im not joking, as a kid i was stung by a bumblebee.



c sisyphus IQ
Jul 15, 2022
i was 5-6yo

people say they cant sting, but it was the following case, i wore boots cuz it was a rainy day iicrc as a kid one day, and a fucking bumblebee flew inside my boot, i got into panic and tried to take or shake off my boot and THEN the moterfucking bumblebee STUNG my right ankle or somewhere near ankle. my mom says i went blue in the face, it certainly felt like that, i was screaming and crying if i can recall correctly, i just remember it HURT LIKE HELL.
another time a fucking wasp stung in the back of my head as i was 9-10yo. hurt also badly.

it might be that the wasp landed on that back of my head and i didnt notice it, i was watching formula 1 probably monaco GP or qualifiying and then i leaned back with my back head against the couch and probably crushed the wasp, who then stung me.

it might be that these 2 times were the only times i got stung, i cant remember any other cases.

so probably only a bumblebee and a wasp stung me, a normal bee probably never
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im just glad a HORNET never attacked me, or it would have been game over. its the only animals im truly afraid of.
have you survive such brutal attack by mother nature?

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