If my oneitis finds out about my posts...

Deleted member 209

Deleted member 209

Aug 25, 2018
She wont call the cops or anything. That would b 2 merciful. It would also imply that she is scared of me.

Instead, she would actually get a dopamine rush from having some poor soul obsess over her. This bitch loves psychotic scenarios like this, she would get a validation boost. Then find a way to contact me and ask me to "talk about it".

And then the fun part begins, the part where she emotionally abuses me. "You must not love me cause nothing bewteen us will ever happen. You are one of the many guys that have a crush on me. But just stop, ok, cause i just dont like you.".

And she will say this in the most cold belittling way possible, to ensure that I cant fight back. And if i persist and get defensive she will resort to showing me a video of her getting fucked by her chad bf to make sure i regret the day i ever met her.

Also, the fact that i fantasize about getting emotionally abused by my oneitis is proof that im too fucked up and i should probably rope.

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