I think I have some insight into why women get cold when we compliment them online on dating apps, IG, etc



Jul 12, 2019
I've been texting with this filipina cougar a decade older than me. She agreed to me taking her out on a date Friday. When I called her sexy she said, "why are you calling me sexy?" She said that she is just average.

It appears that average women and below-average women can tell when guys are being thirsty and just gassing them up. Women are very insecure and are aware of where they stand vis-a-vis other women.

I think there is a good possibility that the Filipina will sleep with me. But when I called her sexy, she shut that shit down immediately. lol. I think she intuitively understands that it's been awhile since I got laid and that this is probably why I'm gassing her.

Maybe some women have enough self-awareness to understand that they are better off going with a sub-Chad who isn't spinning a bunch of plates, who doesn't have STDs (and therefore can go raw instead of using shitty condoms) and is emotionally available. Compared to going with these Chads who are emotionally unavailable, unavailable period, spinning plates, has lots of STDs.

The filipina woman told me that she wants a sweet man. So maybe she can intuitively tell that I'm thirsty enough to give her affection in order to get the sex that I want.

I had an alternative theory recently that modern women don't believe in love anymore. And would rather have casual sex with non-commital Chads rather than offer sex to lower-value men who freely offer commitment and affection. But maybe there are still some women out there who place a higher premium on affection than Chad dick out there. Right now it seems like most women either want the Chad or they want a utilitarian man who can split the rent/mortgage on a 1-2 bedroom apartment in the city. It is very expensive to live on your own in 2019 with the housing prices being what they are. So I get the sense that a lot of relatoinships and marriages are formed out of financial convenience. Even if the wife/gf works full-time and isn't being beta provided for, it's more affordable to split the costs on a 1-2 bedroom apartment rather than to live by yourself. And singles well into their 30s even tend to live with room mates or their parents (me) to cut costs and save money.
Not a single word. XD
The hot Asian MILF a few years older than me (another woman, not the same one) also checked me twice when I called her sexy. Even though she is legitimately sexy. But the second time I called her sexy, she said that I was definitely sexy. Even attractive women have shitty self-esteem. I don't know what the deal is with women. Do they think that we are all fuckboys and that we all don't want commitment? I would literally eat out of this hot Asian MILF's asshole. I would commit to her 100%. Provide her all the affection she wants. I prefer my ex-gf Yogapants but the hot Asian MILF meets that threshold where I want to cash in my chips immediately. I would be perfectly happy to have her as my gf. But yet I feel like these women think they are too good for me and that they only want Chad. Yet some of these girls will legit flirt with me and say that I'm sexy. Ugh. lol.

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