I think she did weed to cope with a family member who she lost.
The few friends, she was only in a small friendship group of 3 in total. She didn’t go to clubs/parties.. but was turned on at the thought of serial killers/ murderers. She actually liked Jeremy Meeks before blackpill lol
She liked Christian bale too because he was a serial killer

She was also on antidepressants for a while but she didn’t sleep with anyone during that time period

Very extreme mixed signals

But I feel like if you do weed you must have at least a few times fucked around right?
She was also kinda forward with guys when drunk (maybe that’s her pattern when she gets drunk?)

I’m really confused by women like that, but don’t think we should jump to the immediate worst scenario. That’s incel mentality
What do you think though?
Similar experience with a similar girl, but she was not that different from others.
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Similar experience with a similar girl, but she was not that different from others.
Lifefuel then ig
Maybe I did the right thing for myself :)

Thank you man
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Lifefuel then ig
Maybe I did the right thing for myself :)

Thank you man
I was obscured by a deep feeling that prevented me from recognizing that her behaviors mirrored those of many others. It is true that I had character similarities with her, many, it is true that she had an un-normalized character and attitude. But some dynamics were the same, and she was not too different in those.
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Reactions: greycel
They are usually insecure about their average face or whatever personal problems which is why most women cope with makeup you’ll see the top percent literally don’t need makeup

all women are whores obviously but don’t let these mtbs or lower make you feel bad.
Top tier girls just ltr top value men which are rare

Ugly girls chase dopamine and validation from anywhere mainly normies
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Reactions: lunin7 and Darkeningstar
What do you think of the women who are quiet most of the time but are actually insecure?
I knew a girl who didn’t think she was that pretty but was actually really cute.. but she was pretty feminine and quiet. She didn’t really talk to many people, and you had to actually talk with her for a bit for her to talk with you

You think this girl is a hoe or not?
She did drugs too, but basic like weed.. only had a few friends, but tbh I think she did weed to cope with a family member who she lost.
The few friends, she was only in a small friendship group of 3 in total. She didn’t go to clubs/parties.. but was turned on at the thought of serial killers/ murderers. She actually liked Jeremy Meeks before blackpill lol
She liked Christian bale too because he was a serial killer

She was also on antidepressants for a while but she didn’t sleep with anyone during that time period

Very extreme mixed signals

But I feel like if you do weed you must have at least a few times fucked around right?
She was also kinda forward with guys when drunk (maybe that’s her pattern when she gets drunk?)

I’m really confused by women like that, but don’t think we should jump to the immediate worst scenario. That’s incel mentality
What do you think though?
Give me her insta
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  • Ugh..
Reactions: lunin7 and greycel
Give me her insta
She looked like this girl, but only in this video:

As in, she doesn’t look like the chick herself, but what she looked like in the video. Her body is worse than this chick though.
Also her nose is less sharp and less projected. Also her chin is less sharp and less projected too

But other than that they were exactly the same
Terrastacy for me, subjectively, she’s me ran through a female filter
Objectively a very cute, (less hot, more cute) LTR type low Stacylite
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@greycel its best if u did an ltr rather than just fucking immediately I would never take a virgin’s virginity that quickly
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@greycel its best if u did an ltr rather than just fucking immediately I would never take a virgin’s virginity that quickly
I didn’t fuck her
I wanted to, and would’ve if I saw myself in a LTR with her
But I don’t think she saved herself for the person she wants to LTR with, so I didn’t
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Reactions: lunin7 and ElTruecel
What do you think of the women who are quiet most of the time but are actually insecure?
I knew a girl who didn’t think she was that pretty but was actually really cute.. but she was pretty feminine and quiet. She didn’t really talk to many people, and you had to actually talk with her for a bit for her to talk with you

You think this girl is a hoe or not?
She did drugs too, but basic like weed.. only had a few friends, but tbh I think she did weed to cope with a family member who she lost.
The few friends, she was only in a small friendship group of 3 in total. She didn’t go to clubs/parties.. but was turned on at the thought of serial killers/ murderers. She actually liked Jeremy Meeks before blackpill lol
She liked Christian bale too because he was a serial killer

She was also on antidepressants for a while but she didn’t sleep with anyone during that time period

Very extreme mixed signals

But I feel like if you do weed you must have at least a few times fucked around right?
She was also kinda forward with guys when drunk (maybe that’s her pattern when she gets drunk?)

I’m really confused by women like that, but don’t think we should jump to the immediate worst scenario. That’s incel mentality
What do you think though?
seems like a BPD discord zoomer white femcel
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seems like a BPD discord zoomer white femcel
She prolly had mental issues and shit ngl
Looked like the chick I sent in the video but less sharp chin and less pointy and projected nose

More feminine version of her

Objectively a stacylite though

She didn’t watch anime/ play any games
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