If you believe in the Holocaust you're blue-pilled



The Apex Predator
Dec 7, 2021
Nobody is denying concentration camps existed and that many Jews died. There were mass shooting of Jews in Eastern Europe and many died as a result of disease and starvation in the camps, especially toward the end of the war. The controversy is over whether millions of Jews were killed in gas chambers and whether gas chambers even existed.

Here's something you might not know, the whole story of millions of Jews being gassed is based on the "eyewitness testimony" of 4 Jews who supposedly worked as Sonderkommandos helping the Nazis gas Jews. There's no physical evidence and you can't find one interview with a German eyewitness giving testimony. Look at these eyewitness and use your instinct to tell you if they're lying or not. When asked how he moved bodies from the gas chamber to the crematorium he pauses, looks around, and says he dragged them with canes around their neck.

They claim at the peak 6000 people were being gassed and cremated each day at Auschwitz. Keep in mind that today if someone dies and gets cremated the whole process takes 3 hours just to fully cremate a single body. Engineer and gas chamber expert explains why it's not possible in this documentary.

The "gas chamber" at Auschwitz has WOODEN DOORS. If the room was filled with poison gas it would leak out and kill the guards outside. Furthermore there's no way they could walk right in after because there would be residue of the poison gas everywhere in the room and on the bodies, it would kill the guards. The ovens are located in the room right next to this "gas chamber" at Auschwitz meters away. The Zyklon B substance they supposedly used is inflammable and there would be an explosion if the ovens were operating while people were being gassed because it would leak out through the wooden doors. Furthermore the drainage system in this room is connected with the rest of the camp, the whole camp would be full of poison gas leaking out everywhere.


Red pill: This so-called gas chamber was likely an actual shower room or a delousing chamber


Naked American troops waiting for delousing treatment in the undressing room of the Delousing Station in the 166th Field Hospital (Indian Village). France, 16 May 1918.


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Zero interest in this lunatic conspiracy theorist shit
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  • JFL
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Zero interest in this lunatic conspiracy theorist shit
Can you explain why you believe millions of Jews were gassed in gas chambers in WW2, which evidence convinced you?
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why would they lie about that shit if they did? weird
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Can you explain why you believe millions of Jews were gassed in gas chambers in WW2, which evidence convinced you?
There are literally videos of hundreds of dead bodies being tossed in pits. Real easy for the death toll to rise up to millions considering they did it for years
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why would they lie about that shit if they did? weird
Tons of reasons. The Allies needed to portray the Germans as the biggest villains in history to justify the war and continued military occupation, and also to make Germans feel ashamed to wipe out any Nazi ideology left in the population. The Jews needed a reason for the creation of Israel.
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CIA is on the lurk bro be careful
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There are literally videos of hundreds of dead bodies being tossed in pits. Real easy for the death toll to rise up to millions considering they did it for years
See how they're all emaciated? These people died of starvation and disease toward the end of the war, especially since the Allies bombed the railroads. None of these people are claimed to have died in gas chambers.

why would they lie about that shit if they did? weird
Here's another reason, the Allies also wanted to deflect from their own war crimes. They were firebombing German cities specifically to kill civilians. Toward the end of the war they destroyed Dresden and estimates are as high as 250,000 civilians were killed in just that one firebombing, even though the Allies claim it was only 20,000. I bet they don't teach this in history class.


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See how they're all emaciated? These people died of starvation and disease toward the end of the war, especially since the Allies bombed the railroads. None of these people are claimed to have died in gas chambers.

There are accounts from nazi guards and officials themselves about the gas chambers my guy... The accounts are supported by a large number of documents, including blueprints, correspondence, and orders from nazi officials that refer to the construction and use of gas chambers. Also forensic examinations of the gas chambers and the remains of victims have provided further evidence of the use of gas chambers. Analysis of the walls of the gas chambers has shown traces of cyanide compounds, which are consistent with the use of Zyklon B. The bodies of victims who were killed in gas chambers also show physical signs of poisoning by gas, such as discoloration and blistering. Miss me with this crazy conspiracy shit dude, zero reason to not believe it happened and the reasons you're coming up with don't hold up to scrutiny. You better not bring this up to people who know about the subject in real life because you'll embarrass yourself. Stop trying to be the "cool" edgy kid.
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There are accounts from nazi guards and officials themselves about the gas changers my guy.
You're probably talking about this guy, the commandant of Auschwitz.

He was taken into Soviet custody and tortured in which he gave a handwritten confession. He was executed in 1947. In 1956 nine years after he died his "autobiography" was published in Poland in the Polish language. He didn't even speak Polish. That book which came out long after he died is used as evidence.

Höss wrote his autobiography while awaiting execution; it was published first in a Polish translation in 1951 and then in the original German in 1956

Try to find one single video of a German giving testimony about gas chambers and millions of Jews killed either at the Nuremberg trials or still alive today, you won't find it. The whole story is based on the eye-witness testimony of 4 Jews.
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Analysis of the walls of the gas chambers has shown traces of cyanide compounds, which are consistent with the use of Zyklon B.
Yes but not at the levels required to kill people. The levels of Zyklon B are consistent with delousing chambers. Zyklon B was used as a delousing agent. That's the reason inmates were shaved bald.
The bodies of victims who were killed in gas chambers also show physical signs of poisoning by gas, such as discoloration and blistering.
Which bodies? There doesn't exist one photograph of video of people being gassed at Auschwitz. There are no corpse remains at Auschwitz because they claim they were all cremated.
You're probably talking about this guy, the commandant of Auschwitz.

He was taken into Soviet custody and tortured in which he gave a handwritten confession. He was executed in 1947. In 1956 nine years after he died his "autobiography" was published in Poland in the Polish language. He didn't even speak Polish. That book which came out long after he died is used as evidence.

Try to find one single video of a German giving testimony about gas chambers and millions of Jews killed either at the Nuremberg trials or still alive today, you won't find it. The whole story is based on the eye-witness testimony of 4 Jews.
Not talking about anyone specifically lol there are many more who provided accounts and testimonies. You can just look it up.
Yes but not at the levels required to kill people. The levels of Zyklon B are consistent with delousing chambers. Zyklon B was used as a delousing agent. That's the reason inmates were shaved bald.
It is true that Zyklon B was also used as a delousing agent in concentration camps, and that prisoners were often subjected to delousing procedures as a means of controlling disease outbreaks. But your claim that the levels of Zyklon B found in the walla were not high enough to kill people is just not accurate. The walls of the gas chambers in concentration camps such as Auschwitz-Birkenau, Treblinka, and Majdanek contain traces of cyanide compounds that are consistent with the use of Zyklon B at definitely lethal concentrations. The investigations were conducted by experienced forensic scientists and chemists who used advanced techniques to detect and analyze the presence of cyanide in the gas chamber walls. They used microdiffusion analysis which involves taking small samples of the wall material and using a chemical process to extract any cyanide compounds present. These compounds are then analyzed using a variety of methods such as gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, to determine their chemical structure and concentration. The results of these analyses have consistently shown that the walls of the gas chambers contain high levels of cyanide compounds, including hydrogen cyanide, which is the toxic component of Zyklon B. These levels are well above the minimum concentration required to kill a human being, which is estimated to be around 300 parts per million (ppm). You can't make this shit up. Stop talking crazy stuff you don't know about.
Nobody is denying concentration camps existed and that many Jews died. There were mass shooting of Jews in Eastern Europe and many died as a result of disease and starvation in the camps, especially toward the end of the war.
That’s all we need to know
It is true that Zyklon B was also used as a delousing agent in concentration camps, and that prisoners were often subjected to delousing procedures as a means of controlling disease outbreaks. But your claim that the levels of Zyklon B found in the walla were not high enough to kill people is just not accurate. The walls of the gas chambers in concentration camps such as Auschwitz-Birkenau, Treblinka, and Majdanek contain traces of cyanide compounds that are consistent with the use of Zyklon B at definitely lethal concentrations. The investigations were conducted by experienced forensic scientists and chemists who used advanced techniques to detect and analyze the presence of cyanide in the gas chamber walls. They used microdiffusion analysis which involves taking small samples of the wall material and using a chemical process to extract any cyanide compounds present. These compounds are then analyzed using a variety of methods such as gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, to determine their chemical structure and concentration. The results of these analyses have consistently shown that the walls of the gas chambers contain high levels of cyanide compounds, including hydrogen cyanide, which is the toxic component of Zyklon B. These levels are well above the minimum concentration required to kill a human being, which is estimated to be around 300 parts per million (ppm). Stop talking crazy stuff you don't know about.
So you're trusting the official "experts". Remember when all the experts on mainstream media were claiming Covid DEFINITELY didn't come from that coronavirus research lab in Wuhan, China? I trust no one. The elites lie to their own populations all the time. Now they claim mass migration from Africa and the Middle East is a good thing for Europe.

What makes me doubt the story the most is just how ridiculous it is. No human could gas thousands of people per day including children unless they're psychopaths. They wouldn't be able to maintain it. It would also be a logistical nightmare. How could they possibly be moving THOUSANDS of people per day to Auschwitz in a time of war from all over Europe when they were being attacked from all sides? They would need hundreds of thousands of German soldiers going out to random cities and towns with the sole job of finding Jews, taking them into captivity, and transporting them. These German kidnappers would be in countries where they don't speak the language. They would need railroad capacity to every town and village in all of Eastern Europe.
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  • JFL
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So you're trusting the official "experts". Remember when all the experts on mainstream media were claiming Covid DEFINITELY didn't come from that coronavirus research lab in Wuhan, China? I trust no one. The elites lie to their own populations all the time. Now they claim mass migration from Africa and the Middle East is a good thing for Europe.

What makes me doubt the story the most is just how ridiculous it is. No human could gas thousands of people per day including children unless they're psychopaths. They wouldn't be able to maintain it. It would also be a logistical nightmare. How could they possibly be moving THOUSANDS of people per day to Auschwitz in a time of war from all over Europe when they were being attacked from all sides?
So you're using one specific thing they "hid" or got wrong as a reason to believe that literally everything else is a lie made up by the government? Nice.

Also the logistical challenges of transporting large numbers of people to concentration camps were overcome by the Nazis through a highly efficient system of sorting and processing new arrivals. They used a variety of methods to transport large numbers of people to concentration camps which involved separating them by age, gender, and physical ability, and then directing them to their final destination within the camp. You underestimate the vast amount of resources the nazis had access to, including labor, materials, and transportation infrastructure, which allowed them to carry out their plans on a massive scale. They also had a comprehensive system of administrative control, including the use of identification cards, registration documents, and detailed records of individuals' personal information. See how easy and promptly I can respond to all of your idiotic and ignorant claims? Would this be possible if I wasn't on the side of truth?
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So you're using one specific thing they "hid" or got wrong as a reason to believe that literally everything else is a lie made up by the government? Nice.

Also the logistical challenges of transporting large numbers of people to concentration camps were overcome by the Nazis through a highly efficient system of sorting and processing new arrivals. They used a variety of methods to transport large numbers of people to concentration camps which involved separating them by age, gender, and physical ability, and then directing them to their final destination within the camp. You underestimate the vast amount of resources the nazis had access to, including labor, materials, and transportation infrastructure, which allowed them to carry out their plans on a massive scale. They also had a comprehensive system of administrative control, including the use of identification cards, registration documents, and detailed records of individuals' personal information. See how easy and promptly I can respond to all of your idiotic and ignorant claims? Would this be possible if I wasn't on the side of truth?
Which evidence convinces you the whole story is real?

Eyewitness testimony of a few Jews who claim they worked as Sondokommandos - I believe they're lying and it's known Jews are the most cunning ethnicity on earth.

Testimony from Germans - You can't find a single video of any of them testifying that millions of Jews were gassed. I don't believe it was even discussed at the Nuremberg trials.

Physical evidence - No bodies, no pictures or video of Jews being gassed. Zyklon B residue is consistent with a delousing chamber. The main crematorium was supposedly destroyed by the Nazis so it doesn't exist. Furthermore the camp would have a crematorium even without gas chambers because with tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of prisoners people would naturally be dying all the time.

So where did the whole story of Jews being gassed originate? This non-Jewish Polish man met with 4 Jewish leaders in Poland during the war and they told him to deliver the message to western governments. He never saw it himself, he was passing on what he was told. They told him to tell the western governments German civilians should be bombed as revenge, and that's what happened.

You never learn about the Dresden Holocaust in school which was the genocide of German civilians.
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Which evidence convinces you the whole story is real?

Eyewitness testimony of a few Jews who claim they worked as Sondokommandos - I believe they're lying and it's known Jews are the most cunning ethnicity on earth.

Testimony from Germans - You can't find a single video of any of them testifying that millions of Jews were gassed. I don't believe it was even discussed at the Nuremberg trials.

Physical evidence - No bodies, no pictures or video of Jews being gassed. Zyklon B residue is consistent with a delousing chamber. The main crematorium was supposedly destroyed by the Nazis so it doesn't exist. Furthermore the camp would have a crematorium even without gas chambers because with tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands of prisoners people would naturally be dying all the time.

So where did the whole story of Jews being gassed originate? This non-Jewish Polish man met with 4 Jewish leaders in Poland during the war and they told him to deliver the message to western governments. He never saw it himself, he was passing on what he was told.

Haha. After everything I said and after refuting every single one of your talking points from top to bottom you still think I have no evidence to go off of. Not only can everything that you've said so far be refuted, but there is zero reason to believe it is made up in the first place without even going further deep into it since we know for a fact that Hitler hated the Jews and wanted to terminate them. It is just logic and facts based on history itself. Good day to you.
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Haha. After everything I said and after refuting every single one of your talking points from top to bottom you still think I have no evidence to go off of. Not only can everything that you've said so far be refuted, but there is zero reason to believe it is made up in the first place without even going further deep into it single we know for a fact that Hitler hated the Jews and wanted to terminate them. It is just logic and facts based on history itself. Good day to you.
It's a mixture of fact and fiction. Everyone knows the Nazis hated Jews and blamed them. It's known that there were massacres of Jews in Eastern Europe like when 30,000 were shot in one day in Ukraine. The argument is like this, "Germans hated Jews therefore the gas chambers must have been real and 6 million were killed." The logic doesn't follow. This is literally an IQ test.
Also the logistical challenges of transporting large numbers of people to concentration camps were overcome by the Nazis through a highly efficient system of sorting and processing new arrivals. They used a variety of methods to transport large numbers of people to concentration camps which involved separating them by age, gender, and physical ability, and then directing them to their final destination within the camp. You underestimate the vast amount of resources the nazis had access to, including labor, materials, and transportation infrastructure, which allowed them to carry out their plans on a massive scale.
They also had many local collaborators in the countries they occupied to help them round up Jews. Like in Ukraine, they had the Ukrainian Auxiliary Police
Nobody is denying concentration camps existed and that many Jews died. There were mass shooting of Jews in Eastern Europe and many died as a result of disease and starvation in the camps, especially toward the end of the war. The controversy is over whether millions of Jews were killed in gas chambers and whether gas chambers even existed.

Here's something you might not know, the whole story of millions of Jews being gassed is based on the "eyewitness testimony" of 4 Jews who supposedly worked as Sonderkommandos helping the Nazis gas Jews. There's no physical evidence and you can't find one interview with a German eyewitness giving testimony. Look at these eyewitness and use your instinct to tell you if they're lying or not. When asked how he moved bodies from the gas chamber to the crematorium he pauses, looks around, and says he dragged them with canes around their neck.

They claim at the peak 6000 people were being gassed and cremated each day at Auschwitz. Keep in mind that today if someone dies and gets cremated the whole process takes 3 hours just to fully cremate a single body. Engineer and gas chamber expert explains why it's not possible in this documentary.

The "gas chamber" at Auschwitz has WOODEN DOORS. If the room was filled with poison gas it would leak out and kill the guards outside. Furthermore there's no way they could walk right in after because there would be residue of the poison gas everywhere in the room and on the bodies, it would kill the guards. The ovens are located in the room right next to this "gas chamber" at Auschwitz meters away. The Zyklon B substance they supposedly used is inflammable and there would be an explosion if the ovens were operating while people were being gassed because it would leak out through the wooden doors. Furthermore the drainage system in this room is connected with the rest of the camp, the whole camp would be full of poison gas leaking out everywhere.


Red pill: This so-called gas chamber was likely an actual shower room or a delousing chamber


Naked American troops waiting for delousing treatment in the undressing room of the Delousing Station in the 166th Field Hospital (Indian Village). France, 16 May 1918.



You're not too bright are you?
more evidence this website is a far right wormhole
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