if i dont have 1 pec side i have half of estrogen that i should have?



Pardo manlet deformado
Sep 19, 2020
pure broscience,maybe it doesn't even make that much sense, the amazons cut off a breast, making them warriors more apt, it caused their estrogen down as fuck
I thought they cut it off bc when shooting bow and arrow the breast is in the way thats why they cut one/flatten one.
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I thought they cut it off bc when shooting bow and arrow the breast is in the way thats why they cut one/flatten one.
this is sad,but the question about estrogen is still raised
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Estrogen is not bad, only too much of it is bad, and the same goes for testosterone.

Estrogen makes it easier to gain fat and lose muscle, while testosterone makes it easier to gain muscle and lose fat.
They are like opposites to one another, together they strike the perfect balance for good health, because too much testosterone can lead to accelerated hair loss and heart disease, while too much estrogen can lead to becoming fat and weak.

Using estrogen blockers wouldn't make a man gain more muscle if his estrogen was already at the healthy range, it would just make him develop so many health problems.

Women have more estrogen while men have more testosterone but that isn't the only reason why women are weaker than men, we also need to take into account their bone structure. Amazon warriors just come from fictional stories, and if they had been real, then they wouldn't be women, because it would take more than cutting off breasts to turn women into men, they would need to change their entire bone structure, which is impossible, at least with the technology of the time, and even today.
Dumb question. If you only had one ball, then yes
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balls produce test,no estrogen lol
Are you dense? In men, estrogen is made only from testosterone. Which is produced mainly in the testicles
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Are you dense? In men, estrogen is made only from testosterone. Which is produced mainly in the testicles
gynecomastia makes your estrogen and aromatization levels much higher, also the fat in the quad is basically the result of aromatization, which is why low bf is so necessary
gynecomastia makes your estrogen and aromatization levels much higher, also the fat in the quad is basically the result of aromatization, which is why low bf is so necessary
Cutting a pec off (which is a muscle btw) won't make that much of a difference. And no, gyno doesn't cause excess E, excess E causes gyno. The only thing you got right is that obesity increases aromatase. That's because it is produced in fat tissue, but it's also produced in other tissues like the brain, blood vessels and bones and a large amount of it actually also in the testicles. Therefore, male E levels are extremely high in the testes, sometimes even higher than serum E levels of women.

Why do I argue with you anyway? You will try to protect your retarded broscience ideas no matter what and refuse to believe actual facts that have been established through scientific studies
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Cutting a pec off (which is a muscle btw) won't make that much of a difference. And no, gyno doesn't cause excess E, excess E causes gyno. The only thing you got right is that obesity increases aromatase. That's because it is produced in fat tissue, but it's also produced in other tissues like the brain, blood vessels and bones and a large amount of it actually also in the testicles. Therefore, male E levels are extremely high in the testes, sometimes even higher than serum E levels of women.

Why do I argue with you anyway? You will try to protect your retarded broscience ideas no matter what and refuse to believe actual facts that have been established through scientific studies
Cutting a pec off (which is a muscle btw) won't make that much of a difference. And no, gyno doesn't cause excess E, excess E causes gyno. The only thing you got right is that obesity increases aromatase. That's because it is produced in fat tissue, but it's also produced in other tissues like the brain, blood vessels and bones and a large amount of it actually also in the testicles. Therefore, male E levels are extremely high in the testes, sometimes even higher than serum E levels of women.

Why do I argue with you anyway? You will try to protect your retarded broscience ideas no matter what and refuse to believe actual facts that have been established through scientific studies
I'm just trying to connect the fact that I am much taller than my parents and have androgenic proportions with the fact that I don't have 1 pec
Guys make estrogen with aromatizing test to estrogen. Gyno is not cause of it but a side effect of too hight E.

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