Ideas for respectmaxxing?



In a better place
Mar 31, 2019
I'm planning on making a guide on this as I already have a few pretty solid methods (some cheap/free, others requiring surgery or other expenses). What are some not-so-obvious things you can do to appear more intimidating/respectable?

inb4 "only height is important, manlets can't get respect" etc.

Height is the most important thing obviously BUT you can still gain more respect no matter your height.
lol, respect = status, just statusmax. Anything else you say is cope
Look up to 4 virtues
Get big. Fill out your frame. It will make you look another inch taller srs.

Pick up a martial art.
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Height is the most important thing obviously BUT you can still gain more respect no matter your height.

Cope. If ur 5'6 and under u'll never be taken seriously.
Bet ways to respectmaxx though are:
- having a fight (and winning ofc) this gains HUGE respect and helped me a lot even though I'm a twink
-Talents like music/singing ( u have to be atleast average looking for this)
-Trapper/ be the guy who sells all the weed/drugs
frame, fame, money, voice, certain degree also gymcelling, showing respect to others, be kind to kids and to elders, good eye area, superman jaw, master an instrument, can pull off some sick calisthenic moves, knowledge, courage

sounds bluepilled, but keep in mind that the majority of humans are bluepilled and those people are the people you get the respect from, so you have to act in their ideal

except you mean respectmaxxing in the sense of "fuck I am scared of this guy"
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suck somebodys willy
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If you have unique talents that are interesting it’s bound to get SOME sort of attention and might escalate into respect.

whether it be

Dancing- not shit like square dancing im talking legit like break dancing

Instrument- Piano or guitar are probably the best instrument skills to show off if you’re genuinely good at them

Drawing- I’m very good at drawing and I get randoms coming up to me saying “damn bruh that shit good”

there’s many more but dont remember
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Just don’t be a bitch and wierd also keep your word, mind your business and don’t kids up to others it’s not that complicated
You mean respect like someone that doesn't get bullied because of it?

Tattoos, gun ownership, short hair, height obviously, aggressive tonality
im making a guide on this very short and sweet , no bs
If you have unique talents that are interesting it’s bound to get SOME sort of attention and might escalate into respect.

whether it be

Dancing- not shit like square dancing im talking legit like break dancing

Instrument- Piano or guitar are probably the best instrument skills to show off if you’re genuinely good at them

Drawing- I’m very good at drawing and I get randoms coming up to me saying “damn bruh that shit good”

there’s many more but dont remember
idk no one cares but
here in bavaria a traditional music scene is still going on and lately it got more popular because of "Tanzlmusi" (Music which is meant for dancing) while still being somewhat traditional

The main instruments are Flügelhorn (kind of trumpet), trombone, contra bass and Ziach (kind of accordeon)
Good players can live off the money they earn
120 € for 1 - 2 hours of work while you get drunk and afterwards fuck foids
If you have unique talents that are interesting it’s bound to get SOME sort of attention and might escalate into respect.

whether it be

Dancing- not shit like square dancing im talking legit like break dancing

Instrument- Piano or guitar are probably the best instrument skills to show off if you’re genuinely good at them

Drawing- I’m very good at drawing and I get randoms coming up to me saying “damn bruh that shit good”

there’s many more but dont remember
Good idea but I was thinking more of something that would change someone's first impression not after they know you for a while.
If you have unique talents that are interesting it’s bound to get SOME sort of attention and might escalate into respect.

whether it be

Dancing- not shit like square dancing im talking legit like break dancing

Instrument- Piano or guitar are probably the best instrument skills to show off if you’re genuinely good at them

Drawing- I’m very good at drawing and I get randoms coming up to me saying “damn bruh that shit good”

there’s many more but dont remember
Good idea but not what I'm thinking of
Also I should have clarified but I was talking more about methods related to looksmaxxing not just "be nice to other people" stuff
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