I think my wife might be cheating on me with a 17-year-old she coaches... but I don’t know for sure. What should I do?



Sep 17, 2023
Alright, I never thought I’d be in this situation, but I’m completely at a loss here and I need some advice. My wife (33F) has been acting really strange lately, and I’m starting to think she might be cheating on me… with one of the kids she coaches. I feel sick even typing that.

Some background: my wife is an accountant by day, and in the evenings, she volunteers as a soccer coach for a local youth team. She's always loved soccer, and I thought it was great that she was so involved with the kids and the community. But recently, she’s been dropping weird comments that are starting to really concern me.

It all started about two months ago. She casually mentioned one of the boys on her team — he’s 17, and I won’t say his name for obvious reasons. At first, it was harmless stuff, like “He’s really talented for his age” or “He’s a natural leader on the field.” I didn’t think much of it because, well, she’s a coach, and it’s her job to encourage the kids, right?

But then the comments started to get...weird. Like one night, out of nowhere, she said, “You know, \[kid’s name\] has really pretty eyes. They’re so striking.” I remember thinking, "Uh, that’s an odd thing to say about a kid you're coaching." I kind of brushed it off at first, but then more things followed.

Another time, she came home after practice and said, “He’s so much more athletic than anyone else on the team. It’s impressive how developed he is.” Again, I tried to shake it off, but my gut started nagging at me. Why is she talking about him so much?

Then there’s the fact that she’s been getting way more secretive. She’s always been open with her phone and emails, but lately, she’s been turning her screen away from me when she texts or checks messages. I asked her about it, and she just laughed it off, saying I was being paranoid.

She’s also been staying later and later after practices. At first, she told me it was just because they were prepping for some tournament, but now, even with the tournament over, she’s still coming home late. When I ask, she gives vague excuses like, “Oh, the team needed extra help,” or “I had some paperwork to catch up on.”

Here’s the thing that really has me spiraling: Last week, I came home early from work. I expected to have the house to myself since she was supposed to be at practice, but when I walked in, I found her sitting on the couch, texting someone with a huge smile on her face. When she saw me, she quickly locked her phone and got super flustered. She said it was "just one of the parents asking about game schedules," but it didn’t feel right.

I don’t have any solid proof, but something just feels *off*. Why would she be talking about this kid’s looks? Why is she suddenly so secretive? I haven’t been able to shake the feeling that something more is going on.

I don’t want to accuse her of something so serious without any real evidence, but I also don’t want to ignore my instincts. I love her, and I really don’t want to believe she’d do something like this, especially with a kid she’s supposed to be mentoring.

So, Reddit, what should I do? Am I reading too much into this? Is she cheating on me with this 17-year-old, or am I just being paranoid? How do I even begin to confront her about something like this?

Any advice would be appreciated. I’m honestly feeling lost right now.
  • JFL
Reactions: mayo mogger
“You know, \[kid’s name\] has really pretty eyes. They’re so striking.”

:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Manchild Redditor brutally cucked by 17 year old Chad
Insane LARP
  • +1
Reactions: XtrovertNTnormalfag and mayo mogger
its one thing to get cucked by a guy your age, but a literal kid cucking you has to be the worst fucking thing ever
  • +1
  • JFL
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