I’m getting more and more disturbed by the state of humanity, and proof God is good



broken but not destroyed
Nov 9, 2023
No one cares about eachother, users here are quick to throw eachother under the bus.

Despite the fact we share much of the same struggles

ITV has a good video on male nature and brotherhood

So many “people” lack the capacity for moral thinking

And are more comparable to an animal than to what a human actually is

A user here literally asked “what’s the most painless way to commit suicide”

And instead of helping a clearly distressed they literally encouraged him to do it

This continued until @Michael Myers removed the thread

There’s a complete lack of empathy between people, in china a man was hit by a truck and people walked by and didnt help him

Eventually he died there are many such occurrences in the world

@cromagnon lottery thinks every Jewish person should be killed:feelswhat:

Obviously the ones pushing degeneracy and positing are food should be lynched

But how is it reasonable to kill every single one?

I was genuinely disturbed to here him say this, it further cemented my idea that humanity is a lost cause

If God exists he must’ve us very much to have not wiped us out by now. If I were god I’d be very angry with the state of humanity

@liberiangrimreaper @MaghrebGator @TsarTsar444
  • +1
Reactions: 3virtues, Esteban1997, liberiangrimreaper and 2 others
why are you moralfagging so hard right now

jews are literal disgusting incessant horrible creatures who have nothing but VILE hatred for everything good in this world

i do not consider them my brothers, and i never will
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
Reactions: 3virtues, looksmaxxed, PsychoH and 3 others
why are you moralfagging so hard right now

jews are literal disgusting incessant horrible creatures who have nothing but VILE hatred for everything good in this world

i do not consider them my brothers, and i never will
an exception does not disprove the rule
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: looksmaxxed and wishIwasSalludon
jews are literal disgusting incessant horrible creatures
Do you genuinely believe that a Jewish infant deserves to die just for being born Jewish?
  • WTF
  • JFL
Reactions: 3virtues and cromagnon
Lack of morals is what’s causing this world to go to shit
lack of morals are the ONLY thing capable of saving this world

you cant have a nice, beautiful world with things that actively work to destroy it. that is why i think it is CRUCIAL for the juden to go.
  • JFL
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Reactions: 3virtues, looksmaxxed and wishIwasSalludon
does baby hitler deserve to die just for being baby hitler?
and obviously eugenics will be employed to avoid such devastating moral dilemmas as this
  • JFL
Reactions: 3virtues and wishIwasSalludon
you said that because you know it’s irrational to kill a Jewish infant just for being born a Jew
bro you are like literally being ultra jew right now

"i know we're flooding millions of browns into your country that rape your children and kill your men and woman...but would you really kill that cute wittle baby...? he didnt do anything...even if hes genetically predispositioned to fuck you whites over..!"
  • JFL
Reactions: 3virtues and wishIwasSalludon
i know we're flooding millions of browns into your country that rape your children and kill your men and woman.
Then punish the Jews that do those things? Why kill every single Jew?

bro you are like literally being ultra jew right now
If you consider not behaving like an animal “being an ultra Jew” do you admit Jews are superior?

even if hes genetically predispositioned to fuck you whites over..!"
They aren’t genetically predispositions to fuck anyone over anymore than any other group is

And even if they were more so then other groups that doesn’t justify exterminating them
  • +1
Reactions: Esteban1997
Then punish the Jews that do those things? Why kill every single Jew?
this is like having a rat problem and killing 50% of the rats and leaving the rest alive
because the problem will simply start up again

If you consider not behaving like an animal “being an ultra Jew” do you admit Jews are superior?
do jews not do the same thing
they commit large scale ethnic genocide against whites
is that not behaving animalistically

They aren’t genetically predispositions to fuck anyone over anymore than any other group is
i mean you can say that but all evidence points to the contrary
they've literally been kicked out of 109 countries (so far), and thats just one little bit of all the shit they've pulled throughout history

And even if they were more so then other groups that doesn’t justify exterminating them
refer to point 1
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: looksmaxxed and wishIwasSalludon
this is like having a rat problem and killing 50% of the rats and leaving the rest alive
because the problem will simply start up again
You can’t compare people to rats, rats are animals and like all animals subject to their nature

Even if we were to say that this was the nature of the Jews, Jews being humans still have the power to over come this nature

So extermination isn’t justified

And the idea that this is the nature of the Jews is questionable in the first place

do jews not do the same thing
they commit large scale ethnic genocide against whites
is that not behaving animalistically
Whites kill the most people

i mean you can say that but all evidence points to the contrary
they've literally been kicked out of 109 countries (so far), and thats just one little bit of all the shit they've pulled throughout history
That can be explained by their culture of nepotism and the idea that they are the chosen people

Not genes necessarily
If you go to a poor country you learn in 1 month the same as you would learn after 10 years in a rich one because you get to experience how desperate people can get and how they/we would do anything to save ourselves in difficult situations in which nothing is guaranteed.
  • +1
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You can’t compare people to rats, rats are animals and like all animals subject to their nature

Even if we were to say that this was the nature of the Jews, Jews being humans still have the power to over come this nature

So extermination isn’t justified

And the idea that this is the nature of the Jews is questionable in the first place
its an analogy, and a good one at that
ah yes. lets just wait for however long they need to fix their insanity while they continue to fuck the entire world up. im sure the problem will fix itself
as i said before all evidence points to it

Whites kill the most people

That can be explained by their culture of nepotism and the idea that they are the chosen people

Not genes necessarily
yes so they are a self-centered peoples
im sure genetics had no part in this whatsoever
Study history, whites are the most genocidal race to ever exist

They were killing eachother in mass before they started chimping out on everyone else

IMG 4424

Even now whites bomb school children in third world countries among other things

yes so they are a self-centered peoples
im sure genetics had no part in this whatsoever
Every group is self centered, Jews aren’t more self centered than anyone else atleast not inherently

its an analogy, and a good one at that
I know it’s an analogy but I already explained why you can’t compare humans to animals

. lets just wait for however long they need to fix their insanity while they continue to fuck the entire world up
You can take out the ones that are a problem and fix their culture

There’s no reason for why everyone of them should die
Study history, whites are the most genocidal race to ever exist

They were killing eachother in mass before they started chimping out on everyone else

View attachment 3009303

Even now whites bomb school children in third world countries among other things

Every group is self centered, Jews aren’t more self centered than anyone else atleast not inherently

I know it’s an analogy but I already explained why you can’t compare humans to animals

You can take out the ones that are a problem and fix their culture

There’s no reason for why everyone of them should die
let me lay it out simply
jews are a force of evil who constantly attack whites (and everybody else for that matter)
they only exist to serve their own self interests
they are destroying civilized society and killing MY people
therefore i want them dead and gone
let me lay it out simply
jews are a force of evil who constantly attack whites (and everybody else for that matter)
they only exist to serve their own self interests
they are destroying civilized society and killing MY people
therefore i want them dead and gone
i care about the present and its current problems, and that problem is ze juden. therefore, we must remove said problem
If you go to a poor country you learn in 1 month the same as you would learn after 10 years in a rich one because you get to experience how desperate people can get and how they/we would do anything to save ourselves in difficult situations in which nothing is guaranteed.
God save us
if i was god i would be bored rn hes just waiting for the steep climax

theres too much peace

war entertains god

  • JFL
Reactions: Esteban1997 and wishIwasSalludon
A user here literally asked “what’s the most painless way to commit suicide”

And instead of helping a clearly distressed they literally encouraged him to do it

This continued until @Michael Myers removed the thread

Yeah, humanity really is fucked. When you think about it, what happened to Schery6 was totally devastating. A teenager committing suicide because of the way he looked. He said he was "too ugly" for this world, how do you deal with that if you're his parents? This planet is full of with negativity and hate. And it's only going to get worse.
  • +1
Reactions: DeadTrees and wishIwasSalludon
jews: 'i wanna genocide all non-jews'
white person: 'fuck you ill genocide u then'
jews: 'im so persecuted! all beta morons of the world pls defend me'
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: cromagnon, noobs and wishIwasSalludon
Yeah, humanity really is fucked. When you think about it, what happened to Schery6 was totally devastating. A teenager committing suicide because of the way he looked. He said he was "too ugly" for this world, how do you deal with that if you're his parents? This planet is full of with negativity and hate. And it's only going to get worse.
I hope reincarnation is real, but I get reincarnated into a different world like those isekai anime

Humanity cannot be salvaged, if god exists and he’s seeing this I encourage you to wipe us out and start a clean slate
  • +1
Reactions: Esteban1997
why are you moralfagging so hard right now

jews are literal disgusting incessant horrible creatures who have nothing but VILE hatred for everything good in this world

i do not consider them my brothers, and i never will
IMG 5233
  • JFL
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon
Regarding the Chinx shit, it's literally a psyop by da jooz or whatever.

I can find plenty of videos of people here helping someone

Also abt the cat torture

>dipshit degenerate posts animal torture
>everyone on Chinese internet becomes outraged and doxx him
>gets arrested
>meateatingkangfascist88: "wow the subhuman Chinese supports animal torture"
  • +1
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon
Most aren’t like that

then they wouldn't call themselves jewish, theyd just say theyre american or whatever with some semitic blood in them. jew = cult = cult says to genocide. no escaping this. if ur jew then u want to kill everyone.
Regarding the Chinx shit
I’m not saying it’s just Chinese people, it’s everyone. In New York homeless people die on the streets and people just walk by

I didn’t mean it to be racist against Chinese or anything
  • +1
Reactions: shabby890
No one cares about eachother, users here are quick to throw eachother under the bus.

Despite the fact we share much of the same struggles

ITV has a good video on male nature and brotherhood

So many “people” lack the capacity for moral thinking

And are more comparable to an animal than to what a human actually is

A user here literally asked “what’s the most painless way to commit suicide”

And instead of helping a clearly distressed they literally encouraged him to do it

This continued until @Michael Myers removed the thread

There’s a complete lack of empathy between people, in china a man was hit by a truck and people walked by and didnt help him

Eventually he died there are many such occurrences in the world

@cromagnon lottery thinks every Jewish person should be killed:feelswhat:

Obviously the ones pushing degeneracy and positing are food should be lynched

But how is it reasonable to kill every single one?

I was genuinely disturbed to here him say this, it further cemented my idea that humanity is a lost cause

If God exists he must’ve us very much to have not wiped us out by now. If I were god I’d be very angry with the state of humanity

@liberiangrimreaper @MaghrebGator @TsarTsar444

This is an unpolished thought, but I believe it’s primarily derived from someones ego/desire, which correlates to how much one cares/has empathy for another

Not gonna go too deep into it

+ God is mad (or disappointed) at mankind for the immorality and inhumanity it’s caused. There was a reason why before the foreshadowed coming of Jesus Sin = Death/Separation from God
in a low trust society, it's every man for himself. unfortunately the high trust white christian civilization no longer exists. if you help a "fellow white man" today, you might be manipulated into helping a jew or a white hostage of the jews(donald trump)
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Esteban1997 and wishIwasSalludon
God’s love is unconditional. But you have to have an open mind and heart. Go outside alone to your nearest forest to a remote, quiet area without any digital devices and just sit down, rest against a tree. I’m telling you he’s been there the whole time. You’ve just been too distracted to notice. The more in touch with nature you get, the more you’ll feel God’s presence. Social media, staged politics, financial struggle and other bullshit are manmade bullshit designated to keep us distracted and separated from God
  • +1
Reactions: DeadTrees, liberiangrimreaper and JohnDoe
Before i reply, what is your ethnicity/religion? my answer will vary depending on your answer, be honest.
  • +1
Reactions: liberiangrimreaper
God’s love is unconditional. But you have to have an open mind and heart. Go outside alone to your nearest forest to a remote, quiet area without any digital devices and just sit down, rest against a tree. I’m telling you he’s been there the whole time. You’ve just been too distracted to notice. The more in touch with nature you get, the more you’ll feel God’s presence. Social media, staged politics, financial struggle and other bullshit are manmade bullshit designated to keep us distracted and separated from God
Well said! Kaczynski was right about this part.
  • +1
Reactions: Bewusst and liberiangrimreaper
There is no brotherhood in modern society, every man for himself. Good video, rehab room is usually right on the mark.
I mean brotherhood cannot exist in a degenerate immoral society. OP yo uare jewish, your people have done unimaginable destruction on humanity and continue to do so.
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  • JFL
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon
There is no brotherhood in modern society, every man for himself. Good video, rehab room is usually right on the mark.
I mean brotherhood cannot exist in a degenerate immoral society. OP yo uare jewish, your people have done unimaginable destruction on humanity and continue to do so.
@Michael Myers he thinks I’m a jew:lul:

Dawg just cause I don’t want to genocide all joos doesn’t make me a Jew
@Michael Myers he thinks I’m a jew:lul:

Dawg just cause I don’t want to genocide all joos doesn’t make me a Jew
there may be casualties but getting rid of all jews would greatly benefit humanity
  • JFL
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon
Hell IS empty the Demons are here
  • +1
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon
No one cares about eachother, users here are quick to throw eachother under the bus.

Despite the fact we share much of the same struggles

ITV has a good video on male nature and brotherhood

So many “people” lack the capacity for moral thinking

And are more comparable to an animal than to what a human actually is

A user here literally asked “what’s the most painless way to commit suicide”

And instead of helping a clearly distressed they literally encouraged him to do it

This continued until @Michael Myers removed the thread

There’s a complete lack of empathy between people, in china a man was hit by a truck and people walked by and didnt help him

Eventually he died there are many such occurrences in the world

@cromagnon lottery thinks every Jewish person should be killed:feelswhat:

Obviously the ones pushing degeneracy and positing are food should be lynched

But how is it reasonable to kill every single one?

I was genuinely disturbed to here him say this, it further cemented my idea that humanity is a lost cause

If God exists he must’ve us very much to have not wiped us out by now. If I were god I’d be very angry with the state of humanity

@liberiangrimreaper @MaghrebGator @TsarTsar444

Never see you in my threads bro, you’re just as bad as the rest of em
  • JFL
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon

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