I realized Ray peat is probably right about starch



Oct 16, 2023
usually I eat a starch-heavy diet of potatoes and white rice (with plenty of butter to ameliorate endotoxins) but today I ate mostly fruit and raw cheese and felt noticeably better than when I eat starch.
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ofc cuz youre feeding up your microbiota with good food.
Yes and should always consume your sugar along with raw fat. Either is sugar from fruits or from starch it always creates toxins inside the body (because our bodies are not suitable for consuming sugar), so the fat will protect your body.
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Either is sugar from fruits or from starch it always creates toxins inside the body (because our bodies are not suitable for consuming sugar)
Not suitable for consumeing sugar?

Yes and should always consume your sugar along with raw fat.
Yes the raw cheese is a good source of raw fat. Also macadamia nuts. The butter I eat is pasteurized and I notice I feel worse eating a lot of butter vs the raw cheese
Not suitable for consumeing sugar?

Yes the raw cheese is a good source of raw fat. Also macadamia nuts. The butter I eat is pasteurized and I notice I feel worse eating a lot of butter vs the raw cheese
I mean we aren't designed to be eating tons of sugar as we aren't herbivores. Every animal can eat fruit but they just eat a small amount.
I recommend you to stop eating that butter, better buy raw milk that's better
I mean we aren't designed to be eating tons of sugar as we aren't herbivores. Every animal can eat fruit but they just eat a small amount.
I recommend you to stop eating that butter, better buy raw milk that's better
i mean we evolved from fruit-eating primates, now yeah we recently (over a few million years) evolved to be more carnivorous.

meat is certainly great for optimal short term health, but i have two problems with it: raw meat can have parasites but cooking it makes it toxic, high protein (with tryptophan) means eating a lot of meat accelerates ageing (with the exception to collagenous meat, collagen lacks trypotophan)

you say we didnt evolve to eat much fruit, yet you recommend milk, which we are even less evolved to eat. doesnt mean its bad per se, like i think fruit is great even if we didnt evolve to eat it (we did until relatively recently) and the problem i have with raw milk is that it can have parasites (raw cheese apparently is safe), and milk in general contains lactose (cheese does not). it is my perception that the galactose moiety of lactose is problematic given its use in labs to accelerate ageing.
I mean we aren't designed to be eating tons of sugar as we aren't herbivores.
cows are herbivores yet human breast milk contains 50% more sugar than cows milk, so id interpret this as evidence to the contrary.
Yes and should always consume your sugar along with raw fat. Either is sugar from fruits or from starch it always creates toxins inside the body (because our bodies are not suitable for consuming sugar), so the fat will protect your body.
you’re retarded. the body uses glucose as it’s primary energy source which is sugar
i mean we evolved from fruit-eating primates, now yeah we recently (over a few million years) evolved to be more carnivorous.

meat is certainly great for optimal short term health, but i have two problems with it: raw meat can have parasites but cooking it makes it toxic, high protein (with tryptophan) means eating a lot of meat accelerates ageing (with the exception to collagenous meat, collagen lacks trypotophan)

you say we didnt evolve to eat much fruit, yet you recommend milk, which we are even less evolved to eat. doesnt mean its bad per se, like i think fruit is great even if we didnt evolve to eat it (we did until relatively recently) and the problem i have with raw milk is that it can have parasites (raw cheese apparently is safe), and milk in general contains lactose (cheese does not). it is my perception that the galactose moiety of lactose is problematic given its use in labs to accelerate ageing.
you would rarely get parasites from eating either raw meat or raw milk. Parasites hysteria is propaganda, they eat dead tissue only. Even though they have a symbiotic relations between animals a modern person should avoid parasites, as these can make the person weak. But these stay inside people for a long time when they have a particular diet like 90% grain based, which is something you see in really poor countries.

A lot of persons have not digestion problems when drinking raw milk. If I remember correctly this is due lactose it's unaltered (not cooked). They recommend drinking it warm because when the milk is cold lactose loses their bio availability , something like that. If you still have problems mix it with raw honey and always drink this mixture until you get better digestion.

You should consider trying raw milk one day. Some ethnics countries still drink it like that, Americans use to drink enough raw milk on a daily basis before the propaganda against it started

I see we have different points of view. I don't believe in evolution for example. You definitely know more about sugar than me. The thing is eating your sugar meals along with the raw cheese it's really good for you. It's a really good food combination that is able to lower your stress levels, avoids the acceleration of aging and helps the digestion of the fat. Avoid grains and starch too.
cows are herbivores yet human breast milk contains 50% more sugar than cows milk, so id interpret this as evidence to the contrary.
Raw fat has the property of being protective. It will protect the body from toxic chemicals. I beleive the fat in raw milk in addition to digesting better when mixed with sugar, it will protect the child from sugar byproducts and galactose.
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you’re retarded. the body uses glucose as it’s primary energy source which is sugar
Every carnivore body needs sugar. But the body will make its own sugar derived from meat (raw) , which it's better than glucose( don't remeber how that was called rn). It's all I know really.
Every carnivore body needs sugar. But the body will make its own sugar derived from meat (raw) , which it's better than glucose( don't remeber how that was called rn). It's all I know really.
your body stores sugar as glycogen that can be made from meat which it breaks down into glucose, which is used for energy.
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