you can brush this off as racism and cope all you want, nothing is gonna change the truth.
women do NOT find indians attractive and they never will, looksmaxxing will only help you very little.
my estimate is that being indian depreciates your /10 rating by 3.5-4 points.
talks about a "great shift" (meaning people are finally beginning to find indian people attractive in the west) have been all over tiktok as of late, and this could not be further from the truth. every study ever done has ranked indians one of if not the lowest race in terms of attractiveness, and indian distaste is only on the rise based of my anecdotal experiences.
i live in canada, and indian immigration to canada has been immense especially post pandemic. based off my experiences after the surge it has become extremely normalized to mock indian accents, torment indian kids at my school and indian people kind of just have a stereotype of being ugly, dirty and dislikable invaders.
here comes the most brutal part, lets not forget that plenty of indian women have immigrated to canada aswell as men. while the men are struggling to find partners all the indian women are dating the white ltn's and mtn's
indian men have NOBODY. they have immigrated here in such huge numbers yet white women find them disgusting, indian women are busy with white men and other ethnic groups usually dont deviate from their own race.
women do NOT find indians attractive and they never will, looksmaxxing will only help you very little.
my estimate is that being indian depreciates your /10 rating by 3.5-4 points.
talks about a "great shift" (meaning people are finally beginning to find indian people attractive in the west) have been all over tiktok as of late, and this could not be further from the truth. every study ever done has ranked indians one of if not the lowest race in terms of attractiveness, and indian distaste is only on the rise based of my anecdotal experiences.
i live in canada, and indian immigration to canada has been immense especially post pandemic. based off my experiences after the surge it has become extremely normalized to mock indian accents, torment indian kids at my school and indian people kind of just have a stereotype of being ugly, dirty and dislikable invaders.
here comes the most brutal part, lets not forget that plenty of indian women have immigrated to canada aswell as men. while the men are struggling to find partners all the indian women are dating the white ltn's and mtn's
indian men have NOBODY. they have immigrated here in such huge numbers yet white women find them disgusting, indian women are busy with white men and other ethnic groups usually dont deviate from their own race.