If you ruled your country, how would you solve the incel epidemic?



Heightism > Racism
Aug 19, 2024

In the west, there aren't enough children being born to maintain the population. Look at the map of europe by birth rate. NONE are at the replacement rate or higher (which is 2). To most of these countries, the governments decided that they aren't going to try and fix the birth rate and instead just resorted to immigration cuckery by importing new immigrants to maintain the population, which was a terrible idea.

So how would you raise the birth rate and fix the west if you were in charge?
  • JFL
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You know in my country, back in the old days beggars, cripples, homeless and poor people were considered a big social problem... Vlad the Impaler solved this problem by simply killing them - he threw a huge party and invited all the poor people in the kingdom, then he locked them inside some houses and set them on fire...
  • JFL
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By deurbanising the poorest area's of each major city
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I will close borders for all people who don't have kids and if they are unable to reproduce before they reach 30th birthday then they are getting eradicated
  • JFL
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A civilisation so subhuman that it can't even replace itself is not worthy of survival. The BBC moggers shall inherith the earth, over for eurocels.
  • JFL
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Seize all jewish assets, produce counter propaganda
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  • JFL
Reactions: Elevate Mind, isis_Bleach, Snowskinned and 1 other person
You know in my country, back in the old days beggars, cripples, homeless and poor people were considered a big social problem... Vlad the Impaler solved this problem by simply killing them - he threw a huge party and invited all the poor people in the kingdom, then he locked them inside some houses and set them on fire...
Ummm... Based!!!

  • JFL
Reactions: qazw and Gonthar
How I'd solve it:
  • Ban all dating apps since they are all rigged to exploit loneliness and milk money from desperate men.
  • Create a new public sector dating app that is designed to be fair and only shows people their looksmatch. Free for everyone to use with no payment options.
  • Force all men to do a military service type course when they reach age 18. Stuff like fitness training and important life skills. Designed to improve their confidence and make them more competent and NT members of society.
  • Ban all immigration and send all the immigrants back to their own countries.
  • Run lots of psyop propaganda campaigns to promote healthy traditional monogomous heterosexual relationships.
  • Censorship of degeneracy like LGBT, gender wars and crime glorification.
And if the birth rate still sucks after all of that, I'd just ban contraceptives and abortions :lul:
  • +1
Reactions: watah, xantrooper and isis_Bleach
View attachment 3188882

In the west, there aren't enough children being born to maintain the population. Look at the map of europe by birth rate. NONE are at the replacement rate or higher (which is 2). To most of these countries, the governments decided that they aren't going to try and fix the birth rate and instead just resorted to immigration cuckery by importing new immigrants to maintain the population, which was a terrible idea.

So how would you raise the birth rate and fix the west if you were in charge?
There isn't a incel epidemic in my country even the guys from my country on here all slay
How I'd solve it:
  • Ban all dating apps since they are all rigged to exploit loneliness and milk money from desperate men.
  • Create a new public sector dating app that is designed to be fair and only shows people their looksmatch. Free for everyone to use with no payment options.
  • Force all men to do a military service type course when they reach age 18. Stuff like fitness training and important life skills. Designed to improve their confidence and make them more competent and NT members of society.
  • Ban all immigration and send all the immigrants back to their own countries.
  • Run lots of psyop propaganda campaigns to promote healthy traditional monogomous heterosexual relationships.
  • Censorship of degeneracy like LGBT, gender wars and crime glorification.
And if the birth rate still sucks after all of that, I'd just ban contraceptives and abortions :lul:
All the foids would still want chad, they would fuck each other and animals before fucking and having kids with normies and subhumans. The genie has left the bottle it's over now, you can't change human nature. The only way to legit fix this would be to enslave all women and give out goverment mandated wives jfl.
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All the foids would still want chad, they would fuck each other and animals before fucking and having kids with normies and subhumans. The genie has left the bottle it's over now, you can't change human nature. The only way to legit fix this would be to enslave all women and give out goverment mandated wives jfl.
best comment on here,:ROFLMAO: just because you have a looksmatch dating apps, like thats gonna stop a larger pool of women fucking a smaller pool of men. And immigration thing is funny, folk think ohh more sexual access less imigrant men. Women will still suck and fuck chad/tyrone. You can't stop human nature. Unless you enslave women and force them to be with certain men which would be insane and will never happen.

Technology advancements opened the bottel, you have a even smaller pool of desired men banging a much larger pool of women.
View attachment 3188882

In the west, there aren't enough children being born to maintain the population. Look at the map of europe by birth rate. NONE are at the replacement rate or higher (which is 2). To most of these countries, the governments decided that they aren't going to try and fix the birth rate and instead just resorted to immigration cuckery by importing new immigrants to maintain the population, which was a terrible idea.

So how would you raise the birth rate and fix the west if you were in charge?
I wouldnt, i would make it worse and be a jewmaxxed politican, but even better than jews
  • JFL
Reactions: qazw
ethnically cleanse all sub 5s to stop them from reproducing so their offspring wont have shitty lives
  • JFL
Reactions: qazw
1. Health awareness regarding reasons for recession and short height + cooking a lot of plastic surgeons.
2. Some tax relief for lean men.
3. Would give more child raising rights for men after divorce.
4. Tax relief or payments for young couples to get married and have children.

Maybe something with education system where boys start school 1 year later, or separate schools by sex. Also ban dating apps and revealing photos on social media.
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  • +1
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But I think genie is out of the bottle and things will not get better to average guys. If communities are not small enough it's impossible to incentivize strong monogamy.

Remember: It's also about quality of genes, and current dating market has the best quality/quantity ratio that ever existed in the history.
  • +1
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1. Health awareness regarding reasons for recession and short height + cooking a lot of plastic surgeons.
2. Some tax relief for lean men.
3. Would give more child raising rights for men after divorce.
4. Tax relief or payments for young couples to get married and have children.

Maybe something with education system where boys start school 1 year later, or separate schools by sex. Also ban dating apps and revealing photos on social media.
But I think genie is out of the bottle and things will not get better to average guys. If communities are not small enough it's impossible to incentivize strong monogamy.

Remember: It's also about quality of genes, and current dating market has the best quality/quantity ratio that ever existed in the history.
Good reply, interesting points. Only part I disagree with is separating school by sex, it will only make the problem worse. I went to a boys only school and I turned out badly :lul:
Good reply, interesting points. Only part I disagree with is separating school by sex, it will only make the problem worse. I went to a boys only school and I turned out badly :lul:
I think separating school by sex would help girls not get traumatized by psychopathic guys.

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