I want to do a cycle on ligandrol.

Deleted member 1089

Deleted member 1089

Luv fightin and beer
Feb 22, 2019
Anyone on here used it before?
Cycle will be done during bulking and training for strenght.
I have heard it has only a few side effects and that it does NOT promote balding.
Any opinions?
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I've used it as well as traditional steroids like tren and test standalone so I think I have a reliable opinion on it.

It's fucking awesome. No needles, which are fine but the problem is you run out of spots to inject that aren't already swollen and scarred up from previous injections.. so you end up having to inject in random muscle groups like biceps and shit which just plain sucks vs glutes and thighs. Needles just get old man.

I had no sides.. my sex drive went through the roof.. gains were comparable to a decent testosterone cycle.. no hair loss.

LGD is all anyone needs. Of course we don't know the long term safety profile since it's experimental so by saying it's LESS risky well nobody really knows. But in terms of immediate side effects and hair loss, yes it is better.

Most people here aren't serious lifters or even lift at all and are going to roids as basically a first stop. You know you who are if you're reading this and yes you're stupid but also I understand. Youth is limited and you want to make the most of your time.

Steroids will give better gains but almost too much for beginners. You'll get nasty stretch marks all over your biceps, shoulders, some other places.. if you are susceptible to MPB well you'll be dealing with it in your 20's or even teens rather than your 30's and 40's when it would have made its first appearance. Also your brain is still developing and this is NOT A MEME you can really fuck yourself up badly by messing with homeostasis. It's safer for an adult to do roids because it always shuts down your natural test production but it starts back up as it's programmed to. For young people sometimes it just shuts off and stays off. You may need TRT for life and STILL deal with hormone issues, gyno and so on. Also yes gyno have fun coming up with $5-10k for the surgery and then dealing with having a disfigured chest. Look on realself for the outcome of the gyno surgeries.. So many people end up looking like a butcher went at their tits. You almost never look "normal" after.

LGD can still fuck you up and I'm telling you not to do it. Beginner gains are amazing and with discipline you will gain tons of mass with your naturally high T as a teen. Without discipline well even tren won't save you from a shit body. Yes studies show that steroids, even LGD, will add tons of muscle mass without you even needing to lift weights. But without a proper routine it will be dispropirtionate and end up in areas with more androgen receptors. So mega huge traps but tiny chest and other obvious tell tales of a juicer. Then you will deflate back to your current self since you're too lazy to lift and eat properly already. That won't magically change just because you did some roids.

You dead set on doing LGD or steroids but you're under 25?

At the very least.. earn it. Work out regularly, eat healthy, get some beginner gains, strengthen your tendons so you don't injure yourself when the drugs make you stronger than they can handle. Tendons grow slower. Reap those first 4-6 month beginner gains because if you combine that with roids or LGD you will not only get stretch marks but be at very high risk of tearing a tendon and being out of commission for a year or longer. It's no joke. Once I tore a bicep (after I was already big and disciplined and had reasonably strong tendons) and wasn't able to lift without setting off the injury for nearly a year. It's really easy to hurt yourself and then be forced to watch all your hard work turn to nothing.

Discipline and all that sounds difficult but really it's just habit building. Don't go all out like hurr durr gonna start today and do full workout 5 days a week and eat perfectly from now on. You'll burn yourself out because you don't have enough repetition to turn it into an automatic habit.

This book will be the single most useful thing you'll ever find in life:

Atomic Habits by James Clear
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I've used it as well as traditional steroids like tren and test standalone so I think I have a reliable opinion on it.

It's fucking awesome. No needles, which are fine but the problem is you run out of spots to inject that aren't already swollen and scarred up from previous injections.. so you end up having to inject in random muscle groups like biceps and shit which just plain sucks vs glutes and thighs. Needles just get old man.

I had no sides.. my sex drive went through the roof.. gains were comparable to a decent testosterone cycle.. no hair loss.

LGD is all anyone needs. Of course we don't know the long term safety profile since it's experimental so by saying it's LESS risky well nobody really knows. But in terms of immediate side effects and hair loss, yes it is better.

Most people here aren't serious lifters or even lift at all and are going to roids as basically a first stop. You know you who are if you're reading this and yes you're stupid but also I understand. Youth is limited and you want to make the most of your time.

Steroids will give better gains but almost too much for beginners. You'll get nasty stretch marks all over your biceps, shoulders, some other places.. if you are susceptible to MPB well you'll be dealing with it in your 20's or even teens rather than your 30's and 40's when it would have made its first appearance. Also your brain is still developing and this is NOT A MEME you can really fuck yourself up badly by messing with homeostasis. It's safer for an adult to do roids because it always shuts down your natural test production but it starts back up as it's programmed to. For young people sometimes it just shuts off and stays off. You may need TRT for life and STILL deal with hormone issues, gyno and so on. Also yes gyno have fun coming up with $5-10k for the surgery and then dealing with having a disfigured chest. Look on realself for the outcome of the gyno surgeries.. So many people end up looking like a butcher went at their tits. You almost never look "normal" after.

LGD can still fuck you up and I'm telling you not to do it. Beginner gains are amazing and with discipline you will gain tons of mass with your naturally high T as a teen. Without discipline well even tren won't save you from a shit body. Yes studies show that steroids, even LGD, will add tons of muscle mass without you even needing to lift weights. But without a proper routine it will be dispropirtionate and end up in areas with more androgen receptors. So mega huge traps but tiny chest and other obvious tell tales of a juicer. Then you will deflate back to your current self since you're too lazy to lift and eat properly already. That won't magically change just because you did some roids.

You dead set on doing LGD or steroids but you're under 25?

At the very least.. earn it. Work out regularly, eat healthy, get some beginner gains, strengthen your tendons so you don't injure yourself when the drugs make you stronger than they can handle. Tendons grow slower. Reap those first 4-6 month beginner gains because if you combine that with roids or LGD you will not only get stretch marks but be at very high risk of tearing a tendon and being out of commission for a year or longer. It's no joke. Once I tore a bicep (after I was already big and disciplined and had reasonably strong tendons) and wasn't able to lift without setting off the injury for nearly a year. It's really easy to hurt yourself and then be forced to watch all your hard work turn to nothing.

Discipline and all that sounds difficult but really it's just habit building. Don't go all out like hurr durr gonna start today and do full workout 5 days a week and eat perfectly from now on. You'll burn yourself out because you don't have enough repetition to turn it into an automatic habit.

This book will be the single most useful thing you'll ever find in life:

Atomic Habits by James Clear

I just feel like im stuck,
Im the smallest twig out of my friends now as im cutting and I feel horrible.
I already have stretchmarks all over my back btw for some reason.
And honestly I have been training for 1 year now so I have no noob gains left,
I go to the gym 7 days a week for 2 hours and when I bulk I eat around 4000kcal. IM still a fucking twig twink faggot and I feel so small at the gym.
My arms are only 14.5 inches flexed, I want them to be atleast 16
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  • +1
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I've used it as well as traditional steroids like tren and test standalone so I think I have a reliable opinion on it.

It's fucking awesome. No needles, which are fine but the problem is you run out of spots to inject that aren't already swollen and scarred up from previous injections.. so you end up having to inject in random muscle groups like biceps and shit which just plain sucks vs glutes and thighs. Needles just get old man.

I had no sides.. my sex drive went through the roof.. gains were comparable to a decent testosterone cycle.. no hair loss.

LGD is all anyone needs. Of course we don't know the long term safety profile since it's experimental so by saying it's LESS risky well nobody really knows. But in terms of immediate side effects and hair loss, yes it is better.

Most people here aren't serious lifters or even lift at all and are going to roids as basically a first stop. You know you who are if you're reading this and yes you're stupid but also I understand. Youth is limited and you want to make the most of your time.

Steroids will give better gains but almost too much for beginners. You'll get nasty stretch marks all over your biceps, shoulders, some other places.. if you are susceptible to MPB well you'll be dealing with it in your 20's or even teens rather than your 30's and 40's when it would have made its first appearance. Also your brain is still developing and this is NOT A MEME you can really fuck yourself up badly by messing with homeostasis. It's safer for an adult to do roids because it always shuts down your natural test production but it starts back up as it's programmed to. For young people sometimes it just shuts off and stays off. You may need TRT for life and STILL deal with hormone issues, gyno and so on. Also yes gyno have fun coming up with $5-10k for the surgery and then dealing with having a disfigured chest. Look on realself for the outcome of the gyno surgeries.. So many people end up looking like a butcher went at their tits. You almost never look "normal" after.

LGD can still fuck you up and I'm telling you not to do it. Beginner gains are amazing and with discipline you will gain tons of mass with your naturally high T as a teen. Without discipline well even tren won't save you from a shit body. Yes studies show that steroids, even LGD, will add tons of muscle mass without you even needing to lift weights. But without a proper routine it will be dispropirtionate and end up in areas with more androgen receptors. So mega huge traps but tiny chest and other obvious tell tales of a juicer. Then you will deflate back to your current self since you're too lazy to lift and eat properly already. That won't magically change just because you did some roids.

You dead set on doing LGD or steroids but you're under 25?

At the very least.. earn it. Work out regularly, eat healthy, get some beginner gains, strengthen your tendons so you don't injure yourself when the drugs make you stronger than they can handle. Tendons grow slower. Reap those first 4-6 month beginner gains because if you combine that with roids or LGD you will not only get stretch marks but be at very high risk of tearing a tendon and being out of commission for a year or longer. It's no joke. Once I tore a bicep (after I was already big and disciplined and had reasonably strong tendons) and wasn't able to lift without setting off the injury for nearly a year. It's really easy to hurt yourself and then be forced to watch all your hard work turn to nothing.

Discipline and all that sounds difficult but really it's just habit building. Don't go all out like hurr durr gonna start today and do full workout 5 days a week and eat perfectly from now on. You'll burn yourself out because you don't have enough repetition to turn it into an automatic habit.

This book will be the single most useful thing you'll ever find in life:

Atomic Habits by James Clear

didn't read a word
I just feel like im stuck,
Im the smallest twig out of my friends now as im cutting and I feel horrible.
I already have stretchmarks all over my back btw for some reason.

It's OK. That's your frame they see but if you're skinny fat and good at hiding it (hoodies, baggy clothing) then you know better than them. Your body fat is still too high. Keep cutting and ignore it or you'll be stuck in skinny fat purgatory. Don't make the mistake fatman did and start bulking prematurely. You'll end up looking better framed but embarrassed to take off your shirt and thus unable to seal the deal so to speak.

Story time. I had opportunity with a 10/10 girl back in HS and I was really good at hiding my skinny fat.. everyone assumed I was fit and thin but I had stubborn fat around my belly that I really disliked. Made like a lip where my lower abs should be. Made out with the girl, went on a few dates and was about to enter relationship.. she made it clear that was what she wanted next. Things were going great then in private she started making fun of a guy we know who had similar belly fat assuming I was gonna laugh along too. Basically I had to start ignoring her and feigning disinterest because I knew soon as she saw or felt my skinny fat it was ogre and everyone would hear about it too. Hot women are fucking ruthless. I lost a 10/10 absolute fucking cutie at 15 because I didn't just cut down and get it over with. Don't be me. I'll regret that for rest of my life.

You may have stretch marks from growth spurt that made you taller. It's not end of world.. fake tan can hide it. Google it and see what you can do. Just saying you should try to avoid them where possible because they are life long and will ultimately cause you insecurity to some degree. Not much they can do to get rid of them but you can camouflage them decently most of the time.
didn't read a word
160 wpm typer so I do type a lot as it's stream of conciousness. Faster than speaking it. I make sure what I say is packed full of relevant knowledge so go ahead and don't read so you can fuck about and make the same mistakes I'm warning against. Shows how seriously you take looksmaxing brah.
And honestly I have been training for 1 year now so I have no noob gains left,
I go to the gym 7 days a week for 2 hours and when I bulk I eat around 4000kcal. IM still a fucking twig twink faggot and I feel so small at the gym.
My arms are only 14.5 inches flexed, I want them to be atleast 16
Well the question is are you still making gains? If not, when was the last time you were able to increase the weight you were lifting?

Either your lifting routine sucks/isn't changed up frequently enough or you aren't eating your required macros. Add more protein.

It sounds like you've earned an LGD cycle but again you could fuck your body up big time.. understand what you are getting into. It was fine for me though.

First thing make sure you are back to gaining weight on your lifts because then you fixed whatever your problem is now. You may have exhausted noob gains but your progress shouldn't have halted.
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It's OK. That's your frame they see but if you're skinny fat and good at hiding it (hoodies, baggy clothing) then you know better than them. Your body fat is still too high. Keep cutting and ignore it or you'll be stuck in skinny fat purgatory. Don't make the mistake fatman did and start bulking prematurely. You'll end up looking better framed but embarrassed to take off your shirt and thus unable to seal the deal so to speak.

Story time. I had opportunity with a 10/10 girl back in HS and I was really good at hiding my skinny fat.. everyone assumed I was fit and thin but I had stubborn fat around my belly that I really disliked. Made like a lip where my lower abs should be. Made out with the girl, went on a few dates and was about to enter relationship.. she made it clear that was what she wanted next. Things were going great then in private she started making fun of a guy we know who had similar belly fat assuming I was gonna laugh along too. Basically I had to start ignoring her and feigning disinterest because I knew soon as she saw or felt my skinny fat it was ogre and everyone would hear about it too. Hot women are fucking ruthless. I lost a 10/10 absolute fucking cutie at 15 because I didn't just cut down and get it over with. Don't be me. I'll regret that for rest of my life.

You may have stretch marks from growth spurt that made you taller. It's not end of world.. fake tan can hide it. Google it and see what you can do. Just saying you should try to avoid them where possible because they are life long and will ultimately cause you insecurity to some degree. Not much they can do to get rid of them but you can camouflage them decently most of the time.

160 wpm typer so I do type a lot as it's stream of conciousness. Faster than speaking it. I make sure what I say is packed full of relevant knowledge so go ahead and don't read so you can fuck about and make the same mistakes I'm warning against. Shows how seriously you take looksmaxing brah.

Well the question is are you still making gains? If not, when was the last time you were able to increase the weight you were lifting?

Either your lifting routine sucks/isn't changed up frequently enough or you aren't eating your required macros. Add more protein.

It sounds like you've earned an LGD cycle but again you could fuck your body up big time.. understand what you are getting into. It was fine for me though.

First thing make sure you are back to gaining weight on your lifts because then you fixed whatever your problem is now. You may have exhausted noob gains but your progress shouldn't have halted.

Im not skinny fat and Im not still making gains since everyone told me to cut.
But my face still looks like shit and body only looks worse.
The gym is the only thing I have, i can never face or heightmog my friends but I have always sizemogged them until now i am the smallest. My friend had gotten huge I CSN never catch up again without roids or SARMS.
Im not skinny fat and Im not still making gains since everyone told me to cut.
But my face still looks like shit and body only looks worse.
The gym is the only thing I have, i can never face or heightmog my friends but I have always sizemogged them until now i am the smallest. My friend had gotten huge I CSN never catch up again without roids or SARMS.

So you are at unacceptable BF?

Dilemma is that you either cut and make face better but still worse than friends and set yourself further back in gains and go full twink mode, or bulk now with LGD and catch up to friends but stay bloated and higher BF and have to cut in the future?

Well stop thinking about your friends for a second. What is your NEAR TERM goal?

A) To compete on size with your friends and not get left behind but accept bloat/higher BF as trade off
B) To finish your cut to reach optimal BF in hopes of leaning out face and body to improve SMV and do better with women

If you aren't planning to do the women thing until you reach 16" biceps then you may want to clean bulk.. if you use LGD you need to take a break equivalent to time spent on.. so say you did 2mo cycle bulk.. you wait 2mo and continue working out then you can do a 2mo cut using it which will preserve your muscle mass rather than set you backwards. You could also spend that 2mo off period cutting and risk losing muscle or find another compound to run that has muscle protecting effects like Clen but that's risky on the heart. Do your research there.

Otherwise you need to finish your cut now, then clean bulk and may only need a slight cut within that 2mo off period without needing the extreme calorie deficit that burns your muscle.

There are always trade offs.. recomping where you lose fat and gain muscle is possible but it's difficult. I don't recommend trying it but you can look up ways to do that if you want to go hard mode.
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So you are at unacceptable BF?

Dilemma is that you either cut and make face better but still worse than friends and set yourself further back in gains and go full twink mode, or bulk now with LGD and catch up to friends but stay bloated and higher BF and have to cut in the future?

Well stop thinking about your friends for a second. What is your NEAR TERM goal?

A) To compete on size with your friends and not get left behind but accept bloat/higher BF as trade off
B) To finish your cut to reach optimal BF in hopes of leaning out face and body to improve SMV and do better with women

If you aren't planning to do the women thing until you reach 16" biceps then you may want to clean bulk.. if you use LGD you need to take a break equivalent to time spent on.. so say you did 2mo cycle bulk.. you wait 2mo and continue working out then you can do a 2mo cut using it which will preserve your muscle mass rather than set you backwards. You could also spend that 2mo off period cutting and risk losing muscle or find another compound to run that has muscle protecting effects like Clen but that's risky on the heart. Do your research there.

Otherwise you need to finish your cut now, then clean bulk and may only need a slight cut within that 2mo off period without needing the extreme calorie deficit that burns your muscle.

There are always trade offs.. recomping where you lose fat and gain muscle is possible but it's difficult. I don't recommend trying it but you can look up ways to do that if you want to go hard mode.

Yeah my plan was to finish cut and then clean bulk, but its so hard to stay on track since i am so small and my face hasnt gotten any better im still subhuman 2PSL fuck man
Yeah my plan was to finish cut and then clean bulk, but its so hard to stay on track since i am so small and my face hasnt gotten any better im still subhuman 2PSL fuck man

Well if you still have a higher body fat than optimal (10-12% range) then you owe it to yourself to keep cutting and see what your face's potential is. Then at least you know for certain. Otherwise if you are already at that body fat % then there's nothing further to gain from leanmaxxing and it's time to bulk up.
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Well if you still have a higher body fat than optimal (10-12% range) then you owe it to yourself to keep cutting and see what your face's potential is. Then at least you know for certain. Otherwise if you are already at that body fat % then there's nothing further to gain from leanmaxxing and it's time to bulk up.

You are right,
I am still at around 16% and I guess I need to finish it off. But honestly I can see that my bone structure is garbage and that it probably wont change anything.
It's a tough call. I think you should continue your cut then take some good pictures of your face and plan out where your bones would look better with some augmentation.

Then you can do filler or implants to bump up your PSL.

Either way women like ripped bodies not bear mode and 16% is pretty high. Ultimately you either cut now or after and after you stand to lose a lot more in gains especially if it's on the tail end of a cycle where your body will be struggling to maintain the new muscle mass in the first place.
Im the smallest twig out of my friends now
don't you have 38 cm arms? 15 inches? Who the fuck do you hang out with?

I only have 34 cm and I feel so big next to my classmates
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don't you have 38 cm arms? 15 inches? Who the fuck do you hang out with?

I only have 34 cm and I feel so big next to my classmates

Yeah I had 38.5 but my friend has 39 and I want 42cm
don't you have 38 cm arms? 15 inches? Who the fuck do you hang out with?

I only have 34 cm and I feel so big next to my classmates
15" is pretty decent sized. Enough to mog most in high school for sure.
  • +1
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15" is pretty decent sized. Enough to mog most in high school for sure.

Not in my gym, IM only like top 10 at most. And in school top 2
Not in my gym, IM only like top 10 at most. And in school top 2
Who cares. Are you trying to become a bodybuilder or are you trying to get women? Top 2 in school is enough for getting women. Any more and you're entering copeville. Which is fine. If you wanna lift and get HUGE because you enjoy it and wanna be big then do it. Just depends on your goals.
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  • Woah
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Who cares. Are you trying to become a bodybuilder or are you trying to get women? Top 2 in school is enough for getting women. Any more and you're entering copeville. Which is fine. If you wanna lift and get HUGE because you enjoy it and wanna be big then do it. Just depends on your goals.

Do not care about women,
Too ugly for that.
Only care about sizemogging everyone
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Do not care about women,
Too ugly for that.
Only care about sizemogging everyone
OKAY in that case ignore what I wrote you in PM. I can get you to Big Ramy size or put you on Dallas McCarvers protocol.
  • +1
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OKAY in that case ignore what I wrote you in PM. I can get you to Big Ramy size or put you on Dallas McCarvers protocol.

Please do man

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