I’m so glad to be htn



Jan 7, 2024
I’m so glad to be a HIGH TIER normie on here, it’s so cool to mog clavicular, orb and other fags. it means im the most desirable man irl because people here are autistic self hating community that always downrate people) but whatever, just cope. I mog you even with a bald head


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  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: neverchadlite and Autismcel
dude, if everyone on this forum was HTN the way you are, their concept of HTNs being mogger would be legit. You're a solid lite imo
  • JFL
Reactions: Diarrhoea, rand anon, BrahminBoss and 3 others
your late for recess.
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Reactions: butterworld, WatermelonLover, Aero and 3 others
I’m so glad to be a HIGH TIER normie on here, it’s so cool to mog clavicular, orb and other fags. it means im the most desirable man irl because people here are autistic self hating community that always downrate people) but whatever, just cope. I mog you even with a bald head
Couldn't spit more facts. I agree with everything you said.
  • +1
Reactions: Chadeep and edgewalker2181
dude, if everyone on this forum was HTN the way you are, their concept of HTNs being mogger would be legit. You're a solid lite imo
Thanks dude but im not lite) I just made this post because people were calling me low mtn or mtn so to piss them off I wrote this
Alvin and the Chipmunks, seriously?
  • JFL
Reactions: MA_ascender
Are you related to SyrianPsycho
Thanks dude but im not lite) I just made this post because people were calling me low mtn or mtn so to piss them off I wrote this
yea, and I'm low chadlite rated an HTN by people here. my point was if everyone who got rated htn here was same looks level as you, the concept of muh "htns can slay" would be legit
  • +1
Reactions: edgewalker2181
yea, and I'm low chadlite rated an HTN by people here. my point was if everyone who got rated htn here was same looks level as you, the concept of muh "htns can slay" would be legit
Yeah, most of the people here are just angry Indians that downrate people
  • +1
Reactions: BrahminBoss
if you dont get approached everyday you arent htn in womens eyes @ambi
doesnt matter what white worshipping hindus on .org rate you
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: TechnoBoss, BrahminBoss, WatermelonLover and 1 other person
Okay. Just don't forget to grow your hair out. Long hair is female gaze.
  • +1
Reactions: skkrrrtcantdo and edgewalker2181
if you dont get approached everyday you arent htn in womens eyes @ambi
doesnt matter what white worshipping hindus on .org rate you
muh htns get approached lmao @smoth , @ephermogs , @funnyvalentine check out this cope
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: ephermogs and Diarrhoea
I’m so glad to be a HIGH TIER normie on here, it’s so cool to mog clavicular, orb and other fags. it means im the most desirable man irl because people here are autistic self hating community that always downrate people) but whatever, just cope. I mog you even with a bald head
I've never seen somebody like you who has really good averageness but shit harmony

They often correlate

That being said I do see you as top 15% of guys, so you are entry level HTN.
You look like a boneless (less PSL)/ less harmony/ less averageness version of Arvid @LiterallyNightwing
yea, and I'm low chadlite rated an HTN by people here. my point was if everyone who got rated htn here was same looks level as you, the concept of muh "htns can slay" would be legit
Are you sure you are top 1% of looks as a dude. That is what it means to be a Chadlite PSL-wise
That would be the equivalent of Pewdiepie (current Pewdiepie, not old):

  • +1
Reactions: WatermelonLover
I've never seen somebody like you who has really good averageness but shit harmony

They often correlate

That being said I do see you as top 15% of guys, so you are entry level HTN.
You look like a boneless (less PSL)/ less harmony/ less averageness version of Arvid @LiterallyNightwing

Are you sure you are top 1% of looks as a dude. That is what it means to be a Chadlite PSL-wise
That would be the equivalent of Pewdiepie (current Pewdiepie, not old):

dude, thats what you yourself rated me in dms. you was asking if having a robust bone structure is common where I'm from
  • Woah
Reactions: greycel
dude, if everyone on this forum was HTN the way you are, their concept of HTNs being mogger would be legit. You're a solid lite imo
you can't rate retard

he's a htn
I've never seen somebody like you who has really good averageness but shit harmony

They often correlate

That being said I do see you as top 15% of guys, so you are entry level HTN.
You look like a boneless (less PSL)/ less harmony/ less averageness version of Arvid @LiterallyNightwing

Are you sure you are top 1% of looks as a dude. That is what it means to be a Chadlite PSL-wise
That would be the equivalent of Pewdiepie (current Pewdiepie, not old):

Ur right but im not boneless, my zygos are high set and pretty prominent when debloated (good zygo arch and etc) and im only 14 so when im older and my face fully develops i will post myself on here and show how i ascended
  • +1
Reactions: greycel
if you dont get approached everyday you arent htn in womens eyes @ambi
doesnt matter what white worshipping hindus on .org rate you
He looks young hell mog when he grows up guarantee it. NOt fair to rate him based of this.
  • +1
Reactions: edgewalker2181 and Copeful
said an orger with 20000+ posts which probs means no understanding of what women are truly attracted to
keep crying for my veteran status newcel
  • JFL
Reactions: Diarrhoea and greycel
dude, thats what you yourself rated me in dms. you was asking if having a robust bone structure is common where I'm from
Yeah sorry you are right, you were the Low Chadlite I remember now
V robust bone structure

OP is entry level HTN for his age, not compared to men ofc. Would be way lower compared to masculine guys, but he is just a kid after all
But for his demographic and 14 year old girls you are low-mid HTN buddy
  • +1
Reactions: edgewalker2181
He looks young hell mog when he grows up guarantee it. NOt fair to rate him based of this.
yeah true
OP should log off forum for now and enjoy his youth
  • +1
Reactions: Chadeep, edgewalker2181 and greycel
keep crying for my veteran status newcel
omfg dude, do u even realize ur flexing being an aspie basementcel with 0 clue how the real world works and likely has no chance of returning to normal?
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: yeeyeeslayer and edgewalker2181
Yeah sorry you are right, you were the Low Chadlite I remember now
V robust bone structure

OP is entry level HTN for his age, not compared to men ofc. Would be way lower compared to masculine guys, but he is just a kid after all
But for his demographic and 14 year old girls you are low-mid HTN buddy
Thanks for ur honest opinion but honestly I made this post expecting people to hate
  • Hmm...
Reactions: greycel
Yeah sorry you are right, you were the Low Chadlite I remember now
V robust bone structure

OP is entry level HTN for his age, not compared to men ofc. Would be way lower compared to masculine guys, but he is just a kid after all
But for his demographic and 14 year old girls you are low-mid HTN buddy
idk dude, based on my experience it's the women of his age that responded mostly positively to me
He looks young hell mog when he grows up guarantee it. NOt fair to rate him based of this.
Thanks bro I hope ur right, unless I get beat up and it would deform my face or something I think I may be like high htn or low lite
Thanks for ur honest opinion but honestly I made this post expecting people to hate
greycel is one of the only ppl here who knows how to rate. maybe i went a bit overboard with lite, but claiming ur mtn or sum is complete nonsense
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Reactions: greycel and edgewalker2181
but honestly, this is the benchmark for what an htn looks like. most people rated htn on this site are either plain mtns with a northern pheno (which made people overrate them) or high htns/lites with an "ethnic" pheno (which made people underrate them). this forum needs to learn how to rate based off what women respond positively to, not some psl autism
Thanks for ur honest opinion but honestly I made this post expecting people to hate
Listen man

When I was your age bro, I was too focused on coming home from school, to play Minecraft/ watch the newest Naruto episode. I wasn't in a rush to "grow up".

I always just chilled yk

You are far too young to be worrying about women IMO. It's normalised in the West and especially America but it's really degenerate there. People normalise losing virginity at 15, and a 10 body count in USA.. in fact that's probably on the lower end 😬..

You want to be with a girl for your entire life, and almost every relationship you will have in high-school won't lead to marraige.
Forget about the "teen love" you've seen in Hollywood. That's all to trick the naive, young minds that will all fall under their spell, because it plays with the emotions.
Maybe less than 5% of high-school sweethearts get married and spend the rest of their lives together.
Plan to looksmax until you reach University, and in Universiry find a virgin that you are attracted to, who you can call "your wife"

Your life hasn't even started rn. You are only 17% of your way through life. Imagine you were installing an update and you were on 17%.. you've got over 80% left.
These years that you are in. You have no responsibilities and everything you want to do, you can.
So go out party and have fun, make some friends that you can talk late into the night with. But don't do anything immoral.
You'll meet a lot of bad people who will convince you to fuck women, do drugs and drink a lot. Because they are doing it. They'll all grow up to regret that, especially the sex part.
Stay away from these types. It's better to be by yourself than with people who are dragging you down morally..
Know how to identify these people and don't let your emotions get in the way of cutting them out if you ever do

I'm sure you'll find the right crowd though

Wait until you've turned 20 before you decide coming back
This place will permanently ruin your ability to talk with others, will give you BDD, and most importantly waste your crucial years for friendships
That means you will suffer from this site for the rest of your life
It's a worthwhile trade off for many incels who are trying to improve their looks, and have to bear this soul-draining environment and the effects on your thoughts for the rest of your life.
But you are far, far from that
I doubt you'll have any reason to even come back when you turn 20 man. You would have found your wife

I wish you the best of luck in your life bro.
Delete your account and pretend this phase in your life never happened
Last edited:
Random ass pic of mia

Bro accidentally took a ss when he was goonin ☠️☠️☠️
Listen man

When I was your age bro, I was too focused on coming home from school, to play Minecraft/ watch the newest Naruto episode. I wasn't in a rush to "grow up".

I always just chilled yk

You are far too young to be worrying about women IMO. It's normalised in the West and especially America but it's really degenerate there. People normalise losing virginity at 15, and a 10 body count in USA.. in fact that's probably on the lower end 😬..

You want to be with a girl for your entire life, and almost every relationship you will have in high-school won't lead to marraige.
Forget about the "teen love" you've seen in Hollywood. That's all to trick the naive, young minds that will all fall under their spell, because it plays with the emotions.
Maybe less than 5% of high-school sweethearts get married and spend the rest of their lives together.
Plan to looksmax until you reach University, and in Universiry find a virgin that you are attracted to, who you can call "your wife"

Your life hasn't even started rn. You are only 17% of your way through life. Imagine you were installing an update and you were on 17%.. you've got over 80% left.
These years that you are in. You have no responsibilities and everything you want to do, you can.
So go out party and have fun, make some friends that you can talk late into the night with. But don't do anything immoral.
You'll meet a lot of bad people who will convince you to fuck women, do drugs and drink a lot. Because they are doing it. They'll all grow up to regret that, especially the sex part.
Stay away from these types. It's better to be by yourself than with people who are dragging you down morally..
Know how to identify these people and don't let your emotions get in the way of cutting them out if you ever do

I'm sure you'll find the right crowd though

Wait until you turned 20 before you decide coming back
This place will permanently ruin your ability to talk with others, will give you BDD, and most importantly waste your crucial years for friendships
That means you will suffer from this site for the rest of your life
It's a worthwhile trade off for many incels who are trying to improve their looks, and have to bear this soul-draining environment and the effects on your thoughts for the rest of your life.
But you are far, far from that
I doubt you'll have any reason to even come back when you turn 20 man. You would have found your wife

I wish you the best of luck in your life bro.
Delete your account and pretend this phase in your life never happened
Ur right bro. I actually thought about it and if someone else would know what I post and do here that would laugh about me and call me a weirdo, I guess I really don’t need this blackpill stuff. Yk what I would try to stay out of this, but still I won’t delete my account, maybe later, I just want to laugh about others people posts here. This shit actually ruined my mind like I base my life on blackpill, I will try to distant myself from this shit.
  • +1
Reactions: greycel
Ur right bro. I actually thought about it and if someone else would know what I post and do here that would laugh about me and call me a weirdo, I guess I really don’t need this blackpill stuff. Yk what I would try to stay out of this, but still I won’t delete my account, maybe later, I just want to laugh about others people posts here. This shit actually ruined my mind like I base my life on blackpill, I will try to distant myself from this shit.
Good shit man
You've got a good mature mind for your age, I'm very surprised
It's good to see you doing what other people much older than you are still prisoner to

The only piece of advice I have for you, as you leave is to watch out for those immoral friends that will force you into sex/drugs/alcohol
You will run into them, 100%, everybody in this generation does

Find a wife/ loving girlfriend, its so much more fulfilling

Ignore any slaying/clubbing your "friends" will promote to you

Best of luck brother
  • +1
Reactions: edgewalker2181
Good shit man
You've got a good mature mind for your age, I'm very surprised
It's good to see you doing what other people much older than you are still prisoner to

The only piece of advice I have for you, as you leave is to watch out for those immoral friends that will force you into sex/drugs/alcohol
You will run into them, 100%, everybody in this generation does

Find a wife/ loving girlfriend, its so much more fulfilling

Ignore any slaying/clubbing your "friends" will promote to you

Best of luck brother
Yeah ur right, I got nothing else to say honestly. Il follow ur advice, thanks bro I will remember ur words before thinking of doing something bad
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When did Daniel Larson start posting here?
Find a wife/ loving girlfriend, its so much more fulfilling
did read after this. and being a slayer requires certain core personality traits anyway which has fuck all to do with being NT and is almost entirely epigenetic. most here should focus on trying to get a loving gf, not abundance of hoes they eventually will get tired of
  • +1
Reactions: greycel
"being NT" is knowing how to socialize, basically fitting in, but does every NT MTN-HTN slay? Not even every NT chadlite does lol, slaying requires personailty traits like low inhibition, low empathy and machiavellianism
  • +1
Reactions: greycel and HTN_Mentalcel
one accident, one accident lil bro thats all it takes and then ur ass is gonna be quiet and sub3

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