Deleted member 3299

Sep 25, 2019
I would trade my height (6'5)
I would try my penis size (7.5 5.75)
I would trade my large frame
I would trade my brute strength
Nothing Is more humiliating than having low IQ. I get academically humiliated every time I go to school and my teacher has the balls to say "Why don't you go to class more?" It's because I'm RETARDED there is no point in trying.
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  • So Sad
  • JFL
Reactions: Chadelite, Pietrosiek, HighTierNormie and 1 other person
imagine having room temperature iq though XD
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So you trade up being decently physically attatctive, so just LDAR in some hi tech company, while Chad who is dumber then you,.gets promoted?
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Reactions: Entropy Incarnate, GenericChad1444, Deleted member 3142 and 3 others
I would trade my height (6'5)
I would try my penis size (7.5 5.75)
I would trade my large frame
I would trade my brute strength
Nothing Is more humiliating than having low IQ. I get academically humiliated every time I go to school and my teacher has the balls to say "Why don't you go to class more?" It's because I'm RETARDED there is no point in trying.
what is your iq?
, while Chad who is dumber then you,.gets promoted?
honestly makes no sense, probably some autismo pslers cuck fantasy
So you trade up being decently physically attatctive, so just LDAR in some hi tech company, while Chad who is dumber then you,.gets promoted?
You don't understand man. When everyone can do the project but you are struggling It is humiliating. Yes I would 10/10
honestly makes no sense, probably some autismo pslers cuck fantasy
You don't have low IQ you wouldn't understand. I wish this was a fantasy but It's a sad reality.
give me a numerical figure
honestly makes no sense, probably some autismo pslers cuck fantasy
Obviously if the job requires fucking 130 and the Chad is 90, ain't no one gonna put him in that job.
But when the margin is smaller, well we all aware at the advantages of good looks
i can tell you have a pretty low iq from this post
Why is that?
from your uhh... very one sided deal you're hypothetically offering

iqs within the normal range (about 80 to 120) are pretty meaningless tbh
bro you're average not retarded
first of all IQ is not intelligence, it just correlates the test just measures your brains ability to interpret the connections between different patterns and is therefore a measure of how fast you learn not how well you can carry out tasks once they've been learnt
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dude tbh my iq pill is very brootal. I will die at school i'm so retarded
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I get it i am close to always the dumbest person in my class. But being ugly is worse then that
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Reactions: GenericChad1444 and Deleted member 3299
Through discipline, and learning techniques such as Pomadaro, Leitner system etc you can make up for the IQ difference and you can still go into university for STEM but you will have to work a bit harder ofc
@disillusioned alt
  • JFL
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I get it i am close to always the dumbest person in my class. But being ugly is worse then that
This guy gets it. There is no point in me ever showing up to class anymore just to get brutally IQ mogged. Life sucks
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IQ doesn't mean anything the test score doesn't magically calculate intelligence the only people promoting these tests are the ones who score high on them it is literal pseudo science
This guy gets it. There is no point in me ever showing up to class anymore just to get brutally IQ mogged. Life sucks
bruh, continue to rot then you dumb ogre
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Reactions: Deleted member 3299
IQ doesn't mean anything the test score doesn't magically calculate intelligence the only people promoting these tests are the ones who score high on them it is literal pseudo science

bruh, continue to rot then you dumb ogre
Such is life for retards
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Reactions: hebbewem
you should gymmax
and pray to Allah max
for top tier frame/body
and high iq

look at khabib
you should gymmax
and pray to Allah max
for top tier frame/body
and high iq

look at khabib
I already Gymmax for Football. Football is the only thing I am decently good at it because It just requires being a brute.
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Reactions: Chadelite
Im a big guy myself, but wouldnt mind being a little bigger. We could trade I guess...
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from your uhh... very one sided deal you're hypothetically offering

iqs within the normal range (about 80 to 120) are pretty meaningless tbh
Not one sided If I live the life buddy. How would you know it's meaningless if you are above average intelligence?
I already Gymmax for Football. Football is the only thing I am decently good at it because It just requires being a brute.
american football yh
Not one sided If I live the life buddy. How would you know it's meaningless if you are above average intelligence?
trade with me?
6ft 3 aprox
very good frame non gymmaxed
chad face after i lose fat
very high iq, almost genius tier
Not one sided If I live the life buddy. How would you know it's meaningless if you are above average intelligence?
because the only thing i'm naturally better at is putting stuff together, i'm wittier and better at puzzle games, but if i want to get good at something i need to practice just like anyone else, your iq could be 180 and you'd still have to study
I would trade my height (6'5)
I would try my penis size (7.5 5.75)
I would trade my large frame
I would trade my brute strength
Nothing Is more humiliating than having low IQ. I get academically humiliated every time I go to school and my teacher has the balls to say "Why don't you go to class more?" It's because I'm RETARDED there is no point in trying.

Their is nothing saying you cannot increase iq your just a lazy fuck your brain is a self correcting organism it's a bit different than a computer your brain is designed to forever learn
because the only thing i'm naturally better at is putting stuff together, i'm wittier and better at puzzle games, but if i want to get good at something i need to practice just like anyone else, your iq could be 180 and you'd still have to study
I suck ass at woodworking too. Probably one of the worst in my class and I try hard too. I am not good at anything that requires intelligence JFL.
Low IQ is better, its good to live in ignorance

When your high IQ you are much better at realizing how shitty life is, high IQ only good for Chads and Chadlites not for incels/low tier normies to realize their horrific fate
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Their is nothing saying you cannot increase iq your just a lazy fuck your brain is a self correcting organism it's a bit different than a computer your brain is designed to forever learn
When the teacher is explaining a new concept and everyone gets it but me and this other retard then what does that mean? It shows the intelligence gap between me and somebody that has above average intelligence. No physical attributes can match having high IQ.
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I suck ass at woodworking too. Probably one of the worst in my class and I try hard too. I am not good at anything that requires intelligence JFL.
listen bro
stop saying you are dumb
you are smart af
for winning the genetic lottery with that height and frame
now shut up
lose some weight
and stop calling yourself stupid
i have a very high iq
i always think of very good business ideas
but i have no money to do anything with them
in school, i hate listening to the teacher, and reading textbooks is a no no
some people learn in different ways
i learn by watching videos
When the teacher is explaining a new concept and everyone gets it but me and this other retard then what does that mean? It shows the intelligence gap between me and somebody that has above average intelligence. No physical attributes can match having high IQ.
you can't teach a fish to climb a tree
so learn the way you want to learn
check out khan academy who does videos for kids in the USA
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When the teacher is explaining a new concept and everyone gets it but me and this other retard then what does that mean? It shows the intelligence gap between me and somebody that has above average intelligence. No physical attributes can match having high IQ.

I mean what subject are you struggling with ?
being the ugliest in the room is worse than being the dumbest in the room
Math and Science

Higher tier or foundation ? or do they do that shit at your school i don't know i haven't been their for a while
Math and Science
have you tried learning from the basics on your own ? usually the problem is not knowing the basics good enough
Higher tier or foundation ? or do they do that shit at your school i don't know i haven't been their for a while
I am doing foundation. I got a D in higher tier, so I switched to foundation. I'm getting a C (Math) for foundation Science I am getting a C+
I am doing foundation. I got a D in higher tier, so I switched to foundation. I'm getting a C (Math) for foundation Science I am getting a C+

Depending on what your doing on what subject usually their are vedios for help
have you tried learning from the basics on your own ? usually the problem is not knowing the basics good enough
No, but when I go to class I pay attention to the teacher and ask her questions while no one else is really paying attention at all

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