If you could create one pill that could accomplish anything, what would it do?



Ascended Truecel.
Aug 1, 2019
If you could create one pill that could with 100% certainty accomplish anything, what would it do?

There must also be a catch to it. It must have some kind of drawback, like a side effect, or some sort of challenge to obtain it. It also must accomplish a relatively singular task, no cheating like making "the everything pill". That just ruins the creativity.


Shit gold pills2

Here's mine: The Adonis Pill

-Taking this pill permanently improves your face and physique.

-Taking this pill will make you 6ft tall, if you are below 6ft.

-It will give you strong chiseled jaw bones, perfect facial harmony, and handsome hunter eyes.

-Facial blemishes and acne are a thing of the past. Your skin is vibrant, flawless, and demigod like.

-Women will turn thier heads in your presence. You will become a 10/10 Jeremy Meeks level supermodel. Modeling and acting contracts will fall on your lap. Sex and money will come flowing your way without effort.

-Your dick is now 9 inches long, the ideal length most women prefer. Girth is increased proportionally.

-Your body fat will drop to below 10%, and every muscle in your body will grow to perfectly chiseled Greek God like proportions.

-The effects are permanent. Although your healthy body will make your mind sharper and increase your lifespan, you will still age, and look your age. And eventually you will still die.

The Drawback:

To obtain The Adonis Pill, you must make a blood sacrafice to Satan. Not your soul, but someone else's.

You must kill one person as an offering to him, and he will reward you with the pill. It can be absolutely anyone. God will turn a blind eye just one time to this deal with no consequence, if you are religious.

All real world consequences still apply. You can still be caught by the police and imprisoned for life. If the family of your victim discovers your identity, you can face retaliation from them as well. So you must choose your victim and modus operandi carefully. Acting like a meticulous serial killer.

Would you take Satan's offer?
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Yes I will but my pill is better:

-Good frame good physique
-Hunter eyes, good fwhr, tall lower third, good square forehead, nice dimorphic red lips
-Good carotenoid tan and overal tan
-Golden dirty blonde
-Blue eyes with rimbal ring
-Dark full eyebrows
-Tall bones and long arms short bicep for good fighting success

I'll never have this
My pill would freeze your looks in place for the rest of your life, but you can't make ANY changes to yourself because they'd just reverse themselves in less than 24 hours, so tattoos and haircuts would be pointless, that one acne spot on your chin is never going away.

On a darker note, if you secretly have some horrible medical problem, surgery wouldn't fix it.
pill: you become godly in terms of attractiveness top 0.000001%
drawback: you go blind
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retarded thread
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Yes I will but my pill is better:

-Good frame good physique
-Hunter eyes, good fwhr, tall lower third, good square forehead, nice dimorphic red lips
-Good carotenoid tan and overal tan
-Golden dirty blonde
-Blue eyes with rimbal ring
-Dark full eyebrows
-Tall bones and long arms short bicep for good fighting success

I'll never have this
bro just have :
- TRUE hunter eyes ie with no UEE like gandy, or opry etc
- good midface ratio
- strong and well projected chin.

and even the last one you can do implants or shit.

Just have this and i swear that you'll be close or at 6 PSL minimum if everything else is overall average
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In a heart beat. I will even change the offer and sacrifice my immediate subhuman family members. All of them. One life isn’t enough for such paradise. Looks>everything
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  • +1
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In a heart beat. I will even change the offer and sacrifice my immediate subhuman family members. All of them. One life isn’t enough for such paradise. Looks>everything

I'd have to think long and hard honestly...

It would vastly improve my life and make it worth living, but and the cost of ending someone else's.

That is the moral quandary, though.
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The void pill
Teleports me to dimension where OP doesn't suck cock
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I'd have to think long and hard honestly...

It would vastly improve my life and make it worth living, but and the cost of ending someone else's.

That is the moral quandary, though.
Morals= useless
The void pill
Teleports me to dimension where OP doesn't suck cock

The drawback: it teleports you to a homosexual prison dimension where you must suck cock for eternity.
  • +1
Reactions: pisslord
The drawback: it teleports you to a homosexual prison dimension where you must suck cock for eternity.
Pro tip: there's no dimension where OP doesn't suck cock
Morals= useless

I'm inclined to agree. There's places in this world where people are very routinely murdered over $20, like in the gangland slums of South America.

If that's that case, it would seem like a no brainer to accept Satan's offer.
  • +1
Reactions: UglyMan
pill: you become godly in terms of attractiveness top 0.000001%
drawback: you go blind

Ironically, I still value my sight more than that.
Just go to africa and sacrifice starving child theory
  • +1
Reactions: StoicNihilist
Just go to africa and sacrifice starving child theory

Or some old homeless person that nobody ever checks on. Kind of a morbid thought... but that's probably how I'd accomplish it.
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Reactions: Newguyaround and Petsmart
Make me young again.
: oldmancrying:

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