I'll never be able to compete



Jul 17, 2020
No matter how many facial surgeries I get I'll always be shorter than 85% of swedish men. Even if i got LL I'd still be just under average. I'll never be able to compete with 190 cm chads. It would be much easier to just move to somewhere in latin america where I would be average in height and my pheno and colouring would halo me hard. Even in southern european manlet countries like Portugal I think I'd still get scandi halo
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If your goal is adultery like most people, i an't help you

but if you're waiting fo rmarriage like me, then there are plenty of virgins who wait, till marriage
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brutal svarttablett
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Don’t move to Latin America, they’ll chop off your legs and you’ll be even shorter
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Height = competence, unfortunately. This is how women view it. Shorties are subhumans. It’s over.
  • WTF
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If your goal is adultery like most people, i an't help you

but if you're waiting fo rmarriage like me, then there are plenty of virgins who wait, till marriage
The only chance one would have to get a virgin in Sweden would be to convert to Islam and get a somali girl. Otherwise you'd have to go for 14 year olds

brutal svarttablett
svårsmält men så är det
No matter how many facial surgeries I get I'll always be shorter than 85% of swedish men. Even if i got LL I'd still be just under average. I'll never be able to compete with 190 cm chads. It would be much easier to just move to somewhere in latin america where I would be average in height and my pheno and colouring would halo me hard. Even in southern european manlet countries like Portugal I think I'd still get scandi halo
You are psl5.5 minimum I seen you before
You are psl5.5 minimum I seen you before
You must be confusing me with someone else because I've never shared my face with anyone here
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No matter how many facial surgeries I get I'll always be shorter than 85% of swedish men. Even if i got LL I'd still be just under average. I'll never be able to compete with 190 cm chads. It would be much easier to just move to somewhere in latin america where I would be average in height and my pheno and colouring would halo me hard. Even in southern european manlet countries like Portugal I think I'd still get scandi halo
pussy mentality. do something about it
The only chance one would have to get a virgin in Sweden would be to convert to Islam and get a somali girl. Otherwise you'd have to go for 14 year olds

svårsmält men så är det
Only somali girls?

Also don't come to islam only for girls
You must be confusing me with someone else because I've never shared my face with anyone here
Meanwhile you irl:
20200918 105418
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Wait a minute, can’t you get hgh from Scandi doctors since avg height there is much higher ??? Or are you done growing?
The only chance one would have to get a virgin in Sweden would be to convert to Islam and get a somali girl. Otherwise you'd have to go for 14 year olds

svårsmält men så är det
''14 year olds'' ser inte problemet? :cool: tror dock inte det skulle va omöjligt i sverige du skulle kunna pma bilder , kanske svårt o få 7 psl tjejer men dom flesta svenska jag ser i 18-25 års åldern är recessed subhumans. Du kan pma om du vill over sa du va minst 5.5
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whats ur height bro
I wish

I actually tried to get it when I was 16 but they wouldn't give it to me so I just forgot about it. Funny thing is that the doctor that I came to was persian and probably about 160 cm
Fuck me that is so sad. I’m sorry bro.
whats ur height bro
171 cm night height
Of course I never go outside without frauding 175 or smth but I'm still shorter than everyone else and get heightmogged by girls

Doctors will never prescribe it unless you are a legit dward
Doctors don't give a shit about boys' development. You could have diagnosable hormonal issues to the point where you barely go through puberty and they'd still be reluctant to treat you

''14 year olds'' ser inte problemet? :cool: tror dock inte det skulle va omöjligt i sverige du skulle kunna pma bilder , kanske svårt o få 7 psl tjejer men dom flesta svenska jag ser i 18-25 års åldern är recessed subhumans. Du kan pma om du vill over sa du va minst 5.5
Det är sant att många är recessed (eller vad man ska kalla det på svenska) men problemet är att jag också är det p.g.a. en ortodontisk behandling. Hade ett litet överbett så de exade två premolarer på mig :rage:

Ska skaffa MSE och titta på möjligheterna till käkop. Därefter får jag se hur det är
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171 cm night height
Of course I never go outside without frauding 175 or smth but I'm still shorter than everyone else and get heightmogged by girls

Doctors don't give a shit about boys' development. You could have diagnosable hormonal issues to the point where you barely go through puberty and they'd still be reluctant to treat you

Det är sant att många är recessed (eller vad man ska kalla det på svenska) men problemet är att jag också är det p.g.a. en ortodontisk behandling. Hade ett litet överbett så de exade två premolarer på mig :rage:

Ska skaffa MSE och titta på möjligheterna till käkop. Därefter får jag se hur det är
Unless you are 3 ds from the average you are """fine""" for them
If their kid had the same problem they wouldnt sleep at night
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Doctors don't give a shit about boys' development. You could have diagnosable hormonal issues to the point where you barely go through puberty and they'd still be reluctant to treat you
this is very true i had to trigger puberty on my own at 16 because drs wouldnt do shit
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You just need to compete at your limited level. Sunderland can't compete with Real Madrid after all. I think you are better than you think you are though :)
Damn bro run peg-leg game.
180cm is enough
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Eh at 171 u can be 5-10 5-11 with leg lengthening doing both segments then just move to America and ur chilling.
I dont want to do double ll and why would i move to america lol
Cause u wil be average at 5'10-5'11 here and the bitches are bad. Also dont do one segment always do both for biomechanical reasons and proportion.
Cause u wil be average at 5'10-5'11 here and the bitches are bad. Also dont do one segment always do both for biomechanical reasons and proportion.
I'd never move to the great satan
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