If you gain status, get jacked, softmaxx, and learn how to have great self esteem and confidence u will have chadlike appeal to women



dark triad warrior
Oct 16, 2023
I dont use this shit website anymroe because i started going outside and realizing blackpill isnt completely true at all but im going to say this here so some of u retarded niggers could maybe get some attention from Women. All pills are true Red, Blue, Black all these things matter. Self-esteem is debately the most important. Most of you on here are not that good looking and have shit self esteem which basically makes u unattractive. Most of you will never be a legit chad even with surgery so I suggest u do these things I said above and start going outside nd then maybe u faggots can do something with ur life instead of mentally masturbating abt surgeries all day. Social Media is so fake this site makes money off of ur insecurities. If you do the shit above and learn to have good self esteem you'll atleast get sex guranteed and will probably have good sex life. Anyways u can call this shit Cope but it really isnt its really sad that so many men fall into this body dysmorphia echochamber. You think God would be proud of U as a man rn with the way u act? U people on here act like women lol as man ur looks do not matter anywhere as much as this website says it does. If you do the other shit above a lot of women are going to want u regardless if ur maxilla is shit or ur nose is shit those flaws dont matter at all if you do everything and learn how to be confident the confidence will overpower those flaws and people will see all ur good qualities making u attractive.
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Reactions: Ghoulish, Surfsup, noahwillascend and 1 other person
This is water without deformaties every single human can softmax to htn (ltn for indians, htn facially is easy, having status at ltn will take u to htn, this is the equivalent of saying “if you become chadlite you will have chadlite appeal”
> get jacked
> appeal
I dont use this shit website anymroe because i started going outside and realizing blackpill isnt completely true at all but im going to say this here so some of u retarded niggers could maybe get some attention from Women. All pills are true Red, Blue, Black all these things matter. Self-esteem is debately the most important. Most of you on here are not that good looking and have shit self esteem which basically makes u unattractive. Most of you will never be a legit chad even with surgery so I suggest u do these things I said above and start going outside nd then maybe u faggots can do something with ur life instead of mentally masturbating abt surgeries all day. Social Media is so fake this site makes money off of ur insecurities. If you do the shit above and learn to have good self esteem you'll atleast get sex guranteed and will probably have good sex life. Anyways u can call this shit Cope but it really isnt its really sad that so many men fall into this body dysmorphia echochamber. You think God would be proud of U as a man rn with the way u act? U people on here act like women lol as man ur looks do not matter anywhere as much as this website says it does. If you do the other shit above a lot of women are going to want u regardless if ur maxilla is shit or ur nose is shit those flaws dont matter at all if you do everything and learn how to be confident the confidence will overpower those flaws and people will see all ur good qualities making u attractive.
IMG 7119
I dont use this shit website anymroe because i started going outside and realizing blackpill isnt completely true at all but im going to say this here so some of u retarded niggers could maybe get some attention from Women. All pills are true Red, Blue, Black all these things matter. Self-esteem is debately the most important. Most of you on here are not that good looking and have shit self esteem which basically makes u unattractive. Most of you will never be a legit chad even with surgery so I suggest u do these things I said above and start going outside nd then maybe u faggots can do something with ur life instead of mentally masturbating abt surgeries all day. Social Media is so fake this site makes money off of ur insecurities. If you do the shit above and learn to have good self esteem you'll atleast get sex guranteed and will probably have good sex life. Anyways u can call this shit Cope but it really isnt its really sad that so many men fall into this body dysmorphia echochamber. You think God would be proud of U as a man rn with the way u act? U people on here act like women lol as man ur looks do not matter anywhere as much as this website says it does. If you do the other shit above a lot of women are going to want u regardless if ur maxilla is shit or ur nose is shit those flaws dont matter at all if you do everything and learn how to be confident the confidence will overpower those flaws and people will see all ur good qualities making u attractive.
too much text but yeah, the everythingpill matters more then any pill alone. Besides the everything pill is what we have been tought growing up kek. "be confident, look good, have a job"
lean tan and gymmaxx all u need
other softmaxxes still apply but aren’t as effective and them
Caged at the nonsense title.

Yes it's true that confidence and having good self esteem will improve everyone's life just a little bit

But ffs stop lying to people

Saying we'll have chadlite appeal to women if we follow your title advice


At best its exaggerated hyperbole, at worst it's malicious gaslighting

There aren't many ways to have chadlite appeal to women but 90% of the time...it's to be an actual chadlite.
Competence precedes confidence

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