I wonder if I should start doing roids or slowly still build my muscles naturally



Dec 27, 2021
7C8A0205 B9B5 4FD1 A594 E8BCEDEC8219

Im still very skinny and narrow framed, i was thinking heavy about test on 300mg/week, would it help me?
start bulking u little twink boy
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I weigh 57kg at 5’9
yeah thats too little. In order to look like you lift you should weigh at least 77 kg with decent body fat pedcentage
yeah thats too little. In order to look like you lift you should weigh at least 77 kg with decent body fat pedcentage
I agree with u but it seems like i cant bulk properly, I look either like this on pic or skinny fat at around 70kg
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I agree with u but it seems like i cant bulk properly, I look either like this on pic or skinny fat at around 70kg
use PEDs
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I love how the poster above referred to you as a twink. There are areas that lack a natural masculine muscle development, namely, traps, pecs and lateral shoulders, don't get me started on your lower body.
I agree with u but it seems like i cant bulk properly, I look either like this on pic or skinny fat at around 70kg
test won't build you much muscle. Try rad 140 10 mg a day for 2 montha while eating in 1000 cal surplus and look at the results
I love how the poster above referred to you as a twink. There are areas that lack a natural masculine muscle development, namely, traps, pecs and lateral shoulders, don't get me started on your lower body.
Do you think it’s my chest insertions’ fault? Or frame
Do you think it’s my chest insertions’ fault? Or frame
I think whats happening is you aren't doing the right exercises and you're addicted to a certain regimen
I think whats happening is you aren't doing the right exercises and you're addicted to a certain regimen
I’m doing push pull for about one year, before I was doing classic fbw
I’m doing push pull for about one year, before I was doing classic fbw
What I do on push days is incline Dumbell press then decline then chest fly then OHP Then lateral raises then push down for triceps, on pull days I do rows Pulldowns, incline biceps curls and leg raises
you don't need roids

you need to eat more and probably change your programming
mirin cisowianka
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nah he is tiny in clothes and dyel for sure. He has to gain size, at least 20 kilos I think
Stfu! OP,if you want female gaze,you are good as you are,if you want men to praize you and jerk on you than bulk and take roidw
I agree with u but it seems like i cant bulk properly, I look either like this on pic or skinny fat at around 70kg
So then you’re not training hard enough or you’re eating like dog shit. Find your maintenance calories and up it by 250-350 calories. Train 4+ times a week, eat REAL FOOD HIT YOUR PROTEIN MACROS. Gaining fat while bulking is inevitable, you cannot avoid it. That’s why people cycle during seasons. Fall/winter you bulk, spring/summer you cut. There is no “I can’t bulk” you eat more calories than you burn you will gain weight there is no if ands or buts about that. Eat more, eat better, train harder. You’re no where near your genetic limit. You’re gonna go on T, gain 30 pounds of muscle and then lose it all a year later anyway because you’re not doing it the right way. Even on roids you need to train insanely hard and eat properly.
yeah thats too little. In order to look like you lift you should weigh at least 77 kg with decent body fat pedcentage
massive cope. i weight 70kg and even at 65-65 kg same height people asked me if i roid and shit all the time. also girls approached me saying i got the perfect body and shit

its all about ratios and insertions
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massive cope. i weight 70kg and even at 65-65 kg same height people asked me if i roid and shit all the time. also girls approached me saying i got the perfect body and shit

its all about ratios and insertions
what is your arm circumference?
what is your arm circumference?
it was like 39-40 cm when i actively lifted but im talking more about back shoulders and waiste to hip ratio
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im 6'1 and 70kg 154,5lbs. U dont need to weigh alot in order to build muscle
it was like 39-40 cm when i actively lifted but im talking more about back shoulders and waiste to hip ratio
39-40 cm arms are big for 65-70 kg
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