If getting women doesn't feel effortless, it's over.

Deleted member 245

Deleted member 245

Sep 1, 2018
All the women I successfully slayed were the women I put forth zero effort into pursuing. In other words, they made the first move, carried the conversation, asked for my phone number, and wanted to fuck just as much, if not more than I did. If you come into close proximity with a woman who actually likes you and you like her back, things tend to happen naturally.

There is not a bigger meme on this planet than cold approaching. As a matter of fact, if you take ANYTHING PUAs say seriously, you've already lost. Attractive men don't need PUA or any kind of dating advice because it just happens naturally.
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Semi agree

It’s the same for me in that all the women I’ve slept with have made it easy for me, but I still think if I was lower inhib and a bit better at sexually escalating a conversation I could have a much higher slay count
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yea, most of my pass laid happen without me puting any effort, it just come naturally...now im pretty sure im incel af now
Same here, every slay and make-out I have had so far was the girl coming onto me and making it easy.

I do cold-approach girls in clubs though and after you make the first move they sometimes will carry the convo and go for make-out.
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There is not a bigger meme on this planet than cold approaching. As a matter of fact, if you take ANYTHING PUAs say seriously, you've already lost. Attractive men don't need PUA or any kind of dating advice because it just happens naturally.

giga cope.

before pua i was mainly LTRing chicks from my social circle, and had the occasional/rare ONS.
pua is legit.
the problem is most of you are too ugly, or too low IQ, or both.
  • JFL
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Reactions: Deleted member 245
giga cope.

before pua i was mainly LTRing chicks from my social circle, and had the occasional/rare ONS.
pua is legit.
the problem is most of you are too ugly, or too low IQ, or both.
The only gigacope here is PUA.

Biggest scam on earth.
The only gigacope here is PUA.

Biggest scam on earth.

do you realize that PUA is literally marketing and sales(product=you), renamed, and presented as something new?
imaging thinking that marketing doesn't work.

and yes, of course it's a scum, as well.
imaging learning sales/marketing and not using it to grift 5'3 pajeets who think they can fuck VS models.
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Reactions: IndianJock
Totally relatable

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