I voicemaxxed with k2??



15,000 karma
Apr 8, 2019
20 days of 45mg k2 per day and my voice literally dropped a full octave. My voice is cracking all the time and even though people laugh at my voice cracks I see it as proof of my efforts. Anyway, does anyone have an idea as to why this works? I can tell my adams apple is much bigger than it was a few weeks ago and I feel like i;m not getting enough oxygen with every breathe i take.
How old are you bro?
I finished my 50mg worth of k2 (30 days) and my voice hasn't dropped shit
Interesting. That seems too late for natural voice change thru puberty but idk. I am 20 and my voice has not changed for years.
ey bro how did you get such a high dose? and how much did you pay?
Jfl K2 as in spice? Ahahaha. You know it's over when you're using the fucked tier drugs to maxx
can you link me the suppliment?

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