Workout, even if it is twice a week it will probably draw more attention and make you look more manly after these 6 months.
Take care of your skin, during summer or whenever sun is basking rough, apply sunscreen on your face, You don't want to look like 40 years old in your 20's, it will be as good if you stay away from alcohol, cigarettes and hard drugs.
Anything outside your look that you might consider is to put attention on your posture and make sure you are not doing yourself a favour to develop any kind of scoliosis later on.
You have big potential, you just need to maintain your young looks and probably learn how to be dressed well everytime. General rules like never wear more than 3 colors on yourself, or avoid oversized clothes (unless your style is based on baggy style jeans or something) should get you good, but if you need more, you can always check Tim Dessaint on youtube.
Other than that, you can just get some neat and unexpensive fragnances for yourself if you are going to hunt for chicks, what kind of first impressions you do is the most important part with everyone, a scent is one of these biggest factors. Trust me, alot changed when I stopped smoking and decided to spray myself even with cheap arab shit.
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