If you are not heightmaxxing, what are you even doing?


Deleted member 30323

May 30, 2023
The heightmax is a way of life, a path to be taken by those worthy enough.

You are a cuck if you dont heightmaxx as you are asking to be heightmogged by men who are superior while they fuck your girlfriend.

Its heightmaxx or ropemaxx
Well im 17 so it’s over for me so i can only heightmaxx by saving up for LL
The heightmax is a way of life, a path to be taken by those worthy enough.

You are a cuck if you dont heightmaxx as you are asking to be heightmogged by men who are superior while they fuck your girlfriend.

Its heightmaxx or ropemaxx
How to heightmaxx???
Im already 6'3 tho
Tales from the basement of a 6'3 incel
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Can't artificial GH fuck up fuck up your natural production in the long run?
Not really because it’s endogenous production. It isn’t actual Hgh itself, it’s a gh agonist.
But if you use cjc with dac for a long time it can have affects on your pituitary gland I reckon.
Not really because it’s endogenous production. It isn’t actual Hgh itself, it’s a gh agonist.
But if you use cjc with dac for a long time it can have affects on your pituitary gland I reckon.
So mk677 only forces your body to produce more GH and doesn't actually contain it? Do you need to take something else with it or is that just for extra stuff
So mk677 only forces your body to produce more GH and doesn't actually contain it?
Yes, it’s a growth hormone secretagogue that increase your endogenous gh production via the ghrelin hormone which is a appetite regulator, that’s why when people take mk677 they often feel hungry and take it at night to avoid those effects.

I suggest you research these ‘heightmaxxing’ protocols on the forum but usually mk677 is paired up with something else like cjc1295.
Just be weary because pharmaceuticals like mk677 may cause diabetes if your insulin levels are not regulated and you eat too much sugars.
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How safe is LL
Yes, it’s a growth hormone secretagogue that increase your endogenous gh production via the ghrelin hormone which is a appetite regulator, that’s why when people take mk677 they often feel hungry and take it at night to avoid those effects.

I suggest you research these ‘heightmaxxing’ protocols on the forum but usually mk677 is paired up with something else like cjc1295.
Just be weary because pharmaceuticals like mk677 may cause diabetes if your insulin levels are not regulated and you eat too much sugars.
Idk why I didn't realize sooner it only stimulates GH production jfl. I've seen cjc being reccommended to "avoid" it messing with natural GH production but idk how true that is now.

Would you still reccommend taking it if I haven't really grown taller for almost 2 years? My growth plates aren't closed but it's taking a while to get a new growth spurt, I didn't wanna take it to not mess with the growth spurts when they actually come.
The heightmax is a way of life, a path to be taken by those worthy enough.

You are a cuck if you dont heightmaxx as you are asking to be heightmogged by men who are superior while they fuck your girlfriend.

Its heightmaxx or ropemaxx
how old are you and how much you grew after heightmaxxing?
Idk why I didn't realize sooner it only stimulates GH production jfl. I've seen cjc being reccommended to "avoid" it messing with natural GH production but idk how true that is now.

Would you still reccommend taking it if I haven't really grown taller for almost 2 years? My growth plates aren't closed but it's taking a while to get a new growth spurt, I didn't wanna take it to not mess with the growth spurts when they actually come.
If you think you will still get a growth spurt then it really isn’t worth it in my opinion, specially when you deal with more complex compounds.
I think that if you take growth hormone agonist you will grow but your bone age will also increase at a faster rate, that’s why most protocols include an aromatese inhibitor.

I would say just to have a good diet and have some exercise, I don’t want to get you into this stuff if it isn’t necessary, but research yourself.

Cjc1295 WITHOUT dac won’t really cause any damage to you. Some people associate it with damaging your gh production because if used for excessive time and/or with DAC (for a longer active life-time) it can damage your pituitary gland according to multiple threads.
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If you think you will still get a growth spurt then it really isn’t worth it in my opinion, specially when you deal with more complex compounds.
I think that if you take growth hormone agonist you will grow but your bone age will also increase at a faster rate, that’s why most protocols include an aromatese inhibitor.

I would say just to have a good diet and have some exercise, I don’t want to get you into this stuff if it isn’t necessary, but research yourself.

Cjc1295 WITHOUT dac won’t really cause any damage to you. Some people associate it with damaging your gh production because if used for excessive time and/or with DAC (for a longer active life-time) it can damage your pituitary gland according to multiple threads.
Oh, dang. I thought it was beneficial taking MK677 for anyone still in puberty since it just stimulates gh... Last question, would it still be bad to take MK677 with an aromatese inhibitor during a growth spurt if I spot it, like would I possibly gain more height from that growth spurt or would it be better to just let it be naturally? And what's the difference between MK677 + an aromatase inhibitor to only Cjc1295, or are both good to take simutaneously?
Oh, dang. I thought it was beneficial taking MK677 for anyone still in puberty since it just stimulates gh... Last question, would it still be bad to take MK677 with an aromatese inhibitor during a growth spurt if I spot it, like would I possibly gain more height from that growth spurt or would it be better to just let it be naturally? And what's the difference between MK677 + an aromatase inhibitor to only Cjc1295, or are both good to take simutaneously?
It’s okay if you want to take mk677, I was mainly referring to other compounds when not used correctly. Mk677 can bloat you a bit of you don’t mind.
If you take mk677 and an aromatese inhibitor you may gain a couple of inches more, but remember that growth hormone doesn’t only make you grow vertically, so you could also get thicker bones which may be in interest for some.

Mk677 with an ai would probably be better ethan cjc1295 alone.
Compared to cjc1295 without DAC mk677 has a long active half-time, cjc1295 requires injection, mk677 acts through the ghrelin receptors while cjc1295 acts through the pituitary gland and I guess cjc-1295 is also more expensive and needs to be injected around 3 times per day when not using DAC.

So mk677 with AI would be better specially because of the AI. But be careful because aromatese inhibitors nuke your estrogen and can cause you to have weaker bones, destroy collagen and etc.
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or are both good to take simutaneously?
Both work good when used as it creates nice synergy, and probably will have a noticeable and more potent effect than just mk677, just take caution and use it correctly. Do not overdose from cjc1295.
If you use cjc1295 without DAC the dosage is around 100-200mcg X 3 times per day.
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It’s okay if you want to take mk677, I was mainly referring to other compounds when not used correctly. Mk677 can bloat you a bit of you don’t mind.
If you take mk677 and an aromatese inhibitor you may gain a couple of inches more, but remember that growth hormone doesn’t only make you grow vertically, so you could also get thicker bones which may be in interest for some.

Mk677 with an ai would probably be better ethan cjc1295 alone.
Compared to cjc1295 without DAC mk677 has a long active half-time, cjc1295 requires injection, mk677 acts through the ghrelin receptors while cjc1295 acts through the pituitary gland and I guess cjc-1295 is also more expensive and needs to be injected around 3 times per day when not using DAC.

So mk677 with AI would be better specially because of the AI. But be careful because aromatese inhibitors nuke your estrogen and can cause you to have weaker bones, destroy collagen and etc.
Thanks so much man, you're really knowleadgeable here. I'm looking into MK677 but just need to convince my parents about it (or try to get it without them knowing somehow tho that might be harder).

Sorry for asking again but if I start taking MK677 before I get a growth spurt and then the spurt comes, is there a chance the MK677 would actually mess with the spurt and maybe make it worse? Should I wait for a growth spurt to come before taking it?

And are the AI side effects like the weaker bones permanent or would they go away when I stop taking it (even if after some years)?
Sorry again for asking a lot jfl
I only need about 2 inches to make it
3 would be ideal (I'm 182.5cm / almost 6ft)

I don't want to pay for nothing if my plates are already closed tho
Thanks so much man, you're really knowleadgeable here. I'm looking into MK677 but just need to convince my parents about it (or try to get it without them knowing somehow tho that might be harder).

Sorry for asking again but if I start taking MK677 before I get a growth spurt and then the spurt comes, is there a chance the MK677 would actually mess with the spurt and maybe make it worse? Should I wait for a growth spurt to come before taking it?

And are the AI side effects like the weaker bones permanent or would they go away when I stop taking it (even if after some years)?
Sorry again for asking a lot jfl
To avoid bone weakness to your best you should take higher doses of vitamin D3, calcium, and K2. I would say that around 1 month of stoping AI your bones should be fine, just don’t do anything crazy so you don’t fracture yourself.

Mk677 isn’t that potent compared to other compounds so I don’t think it will really accelerate bone age and make you stop growing prematurely.

Also what’s your age and did you actually check your growth plates to see if you are still growing? and which one?
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To avoid bone weakness to your best you should take higher doses of vitamin D3, calcium, and K2. I would say that around 1 month of stoping AI your bones should be fine, just don’t do anything crazy so you don’t fracture yourself.

Mk677 isn’t that potent compared to other compounds so I don’t think it will really accelerate bone age and make you stop growing prematurely.

Also what’s your age and did you actually check your growth plates to see if you are still growing? and which one?
I'm 15 and 5 months, didn't get an xray yet but my dad had a similar height to me at my age and I'm pretty below my predicted height, just that I didn't grow at all last year though. Usually I just do basketball and stuff as physical activities so I guess fracturing myself isn't a big problem.

If MK677 shouldn't accelerate bone age why is an AI needed though? Is it just for the benefit of it slowing growth plates in general?

Also can MK677 mess with insulin/insulin resistance?

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