I turned bloatmaxxed in less than 3 months. Wtf should i do?


Deleted member 3060

Be the best version of yourself.
Sep 4, 2019
Sup my fellow looksmax boys, long time no see.

I need some help. I started working out about half a year ago at 180cm/5'11 62kg/135-140lbs. My goal was to build muscle and get ripped. So I decided to bulk up slowly and I accidentally did the opposite, because I was not counting my calories right. JFL, while I was learning the exercises, form, and all at a very low weight, I was bulking really hard, and I literally gained 8kg in less than 2.5 months. Which was probably over 95% fat. Since then I have pretty much just been eating maintenance calories, not been consistent with working out at all. Problem is that I'm high body fat at a low weight and it affects my face a lot. Looking back at pictures before I was bulking my face was a lot more defined and chiseled even though I was literally skeleton tier back then (i know). Now as we all know, being lean is literally everything unless you got the right genetics for looking good with higher body fat which I don't really have.

Should I just do a slow cut to 62kgs and then slowly lean bulk my way up to 70kg again so I can stay lean throughout the process? Or should I bloatmax even more and cut later? I mean tbh, the only difference before and now is that I look fatter.

Before bulking: I literally look better before bulking and after months of working out. Jfl fuck my life.

After bulking:

Help me out boys any advice?
  • JFL
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Too little muscle, you literally made yourself skinnyfat
You must do hypertrophy training or calorie deficit
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I have gained also 6 kg in 2 months, 4 kg of muscle and 2 kg of fat. Your belly is probably big due to the gas formation because of a lot of food you have been eating. If you start eating normally that all probably will be gone. And you are looking better in the after pictures
Just keep bulking bro, if your strength increases as your weight increases, then you are gaining muscle
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U got a shit body jfl go actually train instead of just overeating and calling it bulking
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I have gained also 6 kg in 2 months, 4 kg of muscle and 2 kg of fat. Your belly is probably big due to the gas formation because of a lot of food you have been eating. If you start eating normally that all probably will be gone. And you are looking better in the after pictures

No one gains 4kg of muscle in 2 months rofl
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  • JFL
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  • JFL
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Too little muscle, you literally made yourself skinnyfat
You must do hypertrophy training or calorie deficit
Yes currently on the reddit ppl 6 days a week program, gonna start being completely consistent with working out so I can progress with the weights. Probably gonna do a cut to 62kg while giving 100% in the gym so I can start over and bulk up slowly and do it right this time.
You should stop bulking. Stay at maintenance calories while gaining strength on your program consistently, and once you find yourself unable to make progress, then you can add 250 calories to your diet. This is the best way to make progress since it minimizes fat gain and as a beginner, you'll most likely recomp (gain muscle and lose fat at the same time)

What I do myself is that I bulk on 3300-3500 calories without caring too much about my weight as long as I'm not getting too fat, if I saw myself getting too fat, I'd lower my caloric surplus but in my case since my maintenance calories are so high, to get too fat I would need to consume 4000 calories and that's just not going to happen anyways.

I think that you made the mistake of not training properly so you gained no strength and most of the extra calories went towards fat gain.

You'll find that it is not the extra calories that make you gain muscle, it is the extra strength that you gain on each exercise, either by adding reps or by adding weight.
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No one gains 4kg of muscle in 2 months rofl
But I did, I checked with bioimpedance analysis. Yes it might have some inaccuracy, but it was said that I have gained 4 lean kg and 2 bloat. I just was eating and exercising properly and . I have also been using laxogenin (which i think is a cope now) and mutant mass gainer
Dont give em false hope jfl
I literally gained 8kg in less than 3 months, I was using creatine from time to time. I weighed myself about every other week. So it's possible.
Yes currently on the reddit ppl 6 days a week program, gonna start being completely consistent with working out so I can progress with the weights. Probably gonna do a cut to 62kg while giving 100% in the gym so I can start over and bulk up slowly and do it right this time.
Cutting is a waste of time when you don't have any muscle mass, watch this video:

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I have gained also 6 kg in 2 months, 4 kg of muscle and 2 kg of fat. Your belly is probably big due to the gas formation because of a lot of food you have been eating. If you start eating normally that all probably will be gone. And you are looking better in the after pictures
Just keep bulking bro, if your strength increases as your weight increases, then you are gaining muscle
if you do everything right (extremely right), you gain 1 kg of muscle per month, most do not even half do it right, the average is 500-600g of muscle per month
But I did, I checked with bioimpedance analysis. Yes it might have some inaccuracy, but it was said that I have gained 4 lean kg and 2 bloat. I just was eating and exercising properly and . I have also been using laxogenin (which i think is a cope now) and mutant mass gainer

ye lean mass also includes nitrogen retention & water weight. It's just not 4kg of lean MUSCLE mass
if you do everything right (extremely right), you gain 1 kg of muscle per month, most do not even half do it right, the average is 500-600g of muscle per month
I don't know why you think so, but I was able to do that. Maybe mutant mass and cope laxogenin are strong supplements then
I don't know why you think so, but I was able to do that. Maybe mutant mass and cope laxogenin are strong supplements then
it's just studies, it's not my opinion
What's your body fat %? Cut to 10%, bulk until 15%, cut, rinse and repeat.
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4kg my nigga is on roids or something jfl
?? Some people in my gym claimed that newbies can gain 5 kg muscle a month without roids. But I don't believe in that. Btw I have mesomorph genetics
  • JFL
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What's your body fat %? Cut to 10%, bulk until 15%, cut, rinse and repeat.
Pretty sure i'm about 18% right now. Before I was maybe around 11-13%?, had no visible or abs in the before because I literally never worked out, did no cardio, and just ate shitty all the time. Right now I have just a tiny bit of muscle, but its all hidden under the fat, so hopefully, when I cut to 62kg, I will look a bit better and have a good starting point again.
Cutting is a waste of time when you don't have any muscle mass, watch this video:

I mean I have a bit of muscle mass for my weight now even if it's minimal. I'm at around 18% bodyfat atm I believe. And bulking even more, will just be hell for my confidence I think. isn't it just better to slowly cut down, so I don't lose my muscle mass, and get a very good starting point? I mean I will look better than I did before at that weight as the muscle mass I have now is hidden under all the fat and it will be more prominent.

Current lifts are:
Deadlift: 140kg 1rep
Overhead Press: 50kg 1 rep
Bench Press: 75kg 1 rep
Squat 90kg 5x5

I get what you mean with recomp and all and that's what I have been doing for the past months. It has made me slightly leaner but nothing drastic.
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?? Some people in my gym claimed that newbies can gain 5 kg muscle a month without roids. But I don't believe in that. Btw I have mesomorph genetics
Over for Planet Fitnesscels
I mean I have a bit of muscle mass for my weight now even if it's minimal. I'm at around 18% bodyfat atm I believe. And bulking even more, will just be hell for my confidence I think. isn't it just better to slowly cut down, so I don't lose my muscle mass, and get a very good starting point? I mean I will look better than I did before at that weight as the muscle mass I have now is hidden under all the fat and it will be more prominent.
Like I said, don't cut, maintain your weight while gaining muscle, you'll lose fat and gain muscle so in a matter of months you'll be at 10% body fat and more muscular than before. If you cut, you'll look the exact same as before. Cutting is a waste of time for those who don't have any muscle mass.
It's over your hips are wider than even mine
Like I said, don't cut, maintain your weight while gaining muscle, you'll lose fat and gain muscle so in a matter of months you'll be at 10% body fat and more muscular than before. If you cut, you'll look the exact same as before. Cutting is a waste of time for those who don't have any muscle mass.
Yes that's what I have been doing for the past months. It has made me slightly leaner but nothing drastic. So you mean that I could eventually go from 18% bf to about 10% by just maintaining my weight, working out hard, being consistent?

Current lifts are:
Deadlift: 140kg 1rep
Overhead Press: 50kg 1 rep
Bench Press: 75kg 1 rep
Squat 90kg 5x5
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It's over your hips are wider than even mine
Body is not my first priority, just want to look lean and good. There are many that have wider hips, I got a "boxy" ectomorph frame so it looks much worse.
Go "bear mode", winter is coming, you need that fat to keep you warm.
  • JFL
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Yes that's what I have been doing for the past months. It has made me slightly leaner but nothing drastic. So you mean that I could eventually go from 18% bf to about 10% by just maintaining my weight, working out hard, being consistent?
Yes, if you get stronger over time. To get stronger, you must add weight to the bar or do more reps, both count as progress.

Without progressing in the gym, you're just wasting your time, if you cut now, you won't be able to make progress because you won't be able to recover from your workouts, you can't gain muscle while in a caloric deficit, but you can gain muscle while at maintenance calories. You don't need a caloric surplus to gain muscle unless you're sub 10% body fat or anorexic. The surplus isn't what builds muscle, it's the strength gain, so why do people bulk? Because the extra fat gained from bulking helps you recover better from your workouts which helps you build muscle.

So, going by that logic, you could build muscle while at a higher body fat if you maintain your weight because you already have all the extra fat that you need. This has been explained many times. Cutting only makes sense if you are above 20% body fat and need to cut for health reasons or you're a very muscular guy and you want to be ripped, otherwise, it's a waste of time.

If you had watched the video I sent you, you would know what I'm talking about here.
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Go "bear mode", winter is coming, you need that fat to keep you warm.

Going bear mode will not halo my face. Just want to be lean enough for my face to look its best.
Yes, if you get stronger over time. To get stronger, you must add weight to the bar or do more reps, both count as progress.

Without progressing in the gym, you're just wasting your time, if you cut now, you won't be able to make progress because you won't be able to recover from your workouts, you can't gain muscle while in a caloric deficit, but you can gain muscle while at maintenance calories. You don't need a caloric surplus to gain muscle unless you're sub 10% body fat or anorexic. The surplus isn't what builds muscle, it's the strength gain, so why do people bulk? Because the extra fat gained from bulking helps you recover better from your workouts which helps you build muscle.

So, going by that logic, you could build muscle while at a higher body fat if you maintain your weight because you already have all the extra fat that you need. This has been explained many times. Cutting only makes sense if you are above 20% body fat and need to cut for health reasons or you're a very muscular guy and you want to be ripped, otherwise, it's a waste of time.

If you had watched the video I sent you, you would know what I'm talking about here.
I watched the video and I get what you're saying. Thought about cutting because I have not seeing any changes with my body for the last months with recomp and just wanted a quick fix to getting lean. And yeah it's probably because of shitty form, not being consistent, not giving my all in the gym.
Well, I will probably give recomp another go and be 100% consistent with working out, progressive overload, getting my protein in.
How long would it take to drop body fat do you think if I'm consistent with working out. About 18% bf atm
No one gains 4kg of muscle in 2 months rofl
op should inject,miofribilar hypertrophy It takes too long,unless you inject,or not be a industrialcuck
  • So Sad
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Sup my fellow looksmax boys, long time no see.

I need some help. I started working out about half a year ago at 180cm/5'11 62kg/135-140lbs. My goal was to build muscle and get ripped. So I decided to bulk up slowly and I accidentally did the opposite, because I was not counting my calories right. JFL, while I was learning the exercises, form, and all at a very low weight, I was bulking really hard, and I literally gained 8kg in less than 2.5 months. Which was probably over 95% fat. Since then I have pretty much just been eating maintenance calories, not been consistent with working out at all. Problem is that I'm high body fat at a low weight and it affects my face a lot. Looking back at pictures before I was bulking my face was a lot more defined and chiseled even though I was literally skeleton tier back then (i know). Now as we all know, being lean is literally everything unless you got the right genetics for looking good with higher body fat which I don't really have.

Should I just do a slow cut to 62kgs and then slowly lean bulk my way up to 70kg again so I can stay lean throughout the process? Or should I bloatmax even more and cut later? I mean tbh, the only difference before and now is that I look fatter.

Before bulking: I literally look better before bulking and after months of working out. Jfl fuck my life.

After bulking:

Help me out boys any advice?

Make sure to do intense empty stomach cardio every morning and lift 4x a week. Do push,pull,legs, and isolate a day for forearms,neck, and to work on any other weak point. Obviously eat accordingly which is high protein,moderate fats, and moderate carbs. 4 Meals a Day including Protein shake mixed with creatine. Adjust diet accordingly to metabolism,macros/Micros, extc
Take multivitamins and fish oil everyday. Ashwaganda plus semen retention is a bonus on minor strength gains as well. This is what I do. I'm not the strongest pound for pound in every lift but I developed a lean and muscular aesthetic body from this routine
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Sup my fellow looksmax boys, long time no see.

I need some help. I started working out about half a year ago at 180cm/5'11 62kg/135-140lbs. My goal was to build muscle and get ripped. So I decided to bulk up slowly and I accidentally did the opposite, because I was not counting my calories right. JFL, while I was learning the exercises, form, and all at a very low weight, I was bulking really hard, and I literally gained 8kg in less than 2.5 months. Which was probably over 95% fat. Since then I have pretty much just been eating maintenance calories, not been consistent with working out at all. Problem is that I'm high body fat at a low weight and it affects my face a lot. Looking back at pictures before I was bulking my face was a lot more defined and chiseled even though I was literally skeleton tier back then (i know). Now as we all know, being lean is literally everything unless you got the right genetics for looking good with higher body fat which I don't really have.

Should I just do a slow cut to 62kgs and then slowly lean bulk my way up to 70kg again so I can stay lean throughout the process? Or should I bloatmax even more and cut later? I mean tbh, the only difference before and now is that I look fatter.

Before bulking: I literally look better before bulking and after months of working out. Jfl fuck my life.

After bulking:

Help me out boys any advice?

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