If you still browse 4chan youre a fag

Butthurt Dweller

Butthurt Dweller

What I want, whenever I want, wherever I please.
Aug 11, 2018
I started using 4chan in 2008 but I stopped identifying with it around the time 8chan became a thing and quit browsing entirely when I found out about r/incels

but in reality it has gotten so much worse, ever since tumblr got shut down in 2018 everyone went to 4chan

the place is an utter shithole now and i refuse to use any memes that arent PSL/Incel related

ive always kept the fact i know about internet memes and stuff a secret because Rules 1 and 2 (old shitty meme i know) but even to this day if you ask me what a pepe is or a boomer zoomer i will deny it entirely

PSL is the only place ive seen that has created fresh memes like [its over] [cope] [rope] [x-cel] etc etc but when i see that shit on 4chan it makes my blood boil

the internet is extremely gay now, I even quit watching anime regularly because it became so popular

also since PSL are all shut down and theres nothing left but looksmax.me and incels.is I have no idea where else to go unless everyone is hanging out on dark web sites now

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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 24347, LampPostPrime, Deleted member 19281 and 13 others
i started using it in 2005 jfl. imagine how i feel. it's really bad now and i'd go as far to say as unrecognizable.

8chan was our last hope. it's over now. after mde got shut down this is the only somewhat fun place left
  • Woah
Reactions: Clark69 and Butthurt Dweller
Because forums are outdated
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Reactions: Patrick Baitman, balding17yomanletcel, Danish_Retard and 4 others
Proud to say i never browsed 4chan
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  • JFL
Reactions: LampPostPrime, Deleted member 19281, mewcoper and 6 others
I was on hatechan.

also I think 8Chan is now 8kun
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Reactions: Butthurt Dweller
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  • JFL
Reactions: LampPostPrime, LordNorwood and Butthurt Dweller
I was on hatechan.

also I think 8Chan is now 8kun
i always thought 8chan was just a redditified version of 4chan and it was uninteresting to me, apparently the owner or whatever cucked out

its amazing how all sites like 8ch, lookism, sluthate etc just manage to get wiped off the face of the earth its like there is an agency out there trying to shut it all down

or its the fact that the internet isnt the wild west anymore and the darkweb is the future

i have a feeling all of the old dogs either roped, moved on, or every one went to underground imageboards/forums on the darkweb but i dont know about any of it
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Reactions: LampPostPrime, Golgo13, Deleted member 1973 and 1 other person
4chan is so boring yet I'm still addicted to it because imageboards are superstimulating.
  • +1
Reactions: Butthurt Dweller
Never liked 4chan cuz of the way it looks.

Hurts my eyes. but i remember back in 2008 i saw some fucked up gore stuff on 4chan and there was a lot of threads about some man roping.
  • JFL
  • Woah
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Reactions: Deleted member 19281, Deleted member 4671, RAITEIII and 1 other person
I started using 4chan in 2008 but I stopped identifying with it around the time 8chan became a thing and quit browsing entirely when I found out about r/incels

but in reality it has gotten so much worse, ever since tumblr got shut down in 2018 everyone went to 4chan

the place is an utter shithole now and i refuse to use any memes that arent PSL/Incel related

ive always kept the fact i know about internet memes and stuff a secret because Rules 1 and 2 (old shitty meme i know) but even to this day if you ask me what a pepe is or a boomer zoomer i will deny it entirely

PSL is the only place ive seen that has created fresh memes like [its over] [cope] [rope] [x-cel] etc etc but when i see that shit on 4chan it makes my blood boil

the internet is extremely gay now, I even quit watching anime regularly because it became so popular

also since PSL are all shut down and theres nothing left but looksmax.me and incels.is I have no idea where else to go unless everyone is hanging out on dark web sites now
if you browsed 4chan when you were younger, you browse looksmax now

it just be that way
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Reactions: Golgo13, Justttt, Deleted member 3990 and 1 other person
the thing is you see it as a place of memes
maybe try getting a hobby and talk about it on dedicated generals
yes it went total downhill since reddit and trump phonefag inflow
if you browsed 4chan when you were younger, you browse looksmax now

it just be that way
based and true
the thing is you see it as a place of memes
maybe try getting a hobby and talk about it on dedicated generals
yes it went total downhill since reddit and trump phonefag inflow
dedicated generals were one the cancer things that bothered me the most when I started disliking 4chan in like 2011/2012

and 8chan was the same thing with generals bullshit just in reddit format

I remember when on /mu/ everyone listened to power metal and not hipster bullshit, because of generals all discussion of metal has been quarantined to hurr metal general thread #392039 hurr epik memme

even /r9k/ has a GAY GENERAL thats been there for years

4chan is dead to me and has been for a long time
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 19281, warpsociety, LordNorwood and 1 other person
4chan has devolved into bots remaking threads. There's nothing worth seeing.
  • +1
Reactions: Butthurt Dweller
I started browsing 4chan in 2011 and browsed it pretty religiously until earlier this year. In the last year (2018-2019) I noticed that it was getting more and more boring over time, it just felt different for some reason like everything felt stale and it started to feel like everyone was just talking about nothing. All my favorite boards started to suck, plus most posters seemed like retards all of a sudden. /fit/ used to more or less be my homeboard but it really started to suck ass this year, its like a 80 average IQ cuckfest over there, haven't been back in months
Now all I do is pop onto /lit/ for a couple minutes every couple weeks but even then its nothing like it used to be
  • +1
Reactions: Butthurt Dweller
Since I joined PSL I became indifferent to politics because

1. No one can prove me most major happenings are not orchestrated

2. There is controlled opposition

3. Lookism far more brutal and important than any other politic cope

When I join some old livestreams of alt-rights (which I used to browse), I always think they are my peers and think similar to me

but the moment I said that AfD is controlled opposition and there is no "major happening/revolution" coming, I instantely get insulted and called retard by 80% of them.

It is like my political association fell under the radar.

I would kill all white subhumans in favour of an anti-degeneracy and based non-western union with Chads and Tyrones
  • +1
Reactions: Butthurt Dweller
Tbh this forum is extremely based.
No fags, no women, no bluepillers.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 19281, Butthurt Dweller and LordNorwood
Since I joined PSL I became indifferent to politics because

1. No one can prove me most major happenings are not orchestrated

2. There is controlled opposition

3. Lookism far more brutal and important than any other politic cope

When I join some old livestreams of alt-rights (which I used to browse), I always think they are my peers and think similar to me

but the moment I said that AfD is controlled opposition and there is no "major happening/revolution" coming, I instantely get insulted and called retard by 80% of them.

It is like my political association fell under the radar.

I would kill all white subhumans in favour of an anti-degeneracy and based non-western union with Chads and Tyrones
Kinda same, I became somewhat alt-right for a while (despite race JFL) and am very anti-degeneracy but that phase didn't last long before I concluded that politics was a huge cope because its not like we have control over anything anyways
  • +1
Reactions: Butthurt Dweller
I've only started browsing 4chan in recent months, what was it like in its glory days?
  • Woah
Reactions: Butthurt Dweller
I've only started browsing 4chan in recent months, what was it like in its glory days?
Cozy, memes were fresh and original and the insular culture was hilarious, it felt like belonging to an exclusive club of bros sitting at your own lunch table laughing hysterically at shit only you understood
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Reactions: Butthurt Dweller and Cleftcel
Cozy, memes were fresh and original and the insular culture was hilarious, it felt like belonging to an exclusive club of bros sitting at your own lunch table laughing hysterically at shit only you understood
What would you say the glory years were ?
It looked pretty cool in 2015-2016 but I haven't really browsed it since, until a few days ago where I realized it turned into complete shit.
What would you say the glory years were ?
It looked pretty cool in 2015-2016 but I haven't really browsed it since, until a few days ago where I realized it turned into complete shit.
I thought 2011-2014 were all pretty good years. 2015-2016 still decent. 2017 is when it started to feel more like why tf am I here, not as good as it used to be but I was there out of familiarity. 2018 was when I started to feel like I was looking at garbage most of the time. Then earlier this year it got to be offensively bad and I finally dropped it.
Never liked 4chan cuz of the way it looks.

Hurts my eyes. but i remember back in 2008 i saw some fucked up gore stuff on 4chan and there was a lot of threads about some man roping.
20191209 072452

U would 7 at most in 2008 and you were "watching gore videos" and "remember threads" which means it wasn't a casualty but on purpose.

You know what it means right lol
dn rd but never even browsed it for more than 5 minutes
  • +1
Reactions: Butthurt Dweller
i hang out in Nano chan on DW ngl. 8kun is shit now but sometimes i go there for old data
  • Woah
Reactions: Butthurt Dweller
I sometimes browse fit ngl
  • +1
Reactions: Butthurt Dweller
i hang out in Nano chan on DW ngl. 8kun is shit now but sometimes i go there for old data
Where? I only got on the darkweb once like 8 years ago and it was slow as fuk, i completely ignored it after it became mainstream and normies started talking about silk road.

I feel like my lack of computer knowledge made me get left behind
  • +1
Reactions: Enlil
Where? I only got on the darkweb once like 8 years ago and it was slow as fuk, i completely ignored it after it became mainstream and normies started talking about silk road.

I feel like my lack of computer knowledge made me get left behind
ill pm you TOR link bro. hol' up
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Reactions: Butthurt Dweller
8chn /x/ is good site is 8kun.top
I started using 4chan in 2008 but I stopped identifying with it around the time 8chan became a thing and quit browsing entirely when I found out about r/incels

but in reality it has gotten so much worse, ever since tumblr got shut down in 2018 everyone went to 4chan

the place is an utter shithole now and i refuse to use any memes that arent PSL/Incel related

ive always kept the fact i know about internet memes and stuff a secret because Rules 1 and 2 (old shitty meme i know) but even to this day if you ask me what a pepe is or a boomer zoomer i will deny it entirely

PSL is the only place ive seen that has created fresh memes like [its over] [cope] [rope] [x-cel] etc etc but when i see that shit on 4chan it makes my blood boil

the internet is extremely gay now, I even quit watching anime regularly because it became so popular

also since PSL are all shut down and theres nothing left but looksmax.me and incels.is I have no idea where else to go unless everyone is hanging out on dark web sites now
i browse at least 5 4chan boards daily
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Butthurt Dweller
How can pepe meme even come close to this

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Reactions: Butthurt Dweller
4chan is where all you faggots should shitpost and leave this place as a more serious site to discuss blackpills.
  • +1
Reactions: Golgo13
4chan is where all you faggots should shitpost and leave this place as a more serious site to discuss blackpills.
looks maxing board isnt shitposty
jfl subhumans feeling sad bcuz their rot place is gone meanwhile chad never uses internet
  • JFL
Reactions: Toth's thot, Golgo13 and Patrick Baitman
based and true

dedicated generals were one the cancer things that bothered me the most when I started disliking 4chan in like 2011/2012

and 8chan was the same thing with generals bullshit just in reddit format

I remember when on /mu/ everyone listened to power metal and not hipster bullshit, because of generals all discussion of metal has been quarantined to hurr metal general thread #392039 hurr epik memme

even /r9k/ has a GAY GENERAL thats been there for years

4chan is dead to me and has been for a long time
4chan was never the cool place people claim it once was anyway, Move on partner.
I started using 4chan in 2008 but I stopped identifying with it around the time 8chan became a thing and quit browsing entirely when I found out about r/incels

but in reality it has gotten so much worse, ever since tumblr got shut down in 2018 everyone went to 4chan

the place is an utter shithole now and i refuse to use any memes that arent PSL/Incel related

ive always kept the fact i know about internet memes and stuff a secret because Rules 1 and 2 (old shitty meme i know) but even to this day if you ask me what a pepe is or a boomer zoomer i will deny it entirely

PSL is the only place ive seen that has created fresh memes like [its over] [cope] [rope] [x-cel] etc etc but when i see that shit on 4chan it makes my blood boil

the internet is extremely gay now, I even quit watching anime regularly because it became so popular

also since PSL are all shut down and theres nothing left but looksmax.me and incels.is I have no idea where else to go unless everyone is hanging out on dark web sites now
Ugh. Obviously, you didn't get the memo. There's another site. It's one that hates all sites. It hates itself too. Ugh. A self-hating forum. And the design is shit. Because the webmaster hates himself. Everything's scrambled up. Because everyone hates order. Ugh. It can get confusing. I hate it so much I won't reveal the name. And that's the motto of the site. Never reveal the name.
Image boards haven’t been good for almost a decade


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I started using 4chan in 2008 but I stopped identifying with it around the time 8chan became a thing and quit browsing entirely when I found out about r/incels

but in reality it has gotten so much worse, ever since tumblr got shut down in 2018 everyone went to 4chan

the place is an utter shithole now and i refuse to use any memes that arent PSL/Incel related

ive always kept the fact i know about internet memes and stuff a secret because Rules 1 and 2 (old shitty meme i know) but even to this day if you ask me what a pepe is or a boomer zoomer i will deny it entirely

PSL is the only place ive seen that has created fresh memes like [its over] [cope] [rope] [x-cel] etc etc but when i see that shit on 4chan it makes my blood boil

the internet is extremely gay now, I even quit watching anime regularly because it became so popular

also since PSL are all shut down and theres nothing left but looksmax.me and incels.is I have no idea where else to go unless everyone is hanging out on dark web sites now
.me > 4ch
4ch are gatekeepers on dc, i dont like them
Ugh. Obviously, you didn't get the memo. There's another site. It's one that hates all sites. It hates itself too. Ugh. A self-hating forum. And the design is shit. Because the webmaster hates himself. Everything's scrambled up. Because everyone hates order. Ugh. It can get confusing. I hate it so much I won't reveal the name. And that's the motto of the site. Never reveal the name.
there are only feminists and fed programmed bots on 4chan now

funny how things works

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