If I didnt have a girlfriend, this site would drive me to severe depression



Oct 7, 2018
You never look at the world the same after this website. You notice the most pedantic things in people such as their canthal tilt, bizygomatic breadth, philtrum blah blah. I am just lucky that my above average looks got me a girlfriend and i can have sex multiple times in one day. Now I will gymcel and try to afford to get a few surgeries after college so that i have virtually no flaws in my face. I highly recommend most people to not look at this website and instead focus on more important things in life. Most people here are average in looks or above average. Take a walk outside and look at how manypeople who would told me to rope on this website if they posted their pics that have girlfriends. the number is actually high. The rope is never the solution and it will never be. Instead focus on finding someone your looksmatch with and seeing if there is chemistry there and if your guys' interests resonate together.
  • +1
Reactions: Final82 and Swagwaffle
Looksmax.net isnt even brutal. R/Incels was the real shit in its prime, everyday suifuel postings. But here we have many aspies like
@StudyHacks or @Arceus300 that entertain me everyday tbh and make this place nice (NO FRONT BTW)
  • +1
Reactions: Autist, UndercovrNormie, Deleted member 656 and 1 other person
Looksmax.net isnt even brutal. R/Incels was the real shit in its prime, everyday suifuel postings. But here we have many aspies like
@StudyHacks or @Arceus300 that entertain me everyday tbh and make this place nice (NO FRONT BTW)
Wait till I marry @Arcbrah. The perfect Ying-Yang ancient chinese combo. We'll travel to Japan for our honeymoon and I'll take his virginity in a forest. We'll debut on pornhub.
  • +1
Reactions: Yummyinmytummy and dogtown
Looksmax.net isnt even brutal. R/Incels was the real shit in its prime, everyday suifuel postings. But here we have many aspies like
@StudyHacks or @Arceus300 that entertain me everyday tbh and make this place nice (NO FRONT BTW)
When was the prime of r/Incels? Tbh r/Incels was really good. Especially when reddit cucks came for virtue signalling and they were taught a lesson lmao
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Reactions: Autist and Swagwaffle
This site saved me NGL
Why the fuck are guys with girlfriends even on this site? I can't figure this out for the life of me.

If I ever get a gf, no offense guys I love you but I will never come back to this site again. I don't give a fuck about whether my gonial angle is 74 or 72 degrees if I have a beautiful, loyal, loving girl to spend my life with.

If you have a 7+/10 gf you've already confirmed that your looks aren't holding you back. There's gotta be something wrong with us here, including myself. Some type of narcissism or the greed to mog others or whatever.
  • +1
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But the memes are too good here
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R/Incels was the real shit in its prime, everyday suifuel postings
Yeah much of it completely off base too jfl. Jfl if u actually think the world works like .is posters say it does
excuse to brag
  • +1
Reactions: qwep, Sub5virgin, Autist and 1 other person
You never look at the world the same after this website. You notice the most pedantic things in people such as their canthal tilt, bizygomatic breadth, philtrum blah blah. I am just lucky that my above average looks got me a girlfriend and i can have sex multiple times in one day. Now I will gymcel and try to afford to get a few surgeries after college so that i have virtually no flaws in my face. I highly recommend most people to not look at this website and instead focus on more important things in life. Most people here are average in looks or above average. Take a walk outside and look at how manypeople who would told me to rope on this website if they posted their pics that have girlfriends. the number is actually high. The rope is never the solution and it will never be. Instead focus on finding someone your looksmatch with and seeing if there is chemistry there and if your guys' interests resonate together.
try posting a lens distorted picture of you in the shitposting section of lookism
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Reactions: Deleted member 443, GenericChad1444, Autist and 2 others

If I ever get a gf, if I have a beautiful, loyal, loving girl to spend my life with.
Shutterstock 325494917 5a68d8403418c600190a3e1f
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 443, GenericChad1444, Autist and 3 others
try posting a lens distorted picture of you in the shitposting section of lookism
-undisputed 2019
  • +1
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-undisputed 2019
Imagine getting raped by that orc @undisputed. Getting rammed by a goat would be a less humiliating better version of ultimate descension than getting fucked by that Moroccan orc


  • 611AibW.png
    139.5 KB · Views: 26
  • +1
Reactions: dogtown and Nibba
Imagine getting raped by that orc @undisputed. Getting rammed by a goat would be a less humiliating better version of ultimate descension than getting fucked by that Moroccan orc
Jfl is that him
Wait till I marry @Arcbrah. The perfect Ying-Yang ancient chinese combo. We'll travel to Japan for our honeymoon and I'll take his virginity in a forest. We'll debut on pornhub.
put your fucking shirt on, red dragon :lul:
Why the fuck are guys with girlfriends even on this site? I can't figure this out for the life of me.

If I ever get a gf, no offense guys I love you but I will never come back to this site again. I don't give a fuck about whether my gonial angle is 74 or 72 degrees if I have a beautiful, loyal, loving girl to spend my life with.

If you have a 7+/10 gf you've already confirmed that your looks aren't holding you back. There's gotta be something wrong with us here, including myself. Some type of narcissism or the greed to mog others or whatever.

"If you get a girlfriend. She'll be a used up whore never letting you get pussy, and she'll cheat and eventually leave you for Chad and Tyrone, its ogre for you. You'll never experience teen love, or get the validation of being a NT GL teenager with hunter eyes carelessly fucking foids. just LDAR and go ER. JFL @ you thinking it ever evan began, you future betabuxx mouth breathing subhuman. You'll die alone :lul::lul::feelshaha:"

same tbh
"If you get a girlfriend. She'll be a used up whore never letting you get pussy, and she'll cheat and eventually leave you for Chad and Tyrone, its ogre for you. You'll never experience teen love, or get the validation of being a NT GL teenager with hunter eyes carelessly fucking foids. just LDAR and go ER. JFL @ you thinking it ever evan began, you future betabuxx mouth breathing subhuman. You'll die alone :lul::lul::feelshaha:"

same tbh
TBH it's always the parents fucking their sons' future up regarding their masculinity. Soft foods, lack of hard foods, making the sons get fat --> obstructive sleep apnea --> lack of chronic low pressure placed on facial bones ---> fucked up facial development, lack of forward growth, recessed chin, weak jawline etc

Most of these things aren't genetic. They're environmental. For most guys nowadays it never began. Very sad.
You'll never experience teen love, or get the validation of being a NT GL teenager with hunter eyes carelessly fucking foids. just LDAR and go ER. JFL @ you thinking it ever evan began, you future betabuxx mouth breathing subhuman. You'll die alone :lul::lul::feelshaha:"

same tbh
I'm gonna overdose on tic tacs tonight after reading that damn. You hit me right where it hurts. :feelsrope:
I'm gonna overdose on tic tacs tonight after reading that damn. You hit me right where it hurts. :feelsrope:

Bro It was mostly a joke making fun of the messed up catastrophizing mindset people get on this sites. Its a delusional way of thinking based on false statistics that'll only lead you further dont the rabbit hole. You control your own life, happines and mental health, and you control what you value.
Bro It was mostly a joke making fun of the messed up catastrophizing mindset people get on this sites. Its a delusional way of thinking based on false statistics that'll only lead you further dont the rabbit hole. You control your own life, happines and mental health, and you control what you value.
Yea I know it's a joke bro don't worry I'm NT :feelsokman:.

But for real the teenage love thing KILLS me jfl.
  • +1
Reactions: HorseFace
Have you been in a tinychat session before? @Nibba will give u ropefuel. Hes one hell of a stud muffin. His looks don't match his post count. Hes pretty much a Chad. If he raped me in prison I would not feel as bad compared to a Tyrone or a Devonte.....Hes a beauty. (no homo i still like vaginas)
Have you been in a tinychat session before? @Nibba will give u ropefuel. Hes one hell of a stud muffin. His looks don't match his post count. Hes pretty much a Chad. If he raped me in prison I would not feel as bad compared to a Tyrone or a Devonte.....Hes a beauty. (no homo i still like vaginas)
Giphy 6
nigga you gay as fuck kys
  • +1
Reactions: GenericChad1444 and Swagwaffle
Have you been in a tinychat session before? @Nibba will give u ropefuel. Hes one hell of a stud muffin. His looks don't match his post count. Hes pretty much a Chad. If he raped me in prison I would not feel as bad compared to a Tyrone or a Devonte.....Hes a beauty. (no homo i still like vaginas)
love u bro :whistle::whistle:
  • +1
Reactions: StudyHacks and Swagwaffle
Have you been in a tinychat session before? @Nibba will give u ropefuel. Hes one hell of a stud muffin. His looks don't match his post count. Hes pretty much a Chad. If he raped me in prison I would not feel as bad compared to a Tyrone or a Devonte.....Hes a beauty. (no homo i still like vaginas)
Il 570xN1404339791 ewek
choose your size
  • +1
Reactions: Swagwaffle
Have you been in a tinychat session before? @Nibba will give u ropefuel. Hes one hell of a stud muffin. His looks don't match his post count. Hes pretty much a Chad. If he raped me in prison I would not feel as bad compared to a Tyrone or a Devonte.....Hes a beauty. (no homo i still like vaginas)

  • +1
Reactions: Zeta ascended, Deleted member 611, qwep and 1 other person
Pretty close to going Cho at my part time wagecuck job tbh. The only thing that makes sense to me now is shitposting on a forum full of neurotic young men and 30 year old boomers.
You never look at the world the same after this website. You notice the most pedantic things in people such as their canthal tilt, bizygomatic breadth, philtrum blah blah. I am just lucky that my above average looks got me a girlfriend and i can have sex multiple times in one day. Now I will gymcel and try to afford to get a few surgeries after college so that i have virtually no flaws in my face. I highly recommend most people to not look at this website and instead focus on more important things in life. Most people here are average in looks or above average. Take a walk outside and look at how manypeople who would told me to rope on this website if they posted their pics that have girlfriends. the number is actually high. The rope is never the solution and it will never be. Instead focus on finding someone your looksmatch with and seeing if there is chemistry there and if your guys' interests resonate together.

I partially agree . This website is eye opener BUT it’s a fact . You can deny and not look at this website BUT would that make you charismatic and more desirable to women? Of course not. The real truth is looks and ascension to your max . Everything else ( including denying this site ) is cope .
I partially agree . This website is eye opener BUT it’s a fact . You can deny and not look at this website BUT would that make you charismatic and more desirable to women? Of course not. The real truth is looks and ascension to your max . Everything else ( including denying this site ) is cope .
You've mentioned previously you're a MD. What specialist are you man?
Critical Care Medicine
Life's so unfair. You're a great dude saving lives and that's what you get: no quality pussy. This world is going to burn because of its own stupidity. I'm sorry man.
  • +1
Reactions: Final82
Life's so unfair. You're a great dude saving lives and that's what you get: no quality pussy. This world is going to burn because of its own stupidity. I'm sorry man.

Thanks bro . I am MD MBA ( Harvard and Duke alumni ). But that’s why this site is so true . A felon in prison is a celebrity ( J Meeks ) and gets everything - top Pussy money and status / respect . On the other hand , many like me and us . Talented , hard working , saving lives , left without basic needs of life . It’s not about talent or hard work bro . Again it’s looks . I Am angry not because I am ugly but because I was lied all life about society and blue pills . That makes me sad . I wish someone told me this when I was 13 and allowed
Me to make my life choices with the cards ( genes ) I have . I still think I could have done way better if I lokksmaxed when I was 13-17. That time there was no tinder / bumble . It was old school way of meeting women . Anyways bro , appreciate your comment .
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View attachment 12999 nigga you gay as fuck kys
There has been this thing going around the internet for sometime. And that is the slang "Kill Yourself"

People say this so carelessly and don't think of how it could actually be affecting the person, how much they could be bullied each day and hear these words. This is a real life crisis and happens every single day and you know what that does? It tears families apart.

It is not a fun sight to see someone you care about lying lifeless on the floor when you come home. A brother, sister, mother, father, grandma, best friend, anyone really. Anyone you have a strong bond with.

I want you to put yourself in a situation where you come home and that is exactly what you see.. a lifeless body of one you loved or had a close relationship with, the natural reaction is to scream and cry and try to wake them up.. that heartbreak during the situation and it is traumatizing.

Do not ever say "KYS" to someone if you would break down at the sight of one who did it and who spent time with you. These people have families like all of us, stop telling someone to do such a thing... now I get it's one life out of however many people are on this planet but that's not the point. You're taking away one life and hurting multiple...

If you have no heart and don't care about people at all except yourself then fine. That's sad, but fine. So be it.

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