If a girl gives you general interest signals should you enact or play it cool?



Feb 17, 2021
Often times when a girl gives me signs of interest when I act it never works out. Recently I have been playing it cool and respond to females in a monotone uninterested tone. Is this the right move? This girl got into my personal space and brushed her ass against me today at work and said sorry. She even made a joke when coming up to me. I know this sounds pretty self explanatory but how do i advance this? I often see her giving me looks every once in awhile but afraid to speak to me. Today I wore a better fit that a lot of women respond to.
Often times when a girl gives me signs of interest when I act it never works out. Recently I have been playing it cool and respond to females in a monotone uninterested tone. Is this the right move? This girl got into my personal space and brushed her ass against me today at work and said sorry. She even made a joke when coming up to me. I know this sounds pretty self explanatory but how do i advance this? I often see her giving me looks every once in awhile but afraid to speak to me. Today I wore a better fit that a lot of women respond to.
Short answer to your title don’t engage.
At the end of the day does it really matter?
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She asked to use a tape gun and as soon as i pointed it out to her, she jumped for it and turned her body to brush her ass against my body
youre coping it was just an accident lmao
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it's all in your head and it's normal, you're getting desperate
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youre coping it was just an accident lmao
I doubt it. Ive seen her do a double take and break her neck looking at me before. The thing is I have a very rough looking face but good body to females i guess. I seem very unapproachable. I wore my best fit hoodie fit which makes my face more approachable i guess and lots of women were approaching me and being more friendly. It appears I have to look my best just to get approached. In the past me approaching women has never worked
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I doubt it. Ive seen her do a double take and break her neck looking at me before. The thing is I have a very rough looking face but good body to females i guess. I seem very unapproachable. I wore my best fit hoodie fit which makes my face more approachable i guess and lots of women were approaching me and being more friendly. It appears I have to look my best just to get approached. In the past me approaching women has never worked
You know getting lots of looks isnt a good thing right?
it's all in your head and it's normal, you're getting desperate
No. I am extremely autistic. I know every persons tendencies. These women never speak to me or say hi to me. I noticed irregularities in peoples behavior. When someone says my name or waves at me when they never did for 6+ fucking years yes I will notice
Often times when a girl gives me signs of interest when I act it never works out. Recently I have been playing it cool and respond to females in a monotone uninterested tone. Is this the right move? This girl got into my personal space and brushed her ass against me today at work and said sorry. She even made a joke when coming up to me. I know this sounds pretty self explanatory but how do i advance this? I often see her giving me looks every once in awhile but afraid to speak to me. Today I wore a better fit that a lot of women respond to.
it depends on your age
unless youre chad, which youre not getting all these looks you talk about while saying youre unapproachable is a bad thing
look I just wanted to know how to advance. Stfu if your going to be retarded and dodge the question kike. One thing I know for certain is if I look bad I get zero looks. In order for me to get approached I need to be a little bit more friendly, but looks means I can at least speak to them.
look I just wanted to know how to advance. Stfu if your going to be retarded and dodge the question kike. One thing I know for certain is if I look bad I get zero looks. In order for me to get approached I need to be a little bit more friendly, but looks means I can at least speak to them.
Deformed and disabled people get most looks out of everyone lmao, doesnt mean its a good thing
Escort. Don’t waste your time, save your self the headaches. A woman will do nothing for you. Just suppress your libido.
You cant kiss and escort or have her "care" for you. My experience simple penetration with a stranger is retarded.
Often times when a girl gives me signs of interest when I act it never works out. Recently I have been playing it cool and respond to females in a monotone uninterested tone. Is this the right move? This girl got into my personal space and brushed her ass against me today at work and said sorry. She even made a joke when coming up to me. I know this sounds pretty self explanatory but how do i advance this? I often see her giving me looks every once in awhile but afraid to speak to me. Today I wore a better fit that a lot of women respond to.
You sound like me when I was 10 and had a crush, creating delusions in my head and amplifying reality to make it sound better than it is. They will make it easy for you if you look good. Don’t waste your time. Learn this lesson, if they want you they will make it as clear as day.
You sound like me when I was 10 and had a crush, creating delusions in my head and amplifying reality to make it sound better than it is. They will make it easy for you if you look good. Don’t waste your time. Learn this lesson, if they want you they will make it as clear as day.
She rubbed her ass on my hand? Wtf is wrong with you
she brushed her ass against my hand?
Chad tales lil boy. If she fr did that, you’ve would’ve reacted and there’d probaly be something bigger than that in the bag. ( if your little story was real) :blackpill::feelswhy:
You cant kiss and escort or have her "care" for you. My experience simple penetration with a stranger is retarded.
Just come to terms with the fact you will never experience this truly until you are ascend. Maybe you will find the one possibly, but the likely outcome is you loose sleep over false hope.
She rubbed her ass on my hand? Wtf is wrong with you
If you think she likes you then ask her on a date, if you don’t then hope on libido suppresses and try your hardest to forget she exists. You will only waste time otherwise
Often times when a girl gives me signs of interest when I act it never works out. Recently I have been playing it cool and respond to females in a monotone uninterested tone. Is this the right move? This girl got into my personal space and brushed her ass against me today at work and said sorry. She even made a joke when coming up to me. I know this sounds pretty self explanatory but how do i advance this? I often see her giving me looks every once in awhile but afraid to speak to me. Today I wore a better fit that a lot of women respond to.
Short answer to your title don’t engage.
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If you think she likes you then ask her on a date, if you don’t then hope on libido suppresses and try your hardest to forget she exists. You will only waste time otherwise
look i may not be in the loop, but i know asking girls on dates in 2024 is not the move. Im pretty sure men and women have been doing the "netflix and chill" sort of thing.
Chad tales lil boy. If she fr did that, you’ve would’ve reacted and there’d probaly be something bigger than that in the bag. ( if your little story was real) :blackpill::feelswhy:
???? What am i supposed to react to that. I act the same regardless of the situation im in. That how im so good at reading people. I had a girl who was 1000% into me do the exact same thing to me in the exact same place. (I stand in the same spot at work).
???? What am i supposed to react to that. I act the same regardless of the situation im in. That how im so good at reading people. I had a girl who was 1000% into me do the exact same thing to me in the exact same place. (I stand in the same spot at work).
Tell her you wanna meet. If it comes to sexual stuff fuck her and then block her afterwards. She’ll feel like crap and could be she suicides
That’s what I did with every girl that was interested in me and now i’m an incel at 23
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First of all, if you are not sure if it goes somewhere, compliment something about her that is not necessary sexual

Nails, hairs, glasses, clothing, it should be something she tried to do the best or did recently, like new haircut

The best would be to compliment something she is insecure about

If she smiles or touches her hair as a reaction, you can escalate it, you might ask for her instagram to write with her outside work

If not fast, you can give her compliment few more times and invite her for a coffee

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