If you are not 6’7 in 2024 it’s over



Jul 20, 2023
Each year, women are more obsessed with height. In the 2000’s and earlier, the ideal height of a female protagonist’s love interest was still like 6’3, but being under 6 feet in general wasn’t considered a failo. That’s why attractive shorter actors back then were given much more praise than now, Cillian Murphy lost like a good quarter of his simping women fanbase after they learned he’s 5’7. Now height is really starting to dictate some sort of hard social hierarchy (yes, even long before this, taller men were much more often in positions of power then shorter men, but now it’s regulated by women who overall rule the “dating market”). I can’t comprehend how much do really women care about your facial aesthetic when you are under average or even average height, considering untrained frame, and why do women like absurd height differences, even when they are not short themselves, in order to compensate for their genes (brutal).

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  • JFL
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another low iq retard on .org . nice
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  • JFL
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elaborate. i logically think that face > height, but the gap is very small with a lot of ifs
you are fucking idiot i hope you are like 15 otherwise its over for ur subhuman brain
  • JFL
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Reactions: Marsik, st.hamudi but 6‘5, 6′2 still over and 2 others
Goes to show you a lot of this shit is cultural and the result of brainwashing to an extent. If you look at American studies on female preferences from the 2000s and early 2010s super tall height, like 6'4+, was a failo for SMV and the optimal range was 5'11-6'2. Women didn't just randomly decide they want such insane heights, something triggered it.

That said, legit 6'7/200 cm is giant freak-tier irl and 0th percentile even in the tallest country in the world, literally taller compared to the average woman than Shaq is compared to the average man. I don't believe women when they say they want that, or that they really know what it looks like irl.
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Im a 187cm manlet in 2024
  • JFL
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Another hyperbolic faggot with defeatist mindset
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Goes to show you a lot of this shit is cultural and the result of brainwashing to an extent. If you look at American studies on female preferences from the 2000s and early 2010s super tall height, like 6'4+, was a failo for SMV and the optimal range was 5'11-6'2. Women didn't just randomly decide they want borderline acromegalic heights all of a sudden, something triggered it.

That said, legit 6'7/200 cm is giant freak-tier irl and 0th percentile even in the tallest country in the world, literally taller compared to the average woman than Shaq is compared to the average man. I don't believe women when they say they want that, or that they really know what it looks like irl.
A lot of the reason why foids require such insane height standards isn’t cuz they actually want that, it’s just that there are so many manlets larping that they’re like 5’11 when they’re actually 5’8 and so forth, a 6’0 barefoot nigga is big irl in every country save for certain European countries

It doesn’t matter anyways, the average Beckies head would explode if she had to compete with the amount of foggers in the average Chadlites DMs lmao, they’ll eventually settle for some normie manlet betabuxxer who makes 60k a year once they realize they’re punching too far above their weight
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  • JFL
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He’s probably 6’5
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12 inches
10 figure income

or rope
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  • JFL
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Goes to show you a lot of this shit is cultural and the result of brainwashing to an extent. If you look at American studies on female preferences from the 2000s and early 2010s super tall height, like 6'4+, was a failo for SMV and the optimal range was 5'11-6'2. Women didn't just randomly decide they want such insane heights, something triggered it.

That said, legit 6'7/200 cm is giant freak-tier irl and 0th percentile even in the tallest country in the world, literally taller compared to the average woman than Shaq is compared to the average man. I don't believe women when they say they want that, or that they really know what it looks like irl.
E.g. 6'7.75/202 cm compared to a woman of average height wearing high heels in the first pic. I believe in the height pill to an extent but no fucking way the average woman really wants this
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E.g. 6'7.75/202 cm compared to a woman of average height wearing high heels. I believe in the height pill to an extent but no fucking way the average woman really wants this
View attachment 2724860View attachment 2724862
Oh trust me they do lmao, size difference is one of the biggest signs of dimorphism and sex appeal in men, foids are the ones who want to feel small and petite as well as protected by their bfs
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  • JFL
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Jfl we're not even talking about percentages at that point, there's probably a few thousand men in the world at most who are 6'7+ and actually gl
nah u have to be 6’7, 8 PSL to ever escape inceldom
  • JFL
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Each year, women are more obsessed with height. In the 2000’s and earlier, the ideal height of a female protagonist’s love interest was still like 6’3, but being under 6 feet in general wasn’t considered a failo. That’s why attractive shorter actors back then were given much more praise than now, Cillian Murphy lost like a good quarter of his simping women fanbase after they learned he’s 5’7. Now height is really starting to dictate some sort of hard social hierarchy (yes, even long before this, taller men were much more often in positions of power then shorter men, but now it’s regulated by women who overall rule the “dating market”). I can’t comprehend how much do really women care about your facial aesthetic when you are under average or even average height, considering untrained frame, and why do women like absurd height differences, even when they are not short themselves, in order to compensate for their genes (brutal).

btw it’s by far the most liked comment to the video
View attachment 2724618View attachment 2724619
Each year, women are more obsessed with height. In the 2000’s and earlier, the ideal height of a female protagonist’s love interest was still like 6’3, but being under 6 feet in general wasn’t considered a failo. That’s why attractive shorter actors back then were given much more praise than now, Cillian Murphy lost like a good quarter of his simping women fanbase after they learned he’s 5’7. Now height is really starting to dictate some sort of hard social hierarchy (yes, even long before this, taller men were much more often in positions of power then shorter men, but now it’s regulated by women who overall rule the “dating market”). I can’t comprehend how much do really women care about your facial aesthetic when you are under average or even average height, considering untrained frame, and why do women like absurd height differences, even when they are not short themselves, in order to compensate for their genes (brutal).

btw it’s by far the most liked comment to the video
View attachment 2724618View attachment 2724619
this is an american thing women here dont give a fuck about height lol
I thought 6”4 was the cutoff this is disconcerting indeed
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Oh trust me they do lmao, size difference is one of the biggest signs of dimorphism and sex appeal in men, foids are the ones who want to feel small and petite as well as protected by their bfs
then how do you explain pretty much every American study on female height preference from the early 2010s showing super tall heights as having a much lower acceptance rate than normal tall heights? I mean look at this, 6'7 has the same SMV as a manlet
3880416 1704974464974
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Reactions: st.hamudi but 6‘5, Kamui and Mr. Nobody
And yet he has to jestermax to have women compliment him while men with good faces have just to look at a camera and do nothing
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then how do you explain pretty much every American study on female height preference from the early 2010s showing super tall heights as having a much lower acceptance rate than normal tall heights? I mean look at this, 6'7 has the same SMV as a manlet
View attachment 2724908
6”5 perfect height then
For attractiveness to foids
I guess a way too calculate it is to take the average female height wherever you are, add 8 inches which is the preferred height difference for women according to the studies, and add like 3 inches to get a height that is noticeably taller than the optimal. So e.g in the US where the average white zoomer woman is 5'5 it's 6'1 for maximum appeal, and 6'4 the beginning of where you have the preferred height difference for only tall women and so your appeal is a bit lower. So yeah 6'4 sounds about right. In Europe I'd say 6'6 is the point where it's just too freak tier for wide appeal.
6”5 perfect height then
With an almost 50% acceptance rate? I'd say 6'3, your appeal takes a small hit (79% compared to 98% but still the majority of women) but in return you get more male respect, aesthetics and mogging, a tradeoff I consider worth it. Probably 6'4 in Europe and 6'5 in the tallest countries purely based on the numbers, but I'd still rather be 6'3.
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Water 6'7 is manlet cutoff
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I guess a way too calculate it is to take the average female height wherever you are, add 8 inches which is the preferred height difference for women according to the studies, and add like 3 inches to get a height that is noticeably taller than the optimal. So e.g in the US where the average white zoomer woman is 5'5 it's 6'1 for maximum appeal, and 6'4 the beginning of where you have the preferred height difference for only tall women and so your appeal is a bit lower. So yeah 6'4 sounds about right. In Europe I'd say 6'6 is the point where it's just too freak tier for wide appeal.
Jenna Ortega wants 6”7 mogging freaks man
Jenna Ortega wants 6”7 mogging freaks man
Sure, different women have different tastes, but in terms of wide appeal I don't think 6'5+ is ideal. Also jfl just read she's 4'11.5, that's borderline diagnosed dwarfism.
Sure, different women have different tastes, but in terms of wide appeal I don't think 6'5+ is ideal. Also jfl just read she's 4'11.5, that's borderline diagnosed dwarfism.
Fuark she wants 7 ft Yao Ming nigguz man
6’1 is enough retard
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then how do you explain pretty much every American study on female height preference from the early 2010s showing super tall heights as having a much lower acceptance rate than normal tall heights? I mean look at this, 6'7 has the same SMV as a manlet
View attachment 2724908
I was talking about current day

Obviously foids standards are jacked up from social media and that translates to irl as well, I’ve also seen in person the attention that super tall NT dudes get from foids even when their faces are LTN tier, if you want free blackpills just go on TikTok and search up “height difference” and see foids literally frying their neurons off of men who are extremely tall
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Sure, different women have different tastes, but in terms of wide appeal I don't think 6'5+ is ideal. Also jfl just read she's 4'11.5, that's borderline diagnosed dwarfism.
Nah it’s not just random women, there’s a pattern with shorter women having abnormal need for tall men, the height difference thing is very real, they want to feel like a lost child with a towering guardian
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I'm 6'7 and its still over
Goes to show you a lot of this shit is cultural and the result of brainwashing to an extent. If you look at American studies on female preferences from the 2000s and early 2010s super tall height, like 6'4+, was a failo for SMV and the optimal range was 5'11-6'2. Women didn't just randomly decide they want such insane heights, something triggered it.

That said, legit 6'7/200 cm is giant freak-tier irl and 0th percentile even in the tallest country in the world, literally taller compared to the average woman than Shaq is compared to the average man. I don't believe women when they say they want that, or that they really know what it looks like irl.
social media virus + rampant hypergamy created so much female entitlement.

It's over.
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What annoys me is that we have 6'7 Chads who actually simp
  • JFL
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Each year, women are more obsessed with height. In the 2000’s and earlier, the ideal height of a female protagonist’s love interest was still like 6’3, but being under 6 feet in general wasn’t considered a failo. That’s why attractive shorter actors back then were given much more praise than now, Cillian Murphy lost like a good quarter of his simping women fanbase after they learned he’s 5’7. Now height is really starting to dictate some sort of hard social hierarchy (yes, even long before this, taller men were much more often in positions of power then shorter men, but now it’s regulated by women who overall rule the “dating market”). I can’t comprehend how much do really women care about your facial aesthetic when you are under average or even average height, considering untrained frame, and why do women like absurd height differences, even when they are not short themselves, in order to compensate for their genes (brutal).

btw it’s by far the most liked comment to the video
View attachment 2724618View attachment 2724619
1. Average height women won't really care if you're 6'6 or 6'2, as long as you're at least a head taller than them.

2. If you're 6'7 but framecel, they'll prefer the shorter guy with broader shoulders

3. Height became somewhat of a 'power level' thing to women, just like saying "My man needs to earn at least 100k a year".
Standards for women are going up every year, and so is height.
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I guess a way too calculate it is to take the average female height wherever you are, add 8 inches which is the preferred height difference for women according to the studies, and add like 3 inches to get a height that is noticeably taller than the optimal. So e.g in the US where the average white zoomer woman is 5'5 it's 6'1 for maximum appeal, and 6'4 the beginning of where you have the preferred height difference for only tall women and so your appeal is a bit lower. So yeah 6'4 sounds about right. In Europe I'd say 6'6 is the point where it's just too freak tier for wide appeal.
I thought the preferred height difference was 6 inches?
I thought the preferred height difference was 6 inches?
different studies have found different numbers, but all around the 6-10 inches range. Also people like round convenient numbers for cutoffs so the units play a role. E.g. according to an American study ideal height difference for women is 10 inches/25.4 cm, but I think for European women it's 8 inches/20 cm (both numbers ending with 0 in their respective systems). Yet a lot of studies show that 6'0 is one of the top heights for SMV in the US, which is 7 inches above the average zoomer woman. I just assume 8 inches/20 cm to prepare for the worst case scenario, and also cause it makes calculations convenient in cm. Also it sounds kind of realistic/reasonable, I don't buy that the women who say 10 inches really know what 10 inches difference is irl or would notice a difference with 7 inches. No way 6'1 is 2 inches below ideal for the average American woman.
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different studies have found different numbers, but all around the 6-10 inches range. Also people like round convenient numbers for cutoffs so the units play a role. E.g. according to an American study ideal height difference for women is 10 inches/25.4 cm, but I think for European women it's 20 cm/8 inches (both numbers ending with 0 in their respective systems). Yet a lot of studies show that 6'0 is one of the top heights for SMV in the US, which is 7 inches above the average zoomer woman. I just assume 8 inches/20 cm to prepare for the worst case scenario, and also cause it makes calculations convenient in cm. Also it sounds kind of realistic/reasonable, I don't buy that the women who say 10 inches really know what 10 inches difference is irl or would notice a difference with 7 inches. No way 6'1 is 2 inches below ideal for the average American woman.
I think that if you actually placed heights next to the women who take these surveys, most would idealise a 6 inch height difference tbh

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