I wanna fuck her

Deleted member 795

Deleted member 795

Jan 8, 2019
She's 10 years older than me, i'm 22 yo
time ago we were in disco and she tried with me. We danced and i pinched her nipple and put my hand under her slip. Then she said that i'm too younger and she did the bitch with another one (but uglier, older, and worst, no joke/cope ).

I really wanna fuck her... don't know why. We saw each other last week, but there was just a greeting. She acts really like a bitch, she is not so good looking, but since i can get better... She is black eyes/hair, short hair, and with brace, but i like her being older and her boobs. What do you suggest?
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She's 10 years older than me
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just do it then
but i like her being older
cope, you think you like her because you want to fuck her,you brain shoot million ton of dopamine on you since she is the only one you can get, , you explained to yourself that you like her age and boob. just fuck it and move on boyo
cope, you think you like her because you want to fuck her,you brain shoot million ton of dopamine on you since she is the only one you can get, , you explained to yourself that you like her age and boob.

Every girl you "like" is cause you can't get a better one. That's obvious.
I like her boobs for real anyway

Anyway, i feel like she won't accept it lol
"did the bitch with another one" :feelsuhh:wut

she moved to another one
She's 10 years older than me, i'm 22 yo
time ago we were in disco and she tried with me. We danced and i pinched her nipple and put my hand under her slip. Then she said that i'm too younger and she did the bitch with another one (but uglier, older, and worst, no joke/cope ).

I really wanna fuck her... don't know why. We saw each other last week, but there was just a greeting. She acts really like a bitch, she is not so good looking, but since i can get better... She is black eyes/hair, short hair, and with brace, but i like her being older and her boobs. What do you suggest?
Don't give her the time of day. Stop saving chicks from the wall (not really a wall, more of a slowing down). she fucked another dude. That's how she feels about you. You're sitting around jerking off to parallel universe shit while she's planning her list of guys who will take her out for free food and maybe some dick. Let old bitches be an easy lay or no lay at all.
Cope, she said that coz you're too subhuman.

You wanna f her big surprise.
Get to the back of the fucking queue
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Stop with those rude comments and don't invent things that I did not say.
I wanna fuck her and need a way, that's all. She didn't fuck with that guy, also, sure since she's a bitch, she would fuck anyone; but it's not that the problem or we should reject any girls after they turned 14 yo jfl, also i don't care that much about her.

Just a little afraid from being rejected... it happened too many times these months.
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Wow, yesterday i spanked her and she slapped me in return. Luckily i was drunk and i don't feel anything. Then she kept make jokes on me cause "i'm slow in dancing"
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Oh, then she said something like "i dunno with girls.. but sure gay people like you."
If she's not sure about girls means that she's not interested.
What makes me angry is even the fact that she's not even that much.
Are older women into younger dudes? Thinking of going for them maybe.
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No pic so I didn't read
What pic you want?
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According to my friend, she said "i'm not her type" -_-
alright dudes, me and her

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You're good looking and she is hideous. Go for someone else who is also good looking mang.
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Try to invite her to your house,make her drunk,than you can easily fuck the shit out of her
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She's 10 years older than me, i'm 22 yo
time ago we were in disco and she tried with me. We danced and i pinched her nipple and put my hand under her slip. Then she said that i'm too younger and she did the bitch with another one (but uglier, older, and worst, no joke/cope ).

I really wanna fuck her... don't know why. We saw each other last week, but there was just a greeting. She acts really like a bitch, she is not so good looking, but since i can get better... She is black eyes/hair, short hair, and with brace, but i like her being older and her boobs. What do you suggest?
For some reason I read that as 10 year younger than me and was gonna suggest something. Thank god I gave it another fucking look
For some reason I read that as 10 year younger than me and was gonna suggest something. Thank god I gave it another fucking look
Report him to the d*gs?
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Here i am, sorry guys if i did not answer before.

You're good looking and she is hideous. Go for someone else who is also good looking mang.

I was dating with a good girl months ago, but she dumped me up without having sex... ghosting lol, she didn't even spend a word, after over 2 months. I wanna avoid it honestly.

You mog her hard u must have autism or pussy behaviour in person to not be able to fuck her ngl

Oh come on, we know "behaviour" is a legend.
this is just hypergamy

Try to invite her to your house,make her drunk,than you can easily fuck the shit out of her

it would nice but i guess she just will refuse.

This must be a fucking joke
lol no

Post more pics you look like a slayer tbh

I would fuck her too

I think the light is frauding enough... i'm way too far of being just gl.

She is hideous:feelswhat::feelswhat:
Have some respect for yourself man

It's this or nothing. :\
No i'm not
I guess you're not. Fucking hypagamous whore I bet she's an expert at getting dopes like you to fall in love with her. Look at that fucking pic 3 Chads and her like it's nothing. I bet she lives life on mega-easy mode and just loves every minute of every day fucking cunt
I guess you're not. Fucking hypagamous whore I bet she's an expert at getting dopes like you to fall in love with her. Look at that fucking pic 3 Chads and her like it's nothing. I bet she lives life on mega-easy mode and just loves every minute of every day fucking cunt

They aren't chads, trust me. xD

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