If you want to be happy, focus LESS on Dopamine and MORE on Serotonin. HIGH effort thread



Apr 23, 2020
High effort thread

If you want to live a happier life, you should focus on serotoninmaxxing. Many ppl here think that dopamine > everything but it couldn't be further from truth.



Serotonin is a neurotransmitter in the brain mainly responsible for the feeling of happiness and wellbeing.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter in the brain responsible for the feeling of reward, motivation and pleasure. It is known that dopamine played a huge role in our species survival and evolution.

We are constantly bombard with sources of quick and cheap dopamine in every day life. Internet, video games, porn, social media, junkfood and even music. Of course, all this cant be healthy for you, and as a result of doing too much of these activities, you will find that your dopamine receptors get desensitized, reducing your motivation, drive and sense of well being.

What you should do is limit those dopamine-releasing activities and involve more in things that benefit your serotonin. Aka, start meditating (inb4 cope), cut out shitty food, start exercising (inb4 gymcel), limit your time spend on video games or jacking off and get a fucking proper sleep schedule (really important). Ever since I've started meditating waking up early and going to sleep at the same time every night I've felt much better and had more time and motivation to do shit.

Serotonin truly mogs dopamine because it allows you feel contempt and happy in a long-term manner.

To further prove my point, Im gonna use some real life examples. MDMA (aka molly/ecstasy) is a drug that releases great quantities of serotonin in the brain. It was proven to successfully cure depression and PTSD symptoms in many people without having a high addicting potential. I remember I took 150mg of Molly once and I've felt incredible happiness and contempt. It was the most overwhelming rush of happiness ever, and it turned into a nice afterglow that lasted the following days. I enjoyed it greatly, yet after such experience I never really craved it again. Why? Because it was enough and I was satisfied. Now if you look at Meth (it also acts on serotonin receptors but only a tiny amount like 0.1%) or Crack, they act on dopamine receptors giving you an incredible rush of pleasure. They don't even come close near good mdma in terms of euphoria, and yet far more people are addicted to them and will literally kill and suck dick for both of these fiendish drug. Why? Thats because your brain is designed to crave that short term pleasure rush and it will always want more. It surely did help back in cavemen times when Chad got useful dopamine rush when killing deers and eating its meat, but in todays world we are provided with cheap dopamine releasing activities that don't contribute to your survival/wellbeing.

Also if you're planning to do mdma (which i dont condone), you should wait at least 3 months in between.

Tldr: Do less things that release short-term dopamine (fapping, junkfood, porn, games, distractions) and do things that benefit your serotonin in the long term (good diet, exercising, proper sleep, mindfulness and meditation).

Not only you will feel better in the long term from the serotonin, but your dopamine receptors will sensitize again making you feel full of energy, drive and motivation.

We're all gonna make it kings.
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  • +1
Reactions: SolidSnake, Deleted member 5583, OOGABOOGA and 7 others
Idk, testosterone correlates negatively with serotonin, but positively with dopamine. If its for the cost of T, I wouldnt want to be calm and relaxed all the time
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 5583, Danish_Retard and SubhumanCurrycel
great thread. I really gotta start meditating tbh.
  • +1
Reactions: Dior
Idk, testosterone correlates negatively with serotonin, but positively with dopamine. If its for the cost of T, I wouldnt want to be calm and relaxed all the time
shekel backed studies
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good goy

take your Prozac happy pills
BB87A3C8 66AE 45B4 A7CD FCC9DAF424F9
better looking = more happiness
  • +1
Reactions: john2
Good thread tbh

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