I started my NT-maxxing journey today



In a better place
Mar 31, 2019
I've been telling myself I'd start doing this for weeks but today I finally gathered up the courage to do it (without help from NoFap or working out btw). I approached 4 people and asked them what time it was, and one of the times I complimented the stranger on his car which probably gave me the most confidence. On the third time I approached this decently attractive older woman (maybe about 35) and I wasn't even that nervous when I asked her. The two other times I just asked older couples.

After doing this I felt a lot more confident and definitely more "NT" than I did before, and if I keep doing stuff like this for a few days I'll be able to start conversations with strangers and meet new people. I'm going out again after I eat dinner and will approach more people. Feel great right now about this and highly recommend doing it for everyone here
  • Ugh..
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this is basically r/redpill field report at this point

and wow you did it without nofap or working out, insane!!
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Reactions: Arkantos
this is basically r/redpill field report at this point

and wow you did it without nofap or working out, insane!!

Progress is progress, if I keep going at this rate I'll be doing better than 95% of the people on this forum within 2 weeks. How come you hate on everything you say now?
Progress is progress, if I keep going at this rate I'll be doing better than 95% of the people on this forum within 2 weeks. How come you hate on everything you say now?
jfl, as if being nt will get you pussy.

weird cope but ok.
fucking autist inject testosterone and stop worrying about ntmaxxing you fake retarded piece of shit
  • JFL
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Reactions: fukmylyf and SikKunt
tbf this is retarded, to become NT do NT things. what you did here was aspie as fuck not NT
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Go socialize as much as possible and put yourself in as many social situations through work, school, meetup, social groups clubbing etc
Most of you guys are just socially awkward from lack of socializing and it’s painfully in obvious in this forum.

It takes time but it’s possible good luck on your journey
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Reactions: middayshowers, CarlSagan96, GhastlyGhoul and 1 other person
fucking autist inject testosterone and stop worrying about ntmaxxing you fake retarded piece of shit

I feel like you're one of those people who believes "redpill" is when you don't even try because it's not worth it.

Why shit on someone for trying?
  • +1
Reactions: GhastlyGhoul
Go socialize as much as possible and put yourself in as many social situations through work, school, meetup, social groups clubbing etc
Most of you guys are just socially awkward from lack of socializing and it’s painfully in obvious in this forum.

It takes time but it’s possible good luck on your journey
I feel like you're one of those people who believes "redpill" is when you don't even try because it's not worth it.

Why shit on someone for trying?
Because It's retarded and a waste of fucking time, Looks gets you NT-ness, you'll just seem like a tryhard if you're an ugly piece of shit.
Just Looksmax and everything will come with it. NT won't get you pussy, Looks will.
  • +1
Reactions: Arkantos, hebbewem and supercilious_knowall
Because It's retarded and a waste of fucking time, Looks gets you NT-ness, you'll just seem like a tryhard if you're an ugly piece of shit.
Just Looksmax and everything will come with it. NT won't get you pussy, Looks will.

Being outgoing isn't gonna get you better women than your face demands, but being shy will damn sure stop you from getting anywhere.

Leave the basement sometimes.
  • +1
Reactions: GhastlyGhoul
Leave the basement sometimes.
Damn bro you got me good, I'll throw away the piss bottles and become a better human bean that respekts wymyn :)
Being outgoing isn't gonna get you better women than your face demands, but being shy will damn sure stop you from getting anywhere.

Leave the basement sometimes.
  • +1
Reactions: GhastlyGhoul
Damn bro you got me good, I'll throw away the piss bottles and become a better human bean that respekts wymyn :)

Whatever. Being C.H.U.D. isn't being respilled, it's pussy af
Whatever. Being C.H.U.D. isn't being respilled, it's pussy af
Damn bro you got me good, I'll throw away the piss bottles and become a better human bean that respekts wymyn :)

This pathetic piece of rotten trash doesn't know what sunlight is.
He is also a blackpill tard.
Nuff said.
  • +1
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Being outgoing isn't gonna get you better women than your face demands, but being shy will damn sure stop you from getting anywhere.

Leave the basement sometimes.
you should socialize be outgoing etc but ntmaxxing guides are retarded and bogus lol
just gymcel and inject testosterone and itll come naturally brahs
quality shitpost
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Reactions: SikKunt
tbf this is retarded, to become NT do NT things. what you did here was aspie as fuck not NT

I usually fail when it comes to real social situations where NT people are though
you should socialize be outgoing etc but ntmaxxing guides are retarded and bogus lol
just gymcel and inject testosterone and itll come naturally brahs

NoFap basically does the same thing, I tried doing this while not on a NoFap streak so it would be more difficult. On NoFap doing this is easy
I usually fail when it comes to real social situations where NT people are though

NoFap basically does the same thing, I tried doing this while not on a NoFap streak so it would be more difficult. On NoFap doing this is easy
failure is how you learn to be succesfull in these situations, if you were born in 96 ive got some bad news for you though buddyboyo, i didnt start socialisinguntil age 17 and i feel like im still slightly playing catch up now at age 20 still, if youre starting from strach at age 23 its going to be very very difficult. Sorry if thats not what you want to hear but it is the truth
I usually fail when it comes to real social situations where NT people are though

NoFap basically does the same thing, I tried doing this while not on a NoFap streak so it would be more difficult. On NoFap doing this is easy
bro how old are you? stop being a pussy and inject testosterone man
bro how old are you? stop being a pussy and inject testosterone man

17, testosterone injecting isn't a lifelong option though, you need to be able to communicate with people even when you aren't feeling your best
failure is how you learn to be succesfull in these situations, if you were born in 96 ive got some bad news for you though buddyboyo, i didnt start socialisinguntil age 17 and i feel like im still slightly playing catch up now at age 20 still, if youre starting from strach at age 23 its going to be very very difficult. Sorry if thats not what you want to hear but it is the truth

No I put 96 on my username because that's when Carl Sagan died. I'm 17 but I used to have good social skills when I was a kid and I was actually pretty popular in my class between like age 11 and 13. Then it went downhill though and hasn't recovered. Almost no real life friends but there's a handful of people I still talked to
failure is how you learn to be succesfull in these situations, if you were born in 96 ive got some bad news for you though buddyboyo, i didnt start socialisinguntil age 17 and i feel like im still slightly playing catch up now at age 20 still, if youre starting from strach at age 23 its going to be very very difficult. Sorry if thats not what you want to hear but it is the truth

I really hope I won't still be far behind most people in a few years from now though, I think if I practice consistently I can go back to how I once was
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