I used body language from hitler speeches and got an A+ on my presenting


Deleted member 11126

Dec 4, 2020
Quite literally I went from an autist to a passionate speaker just by copying the hand motions legit for NTmaxxing I might join debate or run for Uni leadership position if you have 2 beers and mimic his body language even an autist will seem presentable.

My first presentation I was so nervious I got a bloody nose during it and I got a D+ the professor probably would have given me a zero if he didn't feel bad for me I was shaking uncontrollable and stuttering the whole time too
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Literally I feel invincible rn imagine how I will feel after getting on testosterone this is amazing I always thought I was autistic but now I am not so sure leanmaxxing and practicing is paying off!
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Clutching your hands in front of your chest while yelling is 90% of being nt
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I know you guys are going to clown on me but its working. Also Ted Bundy has great body language.

I think every autistic person should study dark triad characters. Since autistic people are not naturally NT they have to memorize it manually. Many sociopaths do the same thing this is why they are such great actors in shows they have no natural emotions so its all fake autistic people are similar in a way.

So copying certain mannerisms is a good idea although perhaps this whole aspie nonsense is just a modern day thing to explain under socialized smart children
Clutching your hands in front of your chest while yelling is 90% of being nt
Using your hands to emphasize words makes them much more meaningful and you seem more passionate I just used to keep my hands in my pocket and read off note cards and came across as a sperg
I know you guys are going to clown on me but its working. Also Ted Bundy has great body language.

I think every autistic person should study dark triad characters. Since autistic people are not naturally NT they have to memorize it manually. Many sociopaths do the same thing this is why they are such great actors in shows they have no natural emotions so its all fake autistic people are similar in a way.

So copying certain mannerisms is a good idea although perhaps this whole aspie nonsense is just a modern day thing to explain under socialized smart children
Dark triad psychopaths aren’t charismatic because they had to learn it, it’s because they have zero inhibition. They can’t fathom being nervous or caring about what other people think of them.

When you read someone online saying they are a dark triad psycho and have to put on a “mask” to interact with others, they are larping. Real psychopaths are highly charismatic precisely because they don’t wear a mask when talking to others, they are very polarizing personalities where people either love them or hate them.

Ted Bundy didn’t work at a suicide hotline to learn emotions, he probably just found the job entertaining. People have a hard time fathoming that even a psychopath could do good things which is why they made up this story that he worked at the hotline to “learn” normal behavior. A psychopath is not evil, he’s just indifferent and if talking to people about why they shouldn’t kill themselves entertains them, they’ll do it, however once they get bored they will feel no obligation to stay and continue helping people.

The “superficial charm” that psychopaths display isn’t some fake acting they do, it’s actually how they feel. They want to interact with people but are also highly narcissistic so they put on a good front so that people will think of them in the best possible way. This isn’t pretending in as much as it is emphasizing their good personality traits such as high energy, dominance, and strong need for stimulation, which comes across as charming. When a psychopath is charming you, he feels he is dominating you, hence why they are apt to want to do it.

It is good to learn from psychos though because they are basically the opposite of autistic people. Where autistic people care too much about the stimulation of the world, psychopaths care too little. Thus learning from the opposite extreme may help you find a middle ground.
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Quite literally I went from an autist to a passionate speaker just by copying the hand motions legit for NTmaxxing I might join debate or run for Uni leadership position if you have 2 beers and mimic his body language even an autist will seem presentable.

My first presentation I was so nervious I got a bloody nose during it and I got a D+ the professor probably would have given me a zero if he didn't feel bad for me I was shaking uncontrollable and stuttering the whole time too
mirrin your hitlermaxxing
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Dark triad psychopaths aren’t charismatic because they had to learn it, it’s because they have zero inhibition. They can’t fathom being nervous or caring about what other people think of them.

When you read someone online saying they are a dark triad psycho and have to put on a “mask” to interact with others, they are larping. Real psychopaths are highly charismatic precisely because they don’t wear a mask when talking to others, they are very polarizing personalities where people either love them or hate them.

Ted Bundy didn’t work at a suicide hotline to learn emotions, he probably just found the job entertaining. People have a hard time fathoming that even a psychopath could do good things which is why they made up this story that he worked at the hotline to “learn” normal behavior. A psychopath is not evil, he’s just indifferent and if talking to people about why they shouldn’t kill themselves entertains them, they’ll do it, however once they get bored they will feel no obligation to stay and continue helping people.

The “superficial charm” that psychopaths display isn’t some fake acting they do, it’s actually how they feel. They want to interact with people but are also highly narcissistic so they put on a good front so that people will think of them in the best possible way. This isn’t pretending in as much as it is emphasizing their good personality traits such as high energy, dominance, and strong need for stimulation, which comes across as charming. When a psychopath is charming you, he feels he is dominating you, hence why they are apt to want to do it.

It is good to learn from psychos though because they are basically the opposite of autistic people. Where autistic people care too much about the stimulation of the world, psychopaths care too little. Thus learning from the opposite extreme may help you find a middle ground.
Well dumb sociopathic people end up in jail real quick. 80% of prisoners are dark triad. Smart sociopathic people blend in and learn from a very young age to mimic emotions. I probably only know one person who is genuinely a dark triad person to their core (I mean since they were a little kid). I remember the guy was always an asshole and very selfish and eventually people resented him but he never cared either. He wasn't textbook evil just never cared about anyone but himself and would bully people to get his way. But this backfired on him when he would betray other bullies or people really quickly a lot of people turned on him I remember he stole money from his friends and they all found him and beat him till his nose was broken and he was fucked with for a year.

But by middle school to HS the guy began to be more empathetic. But it was clearly a mask he sometimes let it slip the guy didn't change one bit but he wised up and realized being a dick 24/7 is not a good long term strategy people are useful in the long term. People who are just an asshole 24/7 and never learned to be pragmatic either end up dead or in jail at a young age. He learned a lesson that you always need to be presentable. Someone who acts like a dick in the open always will eventually get turned on you can only get so far if everyone hates your guts you need to think things through. I think this is probably an IQ thing dumb sociopathic evil people just can't really think things through enough to come across as well liked.

The guy I knew is always posting online about BLM or Ukraine. And he was racist asf back in the day for fun real sociopaths are the kinds of people who pretend to care 24/7 to appear like a good person. They aren't going to come out and say I am an asshole evil guy. He's trying to get into a law firm I know for a fact he hasn't changed one bit. Real dark triad people are the ones you always see virtue signaling if someone is constantly trying to project a good image its an overcompensation for some ulterior motive more then likely especially if they make it obvious to you.
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Well dumb sociopathic people end up in jail real quick. 80% of prisoners are dark triad. Smart sociopathic people blend in and learn from a very young age to mimic emotions. I probably only know one person who is genuinely a dark triad person to their core (I mean since they were a little kid). I remember the guy was always an asshole and very selfish and eventually people resented him but he never cared either.

But by middle school to HS the guy began to be more empathetic. But it was clearly a mask he sometimes let it slip the guy didn't change one bit but he wised up and realized being a dick 24/7 is not a good long term strategy people are useful in the long term. People who are just an asshole 24/7 and never learned to be pragmatic either end up dead or in jail at a young age.
Yeah you’re right.
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Yeah you’re right.
The only difference between your average gang banger in jail and most politicians is 30 IQ points and self control.
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highly agree
But my point is they feel nothing and are indifferent so everything they say and do is a mask. This is why sociopaths are found in politics and acting. A normal person has emotions and empathy naturally so they do not really understand it the same way or have mastery over it. Dark triad type people often have to build it like a skill so they have complete control over how they come across to other people.

Most Narcy people I have met always are wolves in sheep skin they are always following the latest happening. They will post about Ukraine and have a Ukrainian flag in the back yard or they will talk about BLM. They don't believe in anything but themselves though and maybe follow things out of curiosity
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List of things that never happened:
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Quite literally I went from an autist to a passionate speaker just by copying the hand motions legit for NTmaxxing I might join debate or run for Uni leadership position if you have 2 beers and mimic his body language even an autist will seem presentable.

My first presentation I was so nervious I got a bloody nose during it and I got a D+ the professor probably would have given me a zero if he didn't feel bad for me I was shaking uncontrollable and stuttering the whole time too
easy way to stop being socially disabled is A have a bunch of brothers B stop being a pussy and talk to people C have nigger Nt halo
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