I went to nightclubs sober for the first time



30:30:40 Facial thirds Pill
Jul 12, 2019
Earlier in the day I decided to do my first ever sober daygame approach as two foids were walking towards me and despite getting them to stop and answer my questions it was half hearted and neither party was interested in having a conversation so I wrapped it up very quickly.
Even if they had some attraction to me from seeing me as a TFBEM in the distance, as soon as I opened my mouth and started talking in a non commanding, shaky-tone manner it was over for me. Brutal aspie pill tbh.

Later in the night, me and another PSLer went to a gaybar to ease into sober clubbing since there's no expectation for inter gender dynamics there and it is less judgemental since it's a lower T envornment.

We stayed there for like 5 minutes then went to a regular club and got used to sober clubbing without feeling awkward
In this club I seen an ideal chubster in the smoking area so made a mental note to approach her during the night
We went to a different venue briefly then returned back to the club and I seen the chubster was still there
By chance, her and her friends were walking right by me in a hall area so I stopped her to ask how her night was going and she responded so i asked her another question and she responded then said she had to go with her friends to the toilet
A bit later in the night I walked up to the bar and she happened to be approaching the bar at the same time so I began speaking to her again
The convo seemed to be going decently and her friends seemed to be fine with the approach and willing to give her space to get pursued by me
I asked for her number and she enthusiastically provided it.
While talking to her she kept rubbing her shoulders which I internally questioned if she was subconsciously doing it to cover her chubster shoulders which were on display
I offered to get her a drink and in the hopes of loosening her up I got her a double vodka in a bid to make her more flirtatous
After taking a single sip and beginning to walk from the bar some other foid bumped into her and knocked her drink onto the ground, rendering my money spent on trying to get her drunk futile and thus proving simulation theory whereby every effort I make to reach for my desires gets sabotaged by the simulation controller

We stood in an area of the club for a while waiting for her friend to pass as she said she needed to find her friend who was on her own (may have been larp)
I was carrying the convo and thinking of new topics to bring up while she showed standard foid lack of NTness by not being able to extend the convo or think of new topics but of course foids consider any pauses to be the male's fault.
I asked her where she lived and it was fairly nearby but I didnt want to ask her to ask her to come back with me early because I thought building more familiarity would lead to a better outcome later.
I didnt try to kiss her because kissing actually removes the tension and just makes the foid feel like they got max validation and can now fuck off.
In hindsight I should've touched her body or complimented her to show my intentions in a stronger manner.
As we were standing lots of influencer-esque foids were walking past and looking at us, I dont know what their opinions were on a TFBEM with a chubster.
After this we walked around the club for a bit looking for her friends and I had no shame of being with the chubster because I felt her face met the threshold of goodlooking thus I lumped her in as being in the same category as the influencer-esque foids in the club who were slim even tho most normies wouldn't

She said she needed to go to the toilet so I walked there with her and waited in the hall outside the toilets where a few people where waiting.
I seen one other chubster foid on par with her in terms of good face and sex appeal although the other chubster was bleached blonde so probably a bit more slagmaxxed whereas I felt the chubster I was going for was a bit more subtle in sex appeal.
The other chubsters in the venue generally had low pedigree faces so it would look like desperation if pursuing them as an above average white male.

After waiting for 20 minutes for her to come out of the toilets I text her and got no response despite the number being legit due to her whatsapp pic.
I then returned to my PSLer mate and we spent some time on the dancefloor which was now busy then we left.

I actually feel like clubbing when you are regular drunk v when you are sober barely feels any different
When you're regular drunk it still feels awkward as fuck if you are in the venue by yourself and it isn't completely packed so you can blend in
When you are verging on blackout drunk its fine because you dont have the sentience necessary to feel awkward about your behaviour.

Having had probably the best opportunity of my life talking to an ideal chubster in a coherent state but her brushing me off despite what seemed like good initial interest, it seems as though I will never be able to get the kind of foid I want for an LTR based off looks and behaviour but I can now accept it

Coming back from a night out sober actually doesnt feel like a loss because you arent fucking up your body with alcohol and hangover and you are spending unnecessary amounts of money
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  • JFL
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I decided to do my first ever sober daygame approach as two foids were walking towards me and despite getting them to stop and answer my questions it was half hearted and neither party was interested in having a conversation so I wrapped it up very quickly.
Even if they had some attraction to me from seeing me as a TFBEM in the distance, as soon as I opened my mouth and started talking in a non commanding, shaky-tone manner it was over for me. Brutal aspie pill tbh.

Later in the night, me and another PSLer went to a gaybar ease into sober clubbing since there's no expectation for inter gender dynamics there and it is less judgemental since it's a lower T envornment.

We stayed there for like 5 minutes then went to a regular club and got used to sober clubbing without feeling awkward
In this club I seen an ideal chubster in the smoking area so made a mental note to approach her during the night
We went to a different venue briefly then returned back to the club and I seen the chubster was still there
By chance, her and her friends were walking right by me in a hall area so I stopped her to ask how her night was going and she responded so i asked her another question and she responded then said she had to go with her friends to the toilet
A bit later in the night I walked up to the bar and she happened to be approaching the bar at the same time so I began speaking to her again
The convo seemed to be going decently and her friends seemed to be fine with the approach and willing to give her space to get pursued by me
I asked for her number and she enthusiastically provided it.
While talking to her she kept rubbing her shoulders which I internally questioned if she was subconsciously doing it to cover her chubster shoulders which were on display
I offered to get her a drink and in the hopes of loosening her up I got her a double vodka in a bid to make her more flirtatous
After taking a single sip and beginning to walk from the bar some other foid bumped into her and knocked her drink onto the ground, rendering my money spent on trying to get her drunk futile and thus proving simulation theory whereby every effort I make to reach for my desires gets sabotaged by the simulation controller

We stood in an area of the club for a while waiting for her friend to pass as she said she needed to find her friend who was on her own (may have been larp)
I was carrying the convo and thinking of new topics to bring up while she showed standard foid lack of NTness by not being able to extend the convo or think of new topics but of course foids consider any pauses to be the male's fault.
I asked her where she lived and it was fairly nearby but I didnt want to ask her to ask her to come back with me early because I thought building more familiarity would lead to a better outcome later.
I didnt try to kiss her because kissing actually removes the tension and just makes the foid feel like they got max validation and can now fuck off.
In hindsight I should've touched her body or complimented her to show my intentions in a stronger manner.
As we were standing lots of influencer-esque foids were walking past and looking at us, I dont know what their opinions were on a TFBEM with a chubster.
After this we walked around the club for a bit looking for her friends and I had no shame of being with the chubster because I felt her face met the threshold of goodlooking thus I lumped her in as being in the same category as the influencer-esque foids in the club who were slim even tho most normies wouldn't

She said she needed to go to the toilet so I walked there with her and waited in the hall outside the toilets where a few people where waiting.
I seen one other chubster foid on par with her in terms of good face and sex appeal although the other chubster was bleached blonde so probably a bit more slagmaxxed whereas I felt the chubster I was going for was a bit more subtle in sex appeal.
The other chubsters in the venue generally had low pedigree faces so it would look like desperation ofpursuing them as an above average white male.

After waiting for 20 minutes for her to come out of the toilets I text her and got no response despite the number being legit due to her whatsapp pic.
I then returned to my PSLer mate and we spent some time on the dancefloor which was now busy then we left.

I actually feel like clubbing when you are regular drunk v when you are sober barely feels any different
When you're regular drunk it still feels awkward as fuck if you are in the venue by yourself and it isn't completely packed so you can blend in
When you are verging on blackout drunk its fine because you dont have the sentience necessary to feel awkward about your behaviour.

Having had probably the best opportunity of my life talking to an ideal chubster in a coherent state but her brushing me off despite what seemed like good initial interest, it seems as though I will never be able to get the kind of foid I want for an LTR based off looks and behaviour but I can now accept it

Coming back from a night out sober actually doesnt feel like a loss because you arent fucking up your body with alcohol and hangover and you are spending unnecessary amounts of money
  • +1
Reactions: Tabula Rasa and diamondbill
Nice read. Although why go for the chubster? Did you feel as though you had better luck going home with her? It's crazy how she left after saying she was gonna go to the bathroom though fuck that's brutal. Irish moggers deserve more respect.

Also, caged at this part :lul:
After taking a single sip and beginning to walk from the bar some other foid bumped into her and knocked her drink onto the ground, rendering my money spent on trying to get her drunk futile and thus proving simulation theory whereby every effort I make to reach for my desires gets sabotaged by the simulation controller
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: WishIwasChico, wollet2, noodlelover and 4 others
Nice read. Although why go for the chubster? Did you feel as though you had better luck going home with her? It's crazy how she left after saying she was gonna go to the bathroom though fuck that's brutal. Irish moggers deserve more respect.

Also, caged at this part :lul:
I wouldve been willing to buy her another drink because the price of drinks are arbitrary to me at this stage given the crypto market but doing so immediately would've made me appear like a simp.
I would've respected her if she had gone up to the bar to buy another one herself since she presumably was gonna do that anyway when queuing for the bar prior to me talking to her.
My intentions were to stay with her a while longer until my PSLer mate and her mates could join up and we go out to the smoking area then I could run physical escelation game when things are more relaxed and get her another drink once it would feel less simp-ish.

I went for the chubster because she triggered the most attraction out of any girl I seen in the venue
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I didnt try to kiss her because kissing actually removes the tension and just makes the foid feel like they got max validation and can now fuck off.
smart, so that's what I'm doing wrong. I always wondered why they are so keen on gtfo after making out for an hour - they got what they were looking for, max validation, without having to give it up.
smart, so that's what I'm doing wrong.
This method of not kissing them has yet to actually work for me since Ive failed to slay a foid since I started going out again in the few months.
When working as a bouncer I never had to kiss the foids for them to agree to come back to mine which in theory shows that the step of kissing isn't even needed if they're attracted enough to you
The issue is having them be attracted enough to you when you have the status failo of being just another paying customer

@Zoom759 the fact that I included that piece of info when I could easily have omitted it shows the legitimacy of my stories tbh
The main goal was to see how good a venue it could be for running bouncer game in.
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Photo examples of a chubster??
  • JFL
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She gave you her number you should’ve waited around for her she clearly wanted you
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Reactions: BlackpillRemedy
This method of not kissing them has yet to actually work for me since Ive failed to slay a foid since I started going out again in the few months.
well it does make sense, I've experienced both scenarios. You can kiss her a couple of times, but you have to stop at some point to build up the tension again, instead of releasing it by constantly making out for an extended amount of time.
She gave you her number you should’ve waited around for her she clearly wanted you
women act based on their emotional state. If she felt flattered at the bar 10 minutes ago, prompting her to give out her number, it doesn't mean she'll still be interested once she sobered up a little and was looking for a way out of the situation she got herself into.
  • +1
Reactions: Manletmachine, noodlelover and 6ft4
She gave you her number you should’ve waited around for her she clearly wanted you
I waited for 20-25 minutes, the only thing I can think of is that she snuck by me while I was looking at my phone when waiting outside the toilets and I didnt realize (unlikely)
Or she was literally willing to spend the rest of the night in the toilets so she wouldnt be forced to have me interact with her again
The fact that I text her while I was waiting on her and she never texted back was telling
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: BlackpillRemedy, Corleone, noodlelover and 1 other person
This method of not kissing them has yet to actually work for me since Ive failed to slay a foid since I started going out again in the few months.
When working as a bouncer I never had to kiss the foids for them to agree to come back to mine which in theory shows that the step of kissing isn't even needed if they're attracted enough to you
The issue is having them be attracted enough to you when you have the status failo of being just another paying customer

@Zoom759 the fact that I included that piece of info when I could easily have omitted it shows the legitimacy of my stories tbh
The main goal was to see how good a venue it could be for running bouncer game in.
You're wrong about kissing. It's makes them horny and want to hookup.
You're wrong about kissing. It's makes them horny and want to hookup.
They kiss guys on a whim all the time, 95% of them they'd never let put their penis in their vag despite letting them put their tongue in their mouth
I want the foid to legit be craving it and get a dopamine release on par with them feeling like a young JB again when I kiss them for the first time
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They kiss guys on a whim all the time, 95% of them they'd never let put their penis in their vag despite letting them put their tongue in their mouth
I want the foid to legit be craving it and get a dopamine release on par with them feeling like a young JB again when I kiss them for the first time
Well, I've gone home with every girl that's kissed me in a club.

almost all of the times I kiss a girl, in any circumstance it leads to me bringing them home or going home with them.

It just leads to them aggressively making out with me, and trying to take their clothes off or take my clothes off, until the bouncer tells us we have to leave half the time. I don't know- girls are really into kissing. And the more they kiss the more turned on they get.

But some of those girls had kissed other guys before me. The difference is, the other guys were shorter/smaller, and they were spending more time with me but they leave to kiss the other guy before me.

They're working up the confidence to kiss me, and they want to feel like they're being wild and crazy, not that their ego or self worth is on the line if they kiss me but I reject them.

Then again I only kiss girls that give me the look that they want to kiss me. I think you were just wasting too much time on a girl that wasn't attracted to you. She avoided you, going to the bathroom the first time you talked to her, that should have been a red flag. Then she had to "look for her friend".

Her rubbing her shoulders was a self soothing gesture because she was uncomfortable.

The truth is, this "black pill" forum is not reality. Women are not all attracted to the same guys. They may talk as if they are, because they like feeling part of a group, but they don't literally all feel the same level of attraction to the same guys.

They have different preferences and types. To most women I'm unattraction in every way, but to some women I'm really hot. The ranges I get from blackpillers are: High Tier Subhuman, Low Tier Normie, and Sometimes High Tier Normie.
  • +1
Reactions: WishIwasChico, Tallest person here and Corleone
The funniest part about this post was that I didn't read it
Well, I've gone home with every girl that's kissed me in a club. almost all of the times I kiss a girl, in any circumstance it leads to me bringing them home or going home with them.
you're the first guy I know who claims this. you must be doing something right if it's true.

My experiences are much more in line with what OP said. Girls make out with tons of guys during the night but have zero intent to eventually go home with most of them.
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Reactions: ROPEBYATHOUSANDMOGS, Manletmachine, 6ft4 and 1 other person
The truth is, this "black pill" forum is not reality. Women are not all attracted to the same guys. They may talk as if they are, because they like feeling part of a group, but they don't literally all feel the same level of attraction to the same guys.
Hopium for the deathnics in this forum! You can be a 5'2 Indian janitor and still slay bro!
I was carrying the convo and thinking of new topics to bring up while she showed standard foid lack of NTness by not being able to extend the convo or think of new topics but of course foids consider any pauses to be the male's fault.
Make a thread on how to carry convos and be NT
Nice read. Although why go for the chubster? Did you feel as though you had better luck going home with her? It's crazy how she left after saying she was gonna go to the bathroom though fuck that's brutal. Irish moggers deserve more respect.

Also, caged at this part :lul:
  • +1
Reactions: TechnoBoss
Earlier in the day I decided to do my first ever sober daygame approach as two foids were walking towards me and despite getting them to stop and answer my questions it was half hearted and neither party was interested in having a conversation so I wrapped it up very quickly.
Even if they had some attraction to me from seeing me as a TFBEM in the distance, as soon as I opened my mouth and started talking in a non commanding, shaky-tone manner it was over for me. Brutal aspie pill tbh.

Later in the night, me and another PSLer went to a gaybar to ease into sober clubbing since there's no expectation for inter gender dynamics there and it is less judgemental since it's a lower T envornment.

We stayed there for like 5 minutes then went to a regular club and got used to sober clubbing without feeling awkward
In this club I seen an ideal chubster in the smoking area so made a mental note to approach her during the night
We went to a different venue briefly then returned back to the club and I seen the chubster was still there
By chance, her and her friends were walking right by me in a hall area so I stopped her to ask how her night was going and she responded so i asked her another question and she responded then said she had to go with her friends to the toilet
A bit later in the night I walked up to the bar and she happened to be approaching the bar at the same time so I began speaking to her again
The convo seemed to be going decently and her friends seemed to be fine with the approach and willing to give her space to get pursued by me
I asked for her number and she enthusiastically provided it.
While talking to her she kept rubbing her shoulders which I internally questioned if she was subconsciously doing it to cover her chubster shoulders which were on display
I offered to get her a drink and in the hopes of loosening her up I got her a double vodka in a bid to make her more flirtatous
After taking a single sip and beginning to walk from the bar some other foid bumped into her and knocked her drink onto the ground, rendering my money spent on trying to get her drunk futile and thus proving simulation theory whereby every effort I make to reach for my desires gets sabotaged by the simulation controller

We stood in an area of the club for a while waiting for her friend to pass as she said she needed to find her friend who was on her own (may have been larp)
I was carrying the convo and thinking of new topics to bring up while she showed standard foid lack of NTness by not being able to extend the convo or think of new topics but of course foids consider any pauses to be the male's fault.
I asked her where she lived and it was fairly nearby but I didnt want to ask her to ask her to come back with me early because I thought building more familiarity would lead to a better outcome later.
I didnt try to kiss her because kissing actually removes the tension and just makes the foid feel like they got max validation and can now fuck off.
In hindsight I should've touched her body or complimented her to show my intentions in a stronger manner.
As we were standing lots of influencer-esque foids were walking past and looking at us, I dont know what their opinions were on a TFBEM with a chubster.
After this we walked around the club for a bit looking for her friends and I had no shame of being with the chubster because I felt her face met the threshold of goodlooking thus I lumped her in as being in the same category as the influencer-esque foids in the club who were slim even tho most normies wouldn't

She said she needed to go to the toilet so I walked there with her and waited in the hall outside the toilets where a few people where waiting.
I seen one other chubster foid on par with her in terms of good face and sex appeal although the other chubster was bleached blonde so probably a bit more slagmaxxed whereas I felt the chubster I was going for was a bit more subtle in sex appeal.
The other chubsters in the venue generally had low pedigree faces so it would look like desperation if pursuing them as an above average white male.

After waiting for 20 minutes for her to come out of the toilets I text her and got no response despite the number being legit due to her whatsapp pic.
I then returned to my PSLer mate and we spent some time on the dancefloor which was now busy then we left.

I actually feel like clubbing when you are regular drunk v when you are sober barely feels any different
When you're regular drunk it still feels awkward as fuck if you are in the venue by yourself and it isn't completely packed so you can blend in
When you are verging on blackout drunk its fine because you dont have the sentience necessary to feel awkward about your behaviour.

Having had probably the best opportunity of my life talking to an ideal chubster in a coherent state but her brushing me off despite what seemed like good initial interest, it seems as though I will never be able to get the kind of foid I want for an LTR based off looks and behaviour but I can now accept it

Coming back from a night out sober actually doesnt feel like a loss because you arent fucking up your body with alcohol and hangover and you are spending unnecessary amounts of money
sounds terrible

also, have you been in an infinite loop since 2016?

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