If the universe is superdeterministic shouldn't it be possible to predict the future?


Deleted member 65658

Mar 7, 2024
makes sense that it'd be probable to create models that make accurate assumptions of a system that already 'knows' what's going to happen
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Technically it is, use what's occurring in our current reality to spot the clues
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Yes in future probably. With using AI
makes sense that it'd be probable to create models that make accurate assumptions of a system that already 'knows' what's going to happen
We predict the future all the time, weather forecasts, stock market AI, the list goes on?..
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Your question doesn’t make sense. In order for there to be predictions, there has to be minds thinking of the predictions, it’s just a fact built into the definition
Your question doesn’t make sense. In order for there to be predictions, there has to be minds thinking of the predictions, it’s just a fact built into the definition
the future as in all events that are going to happen, atoms/quarks and what they're gong to do/be
Yes but you’d need a giga super computer
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My guess is that it already is. Go back to old books like the bible. Even if considered a fairytale by some, it still poses the question of predeterminism through prophecy.

In todays time its not really hard to make accurate predictions about society. Its even easier as you learn a bit about people and the majority, especially the fact that the majority are generally within a more fixed varience of behavior, archetypes and personality types. Doing a bit of statistics or even observation on the behaviors of men and personalities who are getting all the women, trends and such can also give you a greater picture of the future, and the people who are being born.

What makes it interesting is how modern society is essentially an experiement, where many things were introduced that have not been introduced before (unless theres a major conspiracy going on about history). So these variables i speak of are even more predictable, especially to those who are in the positions that first move these technological advancements and media.
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My guess is that it already is. Go back to old books like the bible. Even if considered a fairytale by some, it still poses the question of predeterminism through prophecy.
i agree, most religious literature is actually super high iq
In todays time its not really hard to make accurate predictions about society. Its even easier as you learn a bit about people and the majority, especially the fact that the majority are generally within a more fixed varience of behavior, archetypes and personality types. Doing a bit of statistics or even observation on the behaviors of men and personalities who are getting all the women, trends and such can also give you a greater picture of the future, and the people who are being born.

What makes it interesting is how modern society is essentially an experiement, where many things were introduced that have not been introduced before (unless theres a major conspiracy going on about history). So these variables i speak of are even more predictable, especially to those who are in the positions that first move these technological advancements and media.
lets hear some of these predictions then
no because of Heisenberg uncertainty principle
no because of Heisenberg uncertainty principle
the current inability to measure certain variables/particles to an exact figure doesn't mean it's not possible. 'uncertain' results just show that your means of measurement suck
the current inability to measure certain variables/particles to an exact figure doesn't mean it's not possible. 'uncertain' results just show that your means of measurement suck
no. that's not why. it's a fundamental part of quantum mechanics.
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Making accurate simulations and predictions of complex physical systems is way harder than most ppl assume it is

Like the weather. weather forecast doesnt have high accuracy for higher timelapses like predicting the weather for the next week or even few days, thats why the predictions have to be updated on a daily basis and even so sometimes they miss the mark because weather is a chaotic system (very sensible to its parameters, any slight change on its conditions the outcome can be drastically different butterfly-effect sort of thing)
@dreamcake1mo ill take that as you dont actually have any predictions of value
@dreamcake1mo ill take that as you dont actually have any predictions of value
Well, i have said a few on my threads. But a bulk of them i personally predicted within a small circle of people IRL that i cannot really prove to you.

For example, to a certain level, during when covid first started, before it really became that pandemic nonsense, i remember seeing like a media campaign with Chinese people fainting and dying immediately. This was when C19 was first introduced late 2019 as a boogyman. I told people about this, and how it was likely that they will use this event to perhaps stage a form of population control in order to push new regulations and such. I verbally remember me telling this guy they might even make a vaccine for it (at the time i was even questioning the intent of the flu vaccine). And come find out, thats exactly what they did. Because of what i knew prior i was essentially able to predict what will happen a few years later, avoid taking any nonsense, and also realize that people were going to fall for it.

Most of my predictions is an ongoing internal dialogue, and sometimes pulling theory from a amalgamation of patterns, so its not like im some pick me up guy throwing out predictions for the world to see on social media. I just am able to make some predictions about how the world will turn up, lets say 1-10 years from not, and some other lesser things.

its really not hard to see where i stand if you read a bit of my threads. Most of it is a matter of applying cause and effect to the things i claim are going on. For example, its easy to see a civil war between genders wil only get worst as time moves on by observing some of what i researched to be true and not sustainable female/male dynamics. With the specifics being determined by regional factors. Or lets say, how the technology behind digital currency would be ushered in as a replacement to the growing financial crisis. A lot of minor stuff like that.

Im not claiming to be some know it all, but if i can do it with accuracy to a certain degree, i do think its possible for someone with more agency over the events going on to have an ever greater rate of prediction than me. You can easily predict the future if your the one creating it.
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