if you don't hate your parents, you are an absolute cuck



Aug 2, 2020
simple as that. if you don't hate your parents, you are a cuck in denial. blackpilled males hate their parents. I don't only hate my parents.. sometimes, I want to grab a baseball bat and give them a solid hit to the head from behind

I can't believe so many of you love your parents and think of yourselves as non-cucks. bitch please.. you are the ULTIMATE CUCKS. just fucking embrace it, faggots
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Reactions: Unlimited, GetShrekt, CFW432 and 28 others
I would love to annihilate my parents in minecraft but law cucks me sadly

I always get hate here when I say I hate my parents fucking cucks tbh

"You wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them"
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Reactions: Toth's thot, Baldingman1998, Marsiere214 and 5 others
While I didn't ask to be born, my parents gave me good cards in life so I can't hate them, they're the only people to love me unconditionally ngl, must suck to have shitty parents.
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Reactions: Yerico7, Deleted member 11479, UltimateMan and 22 others
My parents are terrible nasty people and I would laugh if they died tomorrow.
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Reactions: Clark69, Deleted member 9779, Marsiere214 and 9 others
This is what internet does to a bunch of ungrateful degenerates
131666ec4d84bfaf2b6c44256bde928c87c07aeb 6
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Cope, u are just projecting your failures onto others. I used to hate my parents until I realized i am the problem
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Reactions: randomvanish, Alexjohn009, Deleted member 3832 and 6 others
I love my mother... She is best person in this world. If you have good mother. You life will be much less darker. So Sad that some other people will not experience same things.. You deserve better parents.. if you hate them that much.
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Reactions: Yerico7, Blue, Baldingman1998 and 4 others
simple as that. if you don't hate your parents, you are a cuck in denial. blackpilled males hate their parents. I don't only hate my parents.. sometimes, I want to grab a baseball bat and give them a solid hit to the head from behind

I can't believe so many of you love your parents and think of yourselves as non-cucks. bitch please.. you are the ULTIMATE CUCKS. just fucking embrace it, faggots
Nah you are just faggot bitch cuckhold
Stop projectioning

Not my fault if you are a weak cuck bitch
You are the type of man to give money to his gf but not a single penny to his mother
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Reactions: Pietrosiek, Baldingman1998 and Arcturus
On one hand youre right, on the other- looking at all this shit realistically, the chances werent high to become a chadlite or above to begin with. You had like 83% of probability to become a non-chadlite+.

So in theory 83% of men should hate their parents. And that is even not counting asians males. THAS just in the west alone- 83% of men are disposable trash, just slaves for the elites and foids! If we were to count gook males in, the probability of becoming a Chadlite or above on international scale is like 3% realistically.
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As somebody who struggles with empathy I am very thankful for my parents and I love them very much, and enjoy every second I get with them as much as I can
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Reactions: Baldingman1998 and Arcturus
I love my mother... She is best person in this world. If you have good mother. You life will be much less darker. So Sad that some other people will not experience same things.. You deserve better parents.. if you hate them that much.
Reminder that she gets fucked and masturbates
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Reactions: Deleted member 2403
I would love to annihilate my parents in minecraft but law cucks me sadly

I always get hate here when I say I hate my parents fucking cucks tbh

"You wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them"
Do you hate your parents since they won’t let you fuck your sister?
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Clark69, Deleted member 9787 and Deleted member 2403
Incels resenting their parents and blaming them for their inceldom is cope
I got dealt one of the worst cards possible and still don’t hate them
it’s irrational to, the black pill (as it pertains to face/race/height) doesn’t follow naturally to everyone, and genetic recombination is also at play
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Reactions: Deleted member 9344, Deleted member 4332 and Arcturus
I went through a phase like that myself. My father didn't do so well by me, as far as teaching me how to deal with women goes. Neither did he set a very good example. He was a simp for my mother. My father was "head of the household" in name only, while it was my mother who really heald all the cards in the relationship. Nevertheless I love them both.

I had to get away from them to process everything so I could finally get past the hate. Emotions will blind you. Anger and hatred most of all. I haven't seen either of my parents in person since 2008.

Here's a really good piece of advice. It's possible to love somebody without liking them. Same goes for forgiveness. Just because you choose to forgive somebody doesn't mean you gotta go on having a relationship with them. Forgiving somebody only means that you rip up the IOU.

If you hate your parents but they're still providing for you, in any way, then you're a real cuck. Especially if you're still living with them. It shows that you're not a man (metaphorically speaking). If you haven't got the balls to do whatever it takes to get out from under the very people you hate, for the little bit of comfort/safety that THEY provide you with, then you're the same type of person that would give up their rights/freedoms to the govt in favor of comfort and safety. You're the same type of person who would stick it out with a woman and let her control you, just because she LETS YOU have sex with her once in a blue moon. If you're under 18, that might be a little bit different. Even then though, you can still run away and spend a year or two tramping. Start hopping freight trains. Go and epxolore a bit of the country. You can always get your GED later on, and it'll be a far better educational experience than any American public school can ever provide. Don't worry too much about a lack of funds. You'll lose whatever you got in no time anyway. And if you think you haven't the confidence or social skills to successfully panhandle in order to feed yourself, that'll change real quick as well. Ain't nothing like an empty stomach to motivate a person to move mountains when they never thought they could.

I'm one of the most naturally introverted people you would ever meet IRL. I hate small talk, parties, bars, clubs, shopping malls, supermarkets, movie theatres, sporting events, working in offices, and any kind of noisy place in general. One time though, in 2015, I found myself stuck in a 3rd world country (Cambodia) with hardly any money. I had no computer or phone. The only thing I had was the clothes on my back, a bible, my passport, and 500 riel in my pocket (4000 riel = $1 USD). I went 7 days without food before I finally worked up the the courage to apply for a job at a bar/club/guesthouse. It was the only option being that I was in a tourist hotspot (Sihanoukville). They needed white expats to stand out in the street and hand out flyers to other white tourists whenever they passed by. At first I only worked for free room and board, as well as all the beer I could drink while I was "flying". I didn't get paid any money and I didn't get any free food. Beer searved as my only source of nutrition for the first couple days. Pretty soon though I attracted the attention of the right people. I did a very good job, because I had no choice. I quickly became a manager/promoter and began earning $5 a day hosting parties/events. The first meal I bought for myself after I started earning that money was, till this day, the best meal I've ever had in my life. Still though, it wasn't enough. I was always hungry. I started switching jobs and working at other places too. Over the next three months I also found myself working as a security guard and a hotel receptionist. Then finally, because necessity put me in contact with the right people, I got a big break. I began working at an illegal call center (boiler room) for $200 a week, plus a commission on any deals we made. We worked out of a secluded mansion owned by a Cambodian general. Our job was to cold call folks in Australia/New Zealand posing as a fake company. We'd have to pretend like we'd spoken to them before when we haven't, and finesse them into investing money in different companies through manipulative tactics. I hated it. I had to develope a very thick skin and put up with a lot of rejection. Sometimes you'd waste time dealing with the same person for three weeks straight and they still wouldn't go through with the deal in the end. My only goal was to make it out of Cambodia though and, again, necessity is the best motivator. Most of my co workers were hardened English criminals. The majority were ex drug smugglers and human traffickers. There were a couple of fugitives as well. While I was there I saved my money and bid my time. Finally, one of my leads ended up making a deal for 50,000 New Zealand dollars (about $35,000 USD at the time). I made $900 that week. Soon afterword, I got out of Cambodia.

After everything's said and done, this was one of the best experiences of my life. I wouldn't trade it for anything.
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I went through a phase like that myself. My father didn't do so well by me, as far as teaching me how to deal with women goes. Neither did he set a very good example. He was a simp for my mother. My father was "head of the household" in name only, while it was my mother who really heald all the cards in the relationship. Nevertheless I love them both.

I had to get away from them to process everything so I could finally get past the hate. Emotions will blind you. Anger and hatred most of all. I haven't seen either of my parents in person since 2008.

Here's a really good piece of advice. It's possible to love somebody without liking them. Same goes for forgiveness. Just because you choose to forgive somebody doesn't mean you gotta go on having a relationship with them. Forgiving somebody only means that you rip up the IOU.

If you hate your parents but they're still providing for you, in any way, then you're a real cuck. Especially if you're still living with them. It shows that you're not a man (metaphorically speaking). If you haven't got the balls to do whatever it takes to get out from under the very people you hate, for the little bit of comfort/safety that THEY provide you with, then you're the same type of person that would give up their rights/freedoms to the govt in favor of comfort and safety. You're the same type of person who would stick it out with a woman and let her control you, just because she LETS YOU have sex with her once in a blue moon. If you're under 18, that might be a little bit different. Even then though, you can still run away and spend a year or two tramping. Start hopping freight trains. Go and epxolore a bit of the country. You can always get your GED later on, and it'll be a far better educational experience than any American public school can ever provide. Don't worry too much about a lack of funds. You'll lose whatever you got in no time anyway. And if you think you haven't the confidence or social skills to successfully panhandle in order to feed yourself, that'll change real quick as well. Ain't nothing like an empty stomach to motivate a person to move mountains when they never thought they could.

I'm one of the most naturally introverted people you would ever meet IRL. I hate small talk, parties, bars, clubs, shopping malls, supermarkets, movie theatres, sporting events, working in offices, and any kind of noisy place in general. One time though, in 2015, I found myself stuck in a 3rd world country (Cambodia) with hardly any money. I had no computer or phone. The only thing I had was the clothes on my back, a bible, my passport, and 500 riel in my pocket (4000 riel = $1 USD). I went 7 days without food before I finally worked up the the courage to apply for a job at a bar/club/guesthouse. It was the only option being that I was in a tourist hotspot (Sihanoukville). They needed white expats to stand out in the street and hand out flyers to other white tourists whenever they passed by. At first I only worked for free room and board, as well as all the beer I could drink while I was "flying". I didn't get paid any money and I didn't get any free food. Beer searved as my only source of nutrition for the first couple days. Pretty soon though I attracted the attention of the right people. I did a very good job, because I had no choice. I quickly became a manager/promoter and began earning $5 a day hosting parties/events. The first meal I bought for myself after I started earning that money was, till this day, the best meal I've ever had in my life. Still though, it wasn't enough. I was always hungry. I started switching jobs and working at other places too. Over the next three months I also found myself working as a security guard and a hotel receptionist. Then finally, because necessity put me in contact with the right people, I got a big break. I began working at an illegal call center (boiler room) for $200 a week, plus a commission on any deals we made. We worked out of a secluded mansion owned by a Cambodian general. Our job was to cold call folks in Australia/New Zealand posing as a fake company. We'd have to pretend like we'd spoken to them before when we haven't, and finesse them into investing money in different companies through manipulative tactics. I hated it. I had to develope a very thick skin and put up with a lot of rejection. Sometimes you'd waste time dealing with the same person for three weeks straight and they still wouldn't go through with the deal in the end. My only goal was to make it out of Cambodia though and, again, necessity is the best motivator. Most of my co workers were hardened English criminals. The majority were ex drug smugglers and human traffickers. There were a couple of fugitives as well. While I was there I saved my money and bid my time. Finally, one of my leads ended up making a deal for 50,000 New Zealand dollars (about $35,000 USD at the time). I made $900 that week. Soon afterword, I got out of Cambodia.

After everything's said and done, this was one of the best experiences of my life. I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Every word
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My parents are trash. The only good thing coming from them is "certain aspects" of my genetic
giga ultra based
i've felt that.

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