If wrist plates are closed can you still grow?

Yes. They are the earliest to close so femur and tibia might still be open. Don't count on a lot of growth though.
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Yes. They are the earliest to close so femur and tibia might still be open. Don't count on a lot of growth though.
really? how much could you expect if the femur and tibia are still open
really? how much could you expect if the femur and tibia are still open
look it's a spectrum
depends on their bone age
inch maybe? considering wrist plates usually close at 16 and an inch is avg growth afterwards
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look it's a spectrum
depends on their bone age
inch maybe? considering wrist plates usually close at 16 and an inch is avg growth afterwards
il keep it in mind.
tryna compile a thread
genetics, tanner stage is fucking cope. Depending on whatever your body decides to close first, every human is unique in how their genetics act. So your wrists could close early at 14 but your height leg plates close at 20 or some shit and you end at 6'2
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genetics, tanner stage is fucking cope. Depending on whatever your body decides to close first, every human is unique in how their genetics act. So your wrists could close early at 14 but your height leg plates close at 20 or some shit and you end at 6'2
do you think if some reason GH reasons drop significantly maybe sleep insomnia or high cortisol it would affect final height stature? like if i for example am supposed to be 5'8 final height but because GH levels dropped for some reason during a certain time period I will still reach that final height in the end? or will low GH levels affect final height in the end. (example is not me btw)
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do you think if some reason GH reasons drop significantly maybe sleep insomnia or high cortisol it would affect final height stature? like if i for example am supposed to be 5'8 final height but because GH levels dropped for some reason during a certain time period I will still reach that final height in the end? or will low GH levels affect final height in the end. (example is not me btw)
It could, no one knows for sure, bodies are too unique to make judgements based off hypothetical GH, as that is not the only hormone that matters. As long as you don't have GH deficiency it's usually not that, just subhuman genetics that make you short. I went far above my projected height of 5'6 and I'm 5'10 even though my parents are 5'5 and 5'0.

Aromatase inhibitors can delay closing of plates as well and make you taller as a final result, but you don't want to take high doses of this shit since it will cause osteoporosis and other bone related issues since estrogen makes bones get mass and density. Even low doses could cause these issues so no doctor recommends them (unless special cases) since a patient that can sustain high doses and get minimal side effects doesn't apply to everyone, you could get fucked big time on bones by using that shit even at low doses. Just all a genetics game sadly for height with some eating involved like not starving urself either.
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It could, no one knows for sure, bodies are too unique to make judgements based off hypothetical GH, as that is not the only hormone that matters. As long as you don't have GH deficiency it's usually not that, just subhuman genetics that make you short. I went far above my projected height of 5'6 and I'm 5'10 even though my parents are 5'5 and 5'0.
Im 17 and 6'1. How many inches is it possible to grow from this age?
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Im 17 and 6'1. How many inches is it possible to grow from this age?
x-ray growth plates, no idea. Gandy could be kind to your genetics and give you a potential of 6'3 if your plates haven't closed, generally most men finish at 18, some go into their 20s though. And different shit grows faster than others for example you may finish height early as fuck but your facial hair starts coming at 24, or you start facial hair early but finish height later. It's extremely random so tanner stage will never be accurate.
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x-ray growth plates,
My doctor said my wrist is closed but I still grew 2 cm after
Gandy could be kind to your genetics and give you a potential of 6'3 if your plates haven't closed, generally most men finish at 18, some go into their 20s though. And different shit grows faster than others for example you may finish height early as fuck but your facial hair starts coming at 24, or you start facial hair early but finish height later. It's extremely random so tanner stage will never be accurate.
Damn this is really interesting, my beard is not fully grown so I was hoping that its a sign of gaining more height but its apparently not. May the lord gandy give us all 3 inches of height.
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Im 17 and 6'1. How many inches is it possible to grow from this age?
You could grow 3 inches or you could grow nothing at all. Really, it depends on your genetics. I wouldn’t expect to grow any taller though, maybe half an inch or so.
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Damn this is really interesting, my beard is not fully grown so I was hoping that its a sign of gaining more height but its apparently not. May the lord gandy give us all 3 inches of height.
For example, I had a boom in hair like i just had pubes early on, very minimal hair besides my arms, I legit grew a patchy beard during 2020, a lot of body hair etc. Most people this takes them until 20+ years, but genetics play a big part. I grew 10cm i was 5'5-5'6ish in 2019, I'm 5'10 pretty much anytime i go outside and morning height is 5'10+ now, night height drops to 5'9 slowly when I'm getting increasingly tired and I slouch more. It's incredibly random, people used to mog me in height but I heightmog them now and framemog them as well, personal experience the later you start puberty USUALLY the taller you'll be, the people that start puberty earlier tend to be shorter from what I've noticed but its a game of genetics.
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