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One thing that always struck me as suspicious about Tom Cruise is his jewish looking nose. I'm talking about his nose before the surgery:
Even after so many surgeries you still can deny the jewish character of his nose:
Another point to make is that his mother and sister look jewish as hell, even more so than him. Especially his sister, I mean look at this:
Whats even weirder, it's not just his nose, but also his face as a whole. He has the identical face as Lyor Cohen, a jewish rap music executive that is connected to the Diddy rape scandals:
Carbon copy face. Another Hollywood jew that has the same face/pheno combo is Jason Schwartzman:
Same nose, same facial proportions, same green eyes. Only difference is he probably never had a nosejob and jaw surgery like Tom Cruise.
The simillarity between them is not so unusual, when you consider the fact that jews have one of the highest rates of first cousin marriage in the world. Here is another pair of jewish Hollywood doppelgangers, albeit with a different, darker pheno than Tom Cruise, Sarah Silverman and Eli Roth:
They look like brother and sister even though they're not related.
Crypto-Jewry today is as prevalent as it was in the past. A typical example of this is " based" Javier Milei. Posing as a right- wing " badass", he literally took all of Argentinas gold reserve and transferred it to an unknown location. Keep in mind that a lot of Nazi gold was present in those Argentinian reserves.
Milei is also an outspoken supporter of Israel claiming that his biggest regret in life is not being born as a jew:
But don't let that fool you,he is 100% jewish. MILEIkowski is the original polish jewish name of Netanyahus family. Here is a photo of Milei and his family when he was a kid:
Notice something about them? His parents are apparently Argentinian and Croatian by origin, but they have typical jewish phenos.
Here is Milei as a young man:
Notice the typical jewish nose. He looks just like young Sean Penn, another jew:
Here is Milei today after his nosejob:
In fact, many jews especially in the US undergo nose surgery to gain a more gentile-looking nose. Nosejobs are also prevalent among secret agents as spies, such as Mossad agents, to conceal their identities and real ethnicities. And make no mistake, bothe Javier Milei and his parents are Mossad agents. Need proof? Here is a photo of what Milei parents look like now as oldcels in their 80s:
Notice the facial makeovers, complete with nosejobs, severing every tie they had with their previous indentities. They don't even look remotely the same as they did in the first picture of them I posted.
Tldr: Tom Cruise is a Crypto-Jew selling satanic Hollywood propaganda to the masses.

Even after so many surgeries you still can deny the jewish character of his nose:

Another point to make is that his mother and sister look jewish as hell, even more so than him. Especially his sister, I mean look at this:

Whats even weirder, it's not just his nose, but also his face as a whole. He has the identical face as Lyor Cohen, a jewish rap music executive that is connected to the Diddy rape scandals:

Carbon copy face. Another Hollywood jew that has the same face/pheno combo is Jason Schwartzman:

Same nose, same facial proportions, same green eyes. Only difference is he probably never had a nosejob and jaw surgery like Tom Cruise.
The simillarity between them is not so unusual, when you consider the fact that jews have one of the highest rates of first cousin marriage in the world. Here is another pair of jewish Hollywood doppelgangers, albeit with a different, darker pheno than Tom Cruise, Sarah Silverman and Eli Roth:
They look like brother and sister even though they're not related.
Crypto-Jewry today is as prevalent as it was in the past. A typical example of this is " based" Javier Milei. Posing as a right- wing " badass", he literally took all of Argentinas gold reserve and transferred it to an unknown location. Keep in mind that a lot of Nazi gold was present in those Argentinian reserves.
Milei is also an outspoken supporter of Israel claiming that his biggest regret in life is not being born as a jew:
But don't let that fool you,he is 100% jewish. MILEIkowski is the original polish jewish name of Netanyahus family. Here is a photo of Milei and his family when he was a kid:
Notice something about them? His parents are apparently Argentinian and Croatian by origin, but they have typical jewish phenos.
Here is Milei as a young man:
Notice the typical jewish nose. He looks just like young Sean Penn, another jew:
Here is Milei today after his nosejob:
In fact, many jews especially in the US undergo nose surgery to gain a more gentile-looking nose. Nosejobs are also prevalent among secret agents as spies, such as Mossad agents, to conceal their identities and real ethnicities. And make no mistake, bothe Javier Milei and his parents are Mossad agents. Need proof? Here is a photo of what Milei parents look like now as oldcels in their 80s:
Notice the facial makeovers, complete with nosejobs, severing every tie they had with their previous indentities. They don't even look remotely the same as they did in the first picture of them I posted.
Tldr: Tom Cruise is a Crypto-Jew selling satanic Hollywood propaganda to the masses.
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