im a 5'11 subhuman. is it truly ogre for me?



Nov 24, 2018
someone please tell me its not true :,( had someone comment that its over me because im chad lite. this just cant be! sure im 5'11 but surely thats not automatically grounds of female termination and being an outcast. I GOTTA PUT A BABY IN SOMEONES STOMACH D:
someone please tell me its not true :,( had someone comment that its over me because im chad lite. this just cant be! sure im 5'11 but surely thats not automatically grounds of female termination and being an outcast. I GOTTA PUT A BABY IN SOMEONES STOMACH D:
Go for double penetration my nigga
i think the only choice i have left is letting tyrone in prison fuck me. at least he will accept my subhuman form with out judgement
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Use lifts fraud 6’1 fairly easily with em
sure it’s over, I bet now that you told everyone your willingness to get raped in prison there are quite a few people that will try to get imprisoned in the same prison as you

I’d kill for your facial width D:
We dont know without ouc
5'11 isn't bad you should only start to worry if you're 5'7 or under, or if you live in some country like Germany where everyone is at least 6'
  • +1
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lol at this drama attention WH0RE stop quoting me everywhere just becuz i proved u have 10IQ

and not same user, lol at u
hows the usage of oils on your facial structure going on
5'11 is good height, even in tall countries it's around the average
Why would i pull a ellliot rodgers and make 2 accounts? im no assburger slut
Is this a real account? No wtf why would it be over
Yes you better start looking for a rope.
someone please tell me its not true :,( had someone comment that its over me because im chad lite. this just cant be! sure im 5'11 but surely thats not automatically grounds of female termination and being an outcast. I GOTTA PUT A BABY IN SOMEONES STOMACH D:
bruh cant be blaming height, just wear 1inch lifts and get to 6ft
This isn't Astrosky you gullibles.
actually this is astrosky. .-. ai;ohgsaeo;iughsauiobosiul;ng
someone please tell me its not true :,( had someone comment that its over me because im chad lite. this just cant be! sure im 5'11 but surely thats not automatically grounds of female termination and being an outcast. I GOTTA PUT A BABY IN SOMEONES STOMACH D:

Definitely not easy but if yuh looks max and and have good face / body , 5-11 should be adequate for most Becky’s .
Your height shouldnt be a problem

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