If a man is taking a sexually active women(prostitute or escort) on multiple dates and he isn’t sexually active at all or with her, what is he to her?



Feb 16, 2021
This shouldn’t even be hard to believe but, It’s men out here taking girls who are prostitutes or escorts on the low on dates buying quality food and stuff. Like I’m dead serious, some of these men don’t even know or are completely clueless, so if a man is doing this, taking her on dates, getting notting in return and she’s a prostitute or escort, what is this guy and what do you think she views him as???

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  • +1
Reactions: litaz
a faggot
  • JFL
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Reactions: notsocommonthumb, PROMETHEUS and dreamcake1mo
Cucked incels
  • +1
Cucked incels
It’s crazy how the guys doing this probably are online calling any man who points something out like this an “ incel” it’s crazy that there’s really guys out here like this, they are very dangerous and apart of the problem.

They are part of the reason why many women have strong delusions nowadays.
  • +1
Reactions: ezio6
Its the norm and will get worse
  • +1
Reactions: jm17
Its the norm and will get worse
it’s sad because this is very true. People don’t understand these types of men are the ones who enable these women to try and demand every man become like this or he’s gonna be ridiculed, called every bad label in the book.
A free meal
And a lot of these same types of women think that guys are supposed to wear that as a badge of honor becusee of the dudes that enable this stuff

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