I'm now convinced Jordan Peterson is a fool



Apr 1, 2019
My opinion of him wasn't very high before, he's a Jungian crank in a field dominated by women and preaches vasbyt style life philosophy while having one of the most secure and comfortable positions of modern society, that of a tenured academic. But I reserved that he has a few useful things to say, at least in so far as getting millennials and zoomers to move in the opposite direction of narcissism.

But after having seen highlights of his debate with crackhead jokester Zizek, I'm pretty thoroughly convinced that he's actually stupid. How could one devote so much of their career to writing about "bloody marxists" and yet apparently be less familiar with Marx than teenage 4channers? remember, this man is a professsional scholar. Capital and The Communist Manifesto are not dense works. A person who has the ability to study seriously, which you would expect a lifelong academic to be able to do so, would be able to get through both and produce detailed notes in a single work day, easily. Its crystal clear now, that he hasn't read anything marx has published ever, not even during his alleged days as a young campus marxist himself, which if true he probably did to try to get laid (and failed, since he married a roastie that looks like a gargoyle, after she had dismounted from the carousel). Imagine letting yourself be mogged on stage by a fucking crackhead dog thats one or two steps removed from being a barroom philosopher, and all he had to do was some basic research and google for dumb neoliberal arguments against socialism 101.

fucking kermit voiced dork faggot. Maybe all that Seroquel and steak has rotted his brain


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  • JFL
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I read his 12 rules for life book to see what all the fuss was about and I don’t get the fanatical devotion to him tbh. He’s a conman.
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Reactions: kobecel and Deleted member 483
His wife is Jewish who beats him and his daughter is a thot, he is a massive cuck
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Reactions: Festrunk, Balkancel, Deleted member 1329 and 2 others
His advice is just the usual boomer advice posited as having profound psychological meaning. He is the master of faux profundity
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I just care about being good looking and getting pussy. I don't need to pursue what is meaningful.
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He is The Red Pill
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juden peterstein
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he's a complete fool, he's a cuck for women
I like his interpretation of myths and lessons, his personal life is full of cuckery and being a weakling, he is saying that he thinks of himself as capable of doing bad things, Seeing his face I think to myself-how? You can think you can do bad stuff but actually doing them? GL with that
Just clean your room bro
clean ur room
I was just about to clean my room too
  • JFL
Reactions: ChoSeungHui
Zizek destroyed him so no respect for Peterberg
Just clean your room bro
It is over.
His daughter is an insufferable little brat. I want to gang bang and creampie her with my high T Balkan bros @fobos @dotacel
  • +1
Reactions: kobecel, fobos and Deleted member 470
I haven’t cleaned my room in a few weeks tbh..

Cry for me
  • JFL
Reactions: kobecel and Balkancel
Bro thats fucking festy cunt
Yeah I know bro. I’m usually very clean but I just can’t be fucking bothered lately tbh.

I will clean it soon :forcedsmile:
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Don't forget to donate to my Patreon guys. Cage

  • JFL
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Isn’t he a millionaire? Jfl at his cucked worshippers tbh
Yeah. Imagine wageslaving like the good little cuck you are only to donate your hard earned money to some pseudo scientist millionaire

It's over for the human race
  • +1
Reactions: Vitruvian, kobecel and Insomniac
His daughter is an insufferable little brat. I want to gang bang and creampie her with my high T Balkan bros @fobos @dotacel
used up roastie tbh
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Typical pseudointellectual tbh
Jordan Peterson is a fool
People confuse intelligence with the ability to use a complex language while speaking conviction, the substance is usually very poor not to say flawed if you are able to see past that, that guy actually often use moralistic over the scientific arguments to supports his idea, when he uses science he often misquotes it or overlooks important parts of it.

I also used to like him, it takes a while to see through his BS since he can be very convincing through the way he speaks.

Had a feeling I was repeating myself
His IQ is overblown by the fact that he is an exceptional orator (on top of having credibility with his degree/experience and willingness to advocate for principles that are slightly outside the norm which help to add to the aura effect). If you actually just listen to the words he says most of it gibberish, he always get lost in symbolism/mysticism and biblical stuff over addressing the factual scientific knowledge on the topic he is speaking of (even in his books). Basically, he says a lot of stupid stuff but people can't see through his bullshit because he is a great orator, use sophisticated terminologies which makes him sound more knowledgeable than he really is and gets people away from critical thinking by getting them lost in abstract ideas(that are impossible to indisputably refute since his ideas are based on abstract concepts) to prove his points. That is basically a form of intellectual manipulation, people should be careful when listening to him, that guy would make a great sect leader, and it is actually pretty much what is unfolding in front of our eyes when you think about it.
Don't let your children do things that make you dislike them is awful advice particularly in the hands of emotionally wounded parents which is the vast majority of parents. Don't kill the spirit of a child, give him empathy, love and affection and let him be. Kids that are emotionally healthy don't make things that make you dislike them, unless you have unreasonable expectations about what is normal behaviors for a child. Kids with psychopathologies do, but you will end up punishing the child for the pathologies you induce in him which is emotional abuse.

Even though he is a psychologist and want to portray himself has particularly psychologically healthy, there are clearly unresolved traumas within him, JB was an alcoholic in his mid-20s and he is now a workaholic. No surprise he comes up with bad advice like that one and based his book on such crooked ideas. He also seems heavily motivated by financial gains, which make me doubt his intentions behind all of what he is saying and doing.

He also uses his authority to speak with such conviction on moral stances at times (like "this is WRONG" with little argumentative support sometimes) that he is creating his own cult, one should always be wary of that.

Too much in mysticism and symbolics over hard science for my liking. Agree with him being bluepilled for the most part.

He clearly is a smart man with a vast field of knowledge though you can't take that away from him, but that doesn't guarantee he will always come to the right conclusions, particularly when addressing complex problems. It is hard to know what the truth really is at times, but I doubt that he is always right despite his credibility and what his fan base would like to believe.

Most people struggle to realize it isn't him which shows he is pure gibberish.
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