If you are ethnic you have no chance w hot women no matter how hard u looksmax given ur in a large city (suicide fuel)



Jul 23, 2020
Someone on lookism did a bumble experiment with a stacy in a large city in the UK

These are the results

Looksmax actually got you idiots to believe you could just work hard and get hot girls!!!
7/10+ women are swarmed in 6'3+ pro sports players, investment bankers who are gymmaxxed with chad face at 28 years old. Why the fuck is life rigged like this. Holy shit.
This was only a few hours of swiping too lmao

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what does this have to do with being ethnic?
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I know a guy tho
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absolutely brutal
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If you are ethnic......​

water whatever follows
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what does this have to do with being ethnic?
If youre white theres a change you can surgerymax to white chad and maybe win the lottery (literally win the lottery)
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If youre white theres a change you can surgerymax to white chad and maybe win the lottery (literally win the lottery)
chads are born, never made.
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over for the average westerncel
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Suicidefuel post
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Suicidefuel post
im laughing tbh. I didnt know it was this rigged. White chads are prob struggling for their looksmatch so they fuck down and screw us over
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Reactions: Mrinfinityx, SkinjobCatastrophe, SubhumanCurrycel and 6 others
Lol at how easy female dating is, you log onto an app (either you message or they message, 95% chance either will happen and work) and then meet with your selection of 6’0-6’6 5.5 psl + chads with high class background😂😂😂
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White incels upvoting this like they will fuck hot girls but they’re still virgins xd
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Lol at how easy female dating is, you log onto an app (either you message or they message, 95% chance either will happen and work) and then meet with your selection of 6’0-6’6 5.5 psl + chads with high class background😂😂😂
If you wonder why amnesia is fucking beckies, this is literally why. Mogs this entire forum to suicide yet in 1 hour gets mogged in a huge city by 30+ tera chads
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  • JFL
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If you wonder why amnesia is fucking beckies, this is literally why. Mogs this entire forum to suicide yet in 1 hour gets mogged in a huge city by 30+ tera chads
the standards to be truly attractive, and not just an chad manlet or tall htn is absolutely brutal

you need 5.5+ psl face, 6’1+, good pheno and rich + gymmaxxed to compete with these guys

Most of those things are unattainable, you’re born with them or you’re born close to achieving them and if you’re not it’s finished.
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Reactions: Mrinfinityx, SkinjobCatastrophe, AlwaysHaveQuestions and 7 others
This shit needs to go into BOTB so when people come to looksmax they know what theyre ACTUALLY up against
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the standards to be truly attractive, and not just an chad manlet or tall htn is absolutely brutal

you need 5.5+ psl face, 6’1+, good pheno and rich + gymmaxxed to compete with these guys

Most of those things are unattainable, you’re born with them or you’re born close to achieving them and if you’re not it’s finished.
Just rape maxx tbh In gta 5 online roleplay ofc
  • JFL
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Man what are you talking about these guys you posted mog most whites too..

How do you conclude that its over only for ethnics?
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Those "tera chad" guys you shared,make up less than 0.01% of the entire population.Just because women swipe right on them
doesn't mean they are actually going to meet up lol.I'm very blackpilled,but you guys are too extreme with your thinking sometimes.
There simply aren't enough Chads to go around,and women are going to have to settle sooner or later,therein lies our opportunity.
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Reactions: Mrinfinityx, Albeacho, Lolcel and 8 others
Someone on lookism did a bumble experiment with a stacy in a large city in the UK

These are the results

Looksmax actually got you idiots to believe you could just work hard and get hot girls!!!
7/10+ women are swarmed in 6'3+ pro sports players, investment bankers who are gymmaxxed with chad face at 28 years old. Why the fuck is life rigged like this. Holy shit.
This was only a few hours of swiping too lmao


You better start to appreciate being black. I would if I where you.
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Reactions: Lolcel, SkinjobCatastrophe and Deleted member 13197
the standards to be truly attractive, and not just an chad manlet or tall htn is absolutely brutal

you need 5.5+ psl face, 6’1+, good pheno and rich + gymmaxxed to compete with these guys

Most of those things are unattainable, you’re born with them or you’re born close to achieving them and if you’re not it’s finished.
When You Try Your Best But You Dont Succeed Chris Martin GIF by Coldplay
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If you wonder why amnesia is fucking beckies, this is literally why. Mogs this entire forum to suicide yet in 1 hour gets mogged in a huge city by 30+ tera chads
Naw where amnesia lives he has been frequently called the hottest guy in the city on tinder. He lives in northern California last time I saw.

It's that online dating is a meme, most women go there for only fans advertising, attention, validation or look for a Chad like shopping, get the best statusmaxxed Chad and then move to the next best like a card collecting game for ONS. Matches =\= lays, amensia gets 100s of matches but he only slays 1-3% of them
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most are HTN
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Reactions: Mrinfinityx, SkinjobCatastrophe, OOGABOOGA and 1 other person
Those "tera chad" guys you shared,make up less than 0.01% of the entire population.Just because women swipe right on them
doesn't mean they are actually going to meet up lol.I'm very blackpilled,but you guys are too extreme with your thinking sometimes.
There simply aren't enough Chads to go around,and women are going to have to settle sooner or later,therein lies our opportunity.
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Naw where amnesia lives he has been frequently called the hottest guy in the city on tinder. He lives in northern California last time I saw.

It's that online dating is a meme, most women go there for only fans advertising, attention, validation or look for a Chad like shopping, get the best statusmaxxed Chad and then move to the next best like a card collecting game for ONS. Matches =\= lays, amensia gets 100s of matches but he only slays 1-3% of them
im speaking of like women on his looks level tho. This bumble acc represents the stacys pt of view
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never began.
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im laughing tbh. I didnt know it was this rigged. White chads are prob struggling for their looksmatch so they fuck down and screw us over
This is exactly what is happen, why deal with a looksmatch when girls below you are so much easier to please and appreciate you more
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yes,but im saying that there aren't enough of those guys to go around lol.
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Reactions: SkinjobCatastrophe
yes,but im saying that there aren't enough of those guys to go around lol.
Not the pt nigga. Its the fact that foids have rotations of these gigachads while young. Over
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  • JFL
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yes,but im saying that there aren't enough of those guys to go around lol.
Not enough to go around bro! This experiment was 1 hr of swiping. Good luck

This is exactly what is happen, why deal with a looksmatch when girls below you are so much easier to please and appreciate you more
No because eventually you become the floor bc hypergamy never sleeps
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im speaking of like women on his looks level tho. This bumble acc represents the stacys pt of view
I think amensia isn't hindered by looks, I think at that point who ever can entertain the stacy better aka personality and be statusmaxxed like investment banking at Goldman Sachs matters more. Amensia is legit autistic he is socially retarded in all manners.

chads are starting to give up on Online dating and they just go to clubs or bars instead it's too much effort texting these hypergamous whores when 95% of them just look for attention. Gotta jestermax to be entertaining then plan the date, then hope she likes you irl while competing with other chads at the same time and then having status and money because at that level of attractivity that takes over.
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I think amensia isn't hindered by looks, I think at that point who ever can entertain the stacy better aka personality and be statusmaxxed like investment banking at Goldman Sachs matters more. Amensia is legit autistic he is socially retarded in all manners.

chads are starting to give up on Online dating and they just go to clubs or bars instead it's too much effort texting these hypergamous whores when 95% of them just look for attention. Gotta jestermax to be entertaining then plan the date, then hope she likes you irl while competing with other chads at the same time and then having status and money because at that level of attractivity that takes over.
Amnesia has enough looks but theres so many chads + MS in large cities holy. However in smaller cities MS means nothing and standards in the face are lower
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Reactions: Mrinfinityx, SkinjobCatastrophe and volcelfatcel
yes,but im saying that there aren't enough of those guys to go around lol.
Imagine being a chad and you STACEYLITE WIFE thinks youre a nobody bc youre sub 6'5 and not a multi millionaire. "God why arent you like mt 6'5 rich ex i had in my 20s u loser!!!" Over
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Amnesia has enough looks but theres so many chads + MS in large cities holy. However in smaller cities MS means nothing and standards in the face are lower
It's not about being good looking at that point in attractivity is what my point is. Amnesia is actually retarded in the way he speaks, he sounds aspie irl as well since he has a 150-160hz voice jfl.

Personality, money and status is what matters past that point (looks still matter ofc) from my pov it becomes a game of which Chad is more statusmaxxed, then the stacy gets her ONS from that guy and then move to the next Chad and so on and so forth it's brutal but it is what is.
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I just read that thread rn on lookism absolutely brutal. There's a guy there who is a chad, gymmaxxed, 6'6 and works for goldman sachs it's over how do you compete with that
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  • JFL
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I just read that thread rn on lookism absolutely brutal. There's a guy there who is a chad, gymmaxxed, 6'6 and works for goldman sachs it's over how do you compete with that
This is why i question blacks smv in large cities
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Imagine being a chad and you STACEYLITE WIFE thinks youre a nobody bc youre sub 6'5 and not a multi millionaire. "God why arent you like mt 6'5 rich ex i had in my 20s u loser!!!" Over
please stop
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Can’t relate. I’m 6’3.
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Most ethnics can slay attractive women if they have good bodies, face doesn’t matter so much for Non whites
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Mirin the blonde dude with long hair, he's a Penis enlargement teacher
what a mogger
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I just read that thread rn on lookism absolutely brutal. There's a guy there who is a chad, gymmaxxed, 6'6 and works for goldman sachs it's over how do you compete with that
This guy mogs me so hard that i cant even feel depressed about it. What kind of clown world allows subhumans like me to even exist lol
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Sometimes you're not ugly, you're just ethnic.
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Sometimes you're not ugly, you're just ethnic.
Or Sub white male model gymmaxxed high class multi millionaire pro rugby player
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I just read that thread rn on lookism absolutely brutal. There's a guy there who is a chad, gymmaxxed, 6'6 and works for goldman sachs it's over how do you compete with that
7\10 women are out here dating Batman and we think we can just looksmax to get these women to worship us, lol
  • JFL
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Reactions: Mrinfinityx, SkinjobCatastrophe, OOGABOOGA and 10 others
7\10 women are out here dating Batman and we think we can just looksmax to get these women to worship us, lol
You already know it's over when a woman fucks a guy like that she'll compare everybody else to that and her standards will skyrocket
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Seems like you guys aren't seeing how unsustainable this problem is becoming.Very soon Inceldom is going to reach its critical
mass,and either some sort of solution will have to be offered,or men en masse will be out causing riots in the streets.Basically
going ER on a Global scale
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ACB4741E F8BA 4934 9D87 F5A7D78F7D01
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Reactions: Mrinfinityx, SkinjobCatastrophe, OOGABOOGA and 5 others

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