I think too much about what other people are thinking when I'm talking.



Islamist jihadi and intersectional feminist
Nov 21, 2022
Whenever I say something I simultaneously try to prompt a contradictory or challenging thought which hinders my train of thought and I end up sounding autistic. I can't even say something directly and with confidence because it's always underpinned by a discomfort that I don't even believe in what I'm saying.

Like even when I tell someone let's go out - I try to prompt situations which would preclude it from happening. So I'll say let's go out, but then I follow up and say what about the football, what if the weather is shite, what if I have something got do etc.
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Nigga thinks he's me :fuk::fuk::fuk:
  • Hmm...
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Same for me I think it's because of our inhibition level.
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I hide my real personality when i talk with new friend group. I act like clown and pretend that their jokes are funny. Its feels torture. You cannot be yourself when u dont know those people well.
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I hide my real personality when i talk with new friend group. I act like clown and pretend that their jokea are funny. Its feels torture. You cannot be yourself when u dont know those people well.
Same. I'm NT AF around family but around strangers I'm different.
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Whenever I say something I simultaneously try to prompt a contradictory or challenging thought which hinders my train of thought and I end up sounding autistic. I can't even say something directly and with confidence because it's always underpinned by a discomfort that I don't even believe in what I'm saying.

Like even when I tell someone let's go out - I try to prompt situations which would preclude it from happening. So I'll say let's go out, but then I follow up and say what about the football, what if the weather is shite, what if I have something got do etc.
Whenever I talk to strangers I seem like am on auto pilot like I ain't really speaking or being myself if that makes sense
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I'm the same I assess every stranger in order to ensure that I do not say something that will offend them.I look at their mannerism,tone, ethnicity etc to ensure that whatever I say won't leave a bad taste in their mouth.It is probably since I'm paranoid and like to avoid conflict whenever possible
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  • So Sad
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I'm the same I assess every stranger in order to ensure that I do not say something that will offend them.I look at their mannerism,tone, ethnicity etc to ensure that whatever I say won't leave a bad taste in their mouth.It is probably since I'm paranoid and like to avoid conflict whenever possible
That means your a abused dog you went through some negative reinforment growing up in your formative years your brain constantly assumes someone going to do say or do something bad to you in order to protect you
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Whenever I say something I simultaneously try to prompt a contradictory or challenging thought which hinders my train of thought and I end up sounding autistic. I can't even say something directly and with confidence because it's always underpinned by a discomfort that I don't even believe in what I'm saying.

Like even when I tell someone let's go out - I try to prompt situations which would preclude it from happening. So I'll say let's go out, but then I follow up and say what about the football, what if the weather is shite, what if I have something got do etc.
yeah if i start talking about my real personality i think most of strangers will think i am autistic and run away
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caring too much kills your ability to be social
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That means your a abused dog you went through some negative reinforment growing up in your formative years your brain constantly assumes someone going to do say or do something bad to you in order to protect you
Yeah my dad used to beat me regularly as a kid and my mum never really showed me any love until much later.Then outside home I was basically a failure at everything and used to get bullied for a good part of my childhood
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Yeah my dad used to beat me regularly as a kid and my mum never really showed me any love until much later.Then outside home I was basically a failure at everything and used to get bullied for a good part of my childhood
Did that result into you becoming less and less social over the years later
Did that result into you becoming less and less social over the years later
I’m still the same socially whenever I have to go outside, I’m just very paranoid which makes me anxious.I can’t even walk 10 meters out my house because I feel that someone is out to get me
symptom of anxiety
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Do you have small frame?

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