I Wish I Was A Sociopath

Brus Wane

Brus Wane

A Man Is 1 of 3 Things: Bull, Incel or Cuckold
Oct 29, 2022
Then maybe I wont be feeling all sad and sorry for myself all the time

I wish I was just naturally a psycho or socio whatever the fuck the difference is

Those guys have no emotions they just do what needs to be done

It's already bad enough I got cursed with bad looks now I gotta deal with a bad brain
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Why wish when you can become
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Why wish when you can become
You can't just "become" one innit:feelskek:

You're either born one or some crazy childhood events gradually turn you into one over the years
  • JFL
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You can't just "become" one innit:feelskek:

You're either born one or some crazy childhood events gradually turn you into one over the years
Without pussy the mind does crazy things
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Hot take but I don't really think sociopathy exists. Even though morals are subjective, they're not something you innately understand rather you have to learn. Nobody is born into caring for others, you have to hone that skill. So if you want to a sociopath who cares only for himself first I do think you can choose to be like that, but at what cost my little butterfly.
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Then maybe I wont be feeling all sad and sorry for myself all the time

I wish I was just naturally a psycho or socio whatever the fuck the difference is

Those guys have no emotions they just do what needs to be done

It's already bad enough I got cursed with bad looks now I gotta deal with a bad brain
Its not that simple
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Reactions: Brus Wane
Hot take but I don't really think sociopathy exists. Even though morals are subjective, they're not something you innately understand rather you have to learn. Nobody is born into caring for others, you have to hone that skill. So if you want to a sociopath who cares only for himself first I do think you can choose to be like that, but at what cost my little butterfly.
Thats why its a personality problem
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you are not patrick bateman
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  • JFL
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Brus Waneeeeeee.... is the only one we didn't get...
  • JFL
Reactions: Brus Wane
Its not that simple
Do explain. Like fr, if you can be arsed.

Hot take but I don't really think sociopathy exists. Even though morals are subjective, they're not something you innately understand rather you have to learn. Nobody is born into caring for others, you have to hone that skill. So if you want to a sociopath who cares only for himself first I do think you can choose to be like that, but at what cost my little butterfly.

Would've been nice without the "my little butterfly"

Now it's like reading advice from a faggot.

you are not patrick bateman
No, I'm not.

And not a fucking day goes by where I don't wish that I was.
  • JFL
Reactions: twojei, PlayersGetPlayed and cooldude1231
Then maybe I wont be feeling all sad and sorry for myself all the time

I wish I was just naturally a psycho or socio whatever the fuck the difference is

Those guys have no emotions they just do what needs to be done

It's already bad enough I got cursed with bad looks now I gotta deal with a bad brain
There are substantial differences, and you would rather be a psychopath than a sociopath
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@Brus Wane Being a psychopath isn't the same as being a sociopath. Being a psychopath is a more gentle form because it generally lacks the more violent nature of a sociopath. Of course, a psychopath is more willing to do dirty work and quick to forget about it or not care at all, but they're not fully driven by it. They can live perfectly normal lives. A sociopath is literally driven by hurting others and have a destructive behavior.

Answering to the huh above me.
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@Brus Wane Being a psychopath isn't the same as being a sociopath. Being a psychopath is a more gentle form because it generally lacks the more violent nature of a sociopath. Of course, a psychopath is more willing to do dirty work and quick to forget about it or not care at all, but they're not fully driven by it. They can live perfectly normal lives. A sociopath is literally driven by hurting others and have a destructive behavior.

Answering to the huh above me.
Here's the breakdown of the difference between a psychopath and a sociopath:

  1. Psychopath:
    • Born, not made: Psychopathy is believed to have more biological or genetic roots. Psychopaths often show symptoms from a young age, such as a lack of empathy or emotional detachment.
    • Charming but manipulative: Psychopaths can appear charismatic and charming on the surface. They’re excellent at mimicking emotions and fitting into society without raising suspicion.
    • Cold and calculating: They don’t feel guilt or remorse. They can plan long-term manipulative or even violent behavior without any emotional attachment. Psychopaths often maintain calm under pressure and are more meticulous.
    • More dangerous: Due to their lack of empathy, psychopaths are more prone to calculated criminal behavior or violence without showing much emotion.
  2. Sociopath:
    • Made by environment: Sociopathy is more often linked to environmental factors, like childhood trauma or abusive experiences. Sociopaths may develop their antisocial tendencies as a response to their environment.
    • Erratic and impulsive: Sociopaths tend to have more volatile emotions and may act out impulsively without much thought. They struggle to maintain long-term relationships or regular work because of their unpredictable behavior.
    • Show some emotion: Sociopaths might feel some guilt or remorse, especially towards people they care about, but they lack empathy for most others.
    • More likely to be caught: Sociopaths are less adept at covering their tracks or blending into society, so they are more easily detected.
In summary: Psychopaths are often calm, manipulative, and emotionless, while sociopaths tend to be more impulsive, erratic, and emotional. Both lack empathy and engage in antisocial behavior, but psychopaths are typically more dangerous due to their cold, calculated nature.

This is what gpt gave me.
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Those guys have no emotions they just do what needs to be done
If you just want to be numb to negative emotions and do what needs to be done, you would wish to be a psychopath. If you want to be on the edge and commit crimes and rape and kill and rob and all that nasty shit, that's a sociopath. Basically, your title should be 'I wish I was a psychopath' because it doesn't seem like you wish to actively harm others and cause senseless destruction. Rather, you just want to be numb and in control in your own skin. However, it's no secret that psychopaths aren't angels themselves.
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Here's the breakdown of the difference between a psychopath and a sociopath:

  1. Psychopath:
    • Born, not made: Psychopathy is believed to have more biological or genetic roots. Psychopaths often show symptoms from a young age, such as a lack of empathy or emotional detachment.
    • Charming but manipulative: Psychopaths can appear charismatic and charming on the surface. They’re excellent at mimicking emotions and fitting into society without raising suspicion.
    • Cold and calculating: They don’t feel guilt or remorse. They can plan long-term manipulative or even violent behavior without any emotional attachment. Psychopaths often maintain calm under pressure and are more meticulous.
    • More dangerous: Due to their lack of empathy, psychopaths are more prone to calculated criminal behavior or violence without showing much emotion.
  2. Sociopath:
    • Made by environment: Sociopathy is more often linked to environmental factors, like childhood trauma or abusive experiences. Sociopaths may develop their antisocial tendencies as a response to their environment.
    • Erratic and impulsive: Sociopaths tend to have more volatile emotions and may act out impulsively without much thought. They struggle to maintain long-term relationships or regular work because of their unpredictable behavior.
    • Show some emotion: Sociopaths might feel some guilt or remorse, especially towards people they care about, but they lack empathy for most others.
    • More likely to be caught: Sociopaths are less adept at covering their tracks or blending into society, so they are more easily detected.
In summary: Psychopaths are often calm, manipulative, and emotionless, while sociopaths tend to be more impulsive, erratic, and emotional. Both lack empathy and engage in antisocial behavior, but psychopaths are typically more dangerous due to their cold, calculated nature.

This is what gpt gave me.
Forget chat gpt. Currently there is a differentiation, which has to be made, between psychopaths. Which are divided into primary and secondary.
The type to which chat gpt refers tends towards the former.
Secondly, the relationship of sociopaths with emotions is controversial, in fact it's preferable not to be emotional with sociopaths. Psychopaths' (secondary) relationship with emotions is also controversial, they tend to underestimate their own. Psychopaths are better, but who knows how effective they are at manipulation
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In summary: Psychopaths are often calm, manipulative, and emotionless, while sociopaths tend to be more impulsive, erratic, and emotional. Both lack empathy and engage in antisocial behavior, but psychopaths are typically more dangerous due to their cold, calculated nature.
That's true. If you analyze what it means. It's basically means that unlike psychopaths, sociopaths can't really control their violent impulses. That means that if you want any chance at being cool and numb, you wish to be a psychopath. It's also true that when a psychopath is 'activated' he's more dangerous because he's more calm, meticulous, and calculated. Think about it like how a white person is generally more calm than the typical black person. The black person is more willing to commit crimes and all that. But, when a white dude decide that 'it's his day' he would become more dangerous and would create more harm. It's not that the psychopath is more evil than the sociopath.
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Reactions: DarkAscender and Brus Wane
I want to be like this nigga
That's true. If you analyze what it means. It's basically means that unlike psychopaths, sociopaths can't really control their violent impulses. That means that if you want any chance at being cool and numb, you wish to be a psychopath. It's also true that when a psychopath is 'activated' he's more dangerous because he's more calm, meticulous, and calculated. Think about it like how a white person is generally more calm than the typical black person. The black person is more willing to commit crimes and all that. But, when a white dude decide that 'it's his day' he would become more dangerous and would create more harm.
Mirin the racially charged analogy:feelskek::lul:
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Jfl people think sociopathy and being manipulative is some trait your born with like IQ, its just doing the wrong thing, acting like a dickhead. Most people arent like this so they had to create a term for it. If you really want to just do it.
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Trust me, you don’t. Psychopaths literaly lack parts of the brain that regulate empathy and guilt aswell as the amygdala which regulates fear and anxiety. You could be a totally functional psychopath. But you would still eventually hurt others around you.
Psychopaths are way more common than you think, and you may already came across one in your life.

They're not the crazy killers you see on tv. They're mostly non violent people who will deceive anyone and lie their way to get what they want and feel powerful. Think of the person who puts in the least amount of effort at work. But also has one of the the highest positions at the same time. They'll rely on others to support their lifestyle, they'll manipulate and exploit people to provide for them without doing anything in return. Parasites. that's what they are. They can become very dangerous if their upbringing wasn't so nice and when they feel "pushed" to do crimes, to get what they desire.

They are not cool, they miss out on the beauty of life.
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Reactions: Brus Wane
Jfl people think sociopathy and being manipulative is some trait your born with like IQ, its just doing the wrong thing, acting like a dickhead. Most people arent like this so they had to create a term for it. If you really want to just do it.
I agree that definitions are vague, but you have defined yourself by writing this.
They are not cool, they miss out on the beauty of life.
What do they miss out on? Most CEO's / people at the top of anything important are Sociopathic, it means they have the most money most foids, most free time.
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What are you even saying
There is generally a standardisation on how people react to psychopaths, empaths and blah, blah, but this is not the case for all 'types', likewise a person's opinion on manipulation will vary depending on the polarisation.
If you think manipulation is easy, you are probably a psychopath or a sociopath (but in this case it depends)
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There is generally a standardisation on how people react to psychopaths, empaths and blah, blah, but this is not the case for all 'types', likewise a person's opinion on manipulation will vary depending on the polarisation.
If you think manipulation is easy, you are probably a psychopath or a sociopath (but in this case it depends)
Yea ur right for the first part, I definitely dont have 0 empathy and I do feel bad for others especially if I do them wrong but I do admire and realise that sociopathic tendencies are what alot of leaders and higher ups in this world have and get things done for the most part.
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You just have low T

Carnivore and semen retention will cure that
  • JFL
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Reactions: Acion and Brus Wane
Then maybe I wont be feeling all sad and sorry for myself all the time

I wish I was just naturally a psycho or socio whatever the fuck the difference is

Those guys have no emotions they just do what needs to be done

It's already bad enough I got cursed with bad looks now I gotta deal with a bad brain
But is there any need for you to feel sad and sorry for yourself?! Is it even necessary for you to make the mental effort and spend cognitive resources in order to feel bad for yourself so that you can produce 'i feel bad' chemicals, s that you feel even more bad about yourself. Break the cycle boyo. Love and compassion it's all your need.
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Do explain. Like fr, if you can be arsed.
I was diagnosed with aspd, so being said i still feel shitty, i still feel bits of empathy enough to stop me from doing sum stuff, i still feel remorse (rarely tho i get nights where everything ive done crashes onto me all at once an it's very hard to deal with bc no one understands), and i still feel fucking terrible, this immense boredom makes me very easy to act on something dumb or take up drugs bc there's nothing that stops the boredom. Sum of this topic don't wish for something that will only make your situation worse...
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What do they miss out on?
Genuine connections with people.

I went a little too far in the bad aspects of psychopaths. They can live a normal life.
But they can't bond with people like neurotypicals can. They can learn how to act friendly and how to say the right things. They can become really great at seeming normal. But most of it is not genuine, they're mostly disconnected from other people. Something's just missing.
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