I'm sorry for drippin


Deleted member 5189

Feb 10, 2020
But drippin what I do
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Ah yes. here we go again with the typical Jesuit Illuminati Satanic themed torture / sex slave mind control crap again.

They want to make us believe that lie of Satan's that somehow we are evolving into gods. This is a lie from the garden of Eden when Satan tried to convince Eve that if she ate of the forbidden fruit she would be like a god knowing good and evil and that she should surely not die. Question: Did Eve become a god? No. Did she die? Yes. So was Satan a liar right from the start. And nothing has changed. He and his human agents -,the Jesuits and the elite - the bankers ie Templars, and Bushes, politicians and the Catholic high Freemasons are still being tricked by this fallen angel and his crownies. And because Satan in his conflict over Jesus claims himself over God wants mankind to capitulate and give in. This is why Hollywood has put out a string of Satanicly inspired garbage that elevates man over God - movies like The Xmen, the Silver Surfer, the Vampire films, Spider-Man, Superman and basically any film where men have superpowers. These films convince us that man is evolving into gods. But that's not what the bible says. Oh wait. You don't believe the bible right? Well you should. Because every word in it is from God. Jesus is real. And He is coming back very very soon. Wait...wait, wait, wait, stop!! Prove to me that God exists - that the bible is the unerring word of God you say. Answer: prophecy. The bible predicts the world's events and the coming of the Messiah Jesus Christ precisely as it happened. Jesus Christ is God in the flesh came to earth precisely on time as predicted by Daniel 9:23-27. He fulfilled ALL of the prophecies concerning the Messiah the odds of which any man could have fulfilled is more than 1 in 1033 or 1 in 1000000000000000000000000000000000! Two independent secular Roman historians Josephus and Tiberius record the crucifixion of Christ under Pilate on two separate tablets confirming the events of Christ's most precious sacrifice for mankind. If you don't believe me, look it up. By the way, the pagan Rosicrucians (Satanists/Luciferians) and the Rabbis don't want you to know this so they have placed a curse on anyone who reads Daniel 9:23-27. So what is going on here? How are these people being tricked in sacrificing children to their stone owl god called Molek at the Jesuit run Roman Catholic Church owned Bohemian Grove where you can hear the child scream when they ignite the flame fire (search Alex Jones Bohemian Grove)? The Jesuits and their friends ie high Freemason leaders from business, politics and military are being led to believe THEY have these powers. But the power is not theirs. It's being made to seem like they have these powers but they don't. It's all from demonic forces - fallen angels who want us to make us think we have these special god like powers. Any from a witch's magic spell, clairvoyant vision, aura reading, astral travel is all demonic and a farce. Now am I saying these powers are not manifest or real? No. No, what I am saying is that these powers are the work of unclean spirits - fallen angels who use their power to make us believe it's us that are turning into gods. But it's not. It's all a trick. If you want confirmation of this fact simply check out Dr. Walter Veith Occult Explosion, Roger Morneau - A Trip Into the Supernatural and others like Eric Jon Phelps. The truth is God loves us dearly! And he wants each and every one of us to be saved - to give up sin and ask Him for forgiveness of all of our sins. What is sin? It's the transgression of the law - Exodus 20 - the Ten Commandments. But Satan hates God - hates Jesus and because he knows God loves us, is doing everything he can to destroy us by making us sin against God through temptation. Prophet Ellen White says that the Devil tempts us and when we sin, he is the first one to point out to God that we have transgressed the law and that we deserve to be destroyed. But our loving God in mercy has sent His Son Jesus Christ to pay the price for all our sins! Imagine that! The very Creator of the Universe came down to earth in human flesh sacrificed himself for us so that you and I could be redeemed. That is how much God loves you - He died for you! And He didn't have to ... He could have let us perish...but He didn't ! And thank God for that! This world is under attack by Satan in His plan to take over the world through the New World Order. He hates how God lovingly created us male and female and gave us the ability to partake in the creation of life with God - something He never gave to the angels. And Satan hates how God gave us dominion over everything on the earth. This is why Satan wants to destroy the family through homosexuality, sin, drugs, and idolatry and spiritism. It's why in California Satan has succeeded in having the agents in govt pass a bill erasing gender differences between men and women - boys and girls. Yes, they are actually teaching these kids gender generic terms - it's crazy!!!! Under the occult run UN (yeah, I wish I was making this up!) they already have plans to make 80% of the US off limits to humans. Under Agenda 21 they want to cart the populations of Americans into six city zones. There, we will be stripped of our individuality and independent thought and made mind controlled slaves much like the people in this video, at the mercy of the wicked Satanists who believe his lies - sacrifice children, rape men, women and children and then torture them as they did during the dark ages inquisition. Oh but wait, that's right the inquisition never happened?! Right! That's why Up until just a few years ago the Vatican - headquarters for the Jesuit Illuminati - still had an office of the inquisition. You know when I went through school they told us that a few hundred witches were being burned at the stake for their involvement in satanism....but the truth is that it may have started out that way, but they quickly turned things around to include bible believing Christians and Jews. Expert secular histories estimate that during the reign of the Papacy where she influenced the state she raped, pillaged. murdered and destroyed more than 100 million innocent men, women and children many of which their crimes was to own a bible. The Roman Catholic Church asked the world for forgiveness for these heinous crimes when in 2000 Pope John Paul II - who used to sell poisonous gas used to kill millions of Jews and Protestant Christians at German concentration camps on behalf of AG Farben - asked for forgiveness on behalf of the priests that carried these wicked crimes out even though the Papacy was behind it from day one. The bible calls the Roman Catholic Church the Beast of Revelation because she has made all the nations drink of the wine of her fornication (apostate ungodly doctrine). The Pope is the AntiChrist that will bring the world to ruin because in Revelation 13:2 we are told that the Dragon(Satan) gives him his seat and great authority. The Papacy or Pope is called the Son of Perdition - a term used only twice in the bible. Once to describe Judas who professed to love Jesus on the outside but on the inside would seek to betray Christ. The Papacy publicly professes to love Jesus but secretly we know from what she does to man through war, sacrifices (go to ITCCS org) and it's claim to rule over God here on earth that this system truly is of the Devil. This system that claims to forgive sin, that claims to be God (yes the Pope has claimed to be God on earth) that claims to take the place of God commands us to worship the dead - Mary and the saints - has actually changed God's times and law! Yes - the Papacy actually changed the calendar and the Ten Commandments. Watch Dr. Walter Veith - The Wine of Babylon, A Woman Rides a Beast here on YouTube. This is against what God says we should do. God wants us to come to Him in prayer. We serve a living God! Not a dead one in a piece of bread - how silly! As a Roman Catholic I was told all this and I believed it. Because at the time my entire family were Catholic. I mean if they were following it then it must be biblical right? It must be of God right? Wrong! I found out that all of the church's doctrines are unbiblical - there is no such thing as purgatory in the bible, no such thing as immediate life after death where our soul leaves our bodies. This is as lie of the Devil to make the bible and God's word a lie. But I am here telling you don't believe it. Believe in the Most Worthy Lamb of God Jesus Christ who in the highest price Heaven could pay came down to earth to show that He is gracious, wise, kind, long-suffering, always willing to listen, always caring watching over us, long suffering, compassionate, and infinitely full of love and forgiveness! His law is love! And He is coming very very soon! And He wants us to know that in no way will He allow the wicked to unjustly trample on the law of His Father. He wants us to come to Him to relinquish all of our troubles on Him. Oh how we serve a wonderful loving God! He never pushes Himself on anyone unlike our great adversary Satan. He wants to get to know you before probation closes and the great seal on the ark of salvation - His work in the Holy of Hollies - pleading for forgiveness of our sins before the Father - is closed forever. Because after probation is closed judgement of the righteous is complete and any names in left in the Book of Life remains those of us that follow the Lamb where ever He goeth. Don't you want your name in the Book of Life? I don't know about you but as for me and my house we will serve The Lord God - the Almighty God - the Creator of everything therein is including us! Discover as I did that the word of God is truly the word of God! That's God's promises are yay and amen. That God truly does exist and wants to develop a relationship with you! To help each and every one of us leave this virus called sin behind so that we can leave this planet unto Heaven to live and reign with Christ a thousand years.

Very soon the 2nd Beast of Revelation - a nation that spoke like a Lamb but ends up Speaking as a Dragon - the United States will force everyone to worship the 1st Beast of Revelation - the Papal run Roman Catholic Church and Satan under a National Sunday Law! This is the Mark if the Beast - Sunday Worship! And this National Sunday Law will make it a crime for anyone to worship on any other day except Sunday! But is Sunday the true Sabbath of our Lord God? No! It's not. The Seventh day of the week is Saturday not Sunday. On Sept 1, 1923 the Roman Catholic Church published the following excerpt from their London Ont publication entitled The Catholic Record says " Sunday is our MARK of Authority. The church is above the bible. And the transference of Sabbath observance from Saturday to Sunday is proof of the fact.' Sunday is the first day of the week. In times past pagans would sacrifice their children to the sun gods. This is Satanic! We should have nothing to do with this or any other pagan holiday including Christ-mass, Ishtar / Easter, Halloween or Valentines Day!
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Ah yes. here we go again with the typical Jesuit Illuminati Satanic themed torture / sex slave mind control crap again.

They want to make us believe that lie of Satan's that somehow we are evolving into gods. This is a lie from the garden of Eden when Satan tried to convince Eve that if she ate of the forbidden fruit she would be like a god knowing good and evil and that she should surely not die. Question: Did Eve become a god? No. Did she die? Yes. So was Satan a liar right from the start. And nothing has changed. He and his human agents -,the Jesuits and the elite - the bankers ie Templars, and Bushes, politicians and the Catholic high Freemasons are still being tricked by this fallen angel and his crownies. And because Satan in his conflict over Jesus claims himself over God wants mankind to capitulate and give in. This is why Hollywood has put out a string of Satanicly inspired garbage that elevates man over God - movies like The Xmen, the Silver Surfer, the Vampire films, Spider-Man, Superman and basically any film where men have superpowers. These films convince us that man is evolving into gods. But that's not what the bible says. Oh wait. You don't believe the bible right? Well you should. Because every word in it is from God. Jesus is real. And He is coming back very very soon. Wait...wait, wait, wait, stop!! Prove to me that God exists - that the bible is the unerring word of God you say. Answer: prophecy. The bible predicts the world's events and the coming of the Messiah Jesus Christ precisely as it happened. Jesus Christ is God in the flesh came to earth precisely on time as predicted by Daniel 9:23-27. He fulfilled ALL of the prophecies concerning the Messiah the odds of which any man could have fulfilled is more than 1 in 1033 or 1 in 1000000000000000000000000000000000! Two independent secular Roman historians Josephus and Tiberius record the crucifixion of Christ under Pilate on two separate tablets confirming the events of Christ's most precious sacrifice for mankind. If you don't believe me, look it up. By the way, the pagan Rosicrucians (Satanists/Luciferians) and the Rabbis don't want you to know this so they have placed a curse on anyone who reads Daniel 9:23-27. So what is going on here? How are these people being tricked in sacrificing children to their stone owl god called Molek at the Jesuit run Roman Catholic Church owned Bohemian Grove where you can hear the child scream when they ignite the flame fire (search Alex Jones Bohemian Grove)? The Jesuits and their friends ie high Freemason leaders from business, politics and military are being led to believe THEY have these powers. But the power is not theirs. It's being made to seem like they have these powers but they don't. It's all from demonic forces - fallen angels who want us to make us think we have these special god like powers. Any from a witch's magic spell, clairvoyant vision, aura reading, astral travel is all demonic and a farce. Now am I saying these powers are not manifest or real? No. No, what I am saying is that these powers are the work of unclean spirits - fallen angels who use their power to make us believe it's us that are turning into gods. But it's not. It's all a trick. If you want confirmation of this fact simply check out Dr. Walter Veith Occult Explosion, Roger Morneau - A Trip Into the Supernatural and others like Eric Jon Phelps. The truth is God loves us dearly! And he wants each and every one of us to be saved - to give up sin and ask Him for forgiveness of all of our sins. What is sin? It's the transgression of the law - Exodus 20 - the Ten Commandments. But Satan hates God - hates Jesus and because he knows God loves us, is doing everything he can to destroy us by making us sin against God through temptation. Prophet Ellen White says that the Devil tempts us and when we sin, he is the first one to point out to God that we have transgressed the law and that we deserve to be destroyed. But our loving God in mercy has sent His Son Jesus Christ to pay the price for all our sins! Imagine that! The very Creator of the Universe came down to earth in human flesh sacrificed himself for us so that you and I could be redeemed. That is how much God loves you - He died for you! And He didn't have to ... He could have let us perish...but He didn't ! And thank God for that! This world is under attack by Satan in His plan to take over the world through the New World Order. He hates how God lovingly created us male and female and gave us the ability to partake in the creation of life with God - something He never gave to the angels. And Satan hates how God gave us dominion over everything on the earth. This is why Satan wants to destroy the family through homosexuality, sin, drugs, and idolatry and spiritism. It's why in California Satan has succeeded in having the agents in govt pass a bill erasing gender differences between men and women - boys and girls. Yes, they are actually teaching these kids gender generic terms - it's crazy!!!! Under the occult run UN (yeah, I wish I was making this up!) they already have plans to make 80% of the US off limits to humans. Under Agenda 21 they want to cart the populations of Americans into six city zones. There, we will be stripped of our individuality and independent thought and made mind controlled slaves much like the people in this video, at the mercy of the wicked Satanists who believe his lies - sacrifice children, rape men, women and children and then torture them as they did during the dark ages inquisition. Oh but wait, that's right the inquisition never happened?! Right! That's why Up until just a few years ago the Vatican - headquarters for the Jesuit Illuminati - still had an office of the inquisition. You know when I went through school they told us that a few hundred witches were being burned at the stake for their involvement in satanism....but the truth is that it may have started out that way, but they quickly turned things around to include bible believing Christians and Jews. Expert secular histories estimate that during the reign of the Papacy where she influenced the state she raped, pillaged. murdered and destroyed more than 100 million innocent men, women and children many of which their crimes was to own a bible. The Roman Catholic Church asked the world for forgiveness for these heinous crimes when in 2000 Pope John Paul II - who used to sell poisonous gas used to kill millions of Jews and Protestant Christians at German concentration camps on behalf of AG Farben - asked for forgiveness on behalf of the priests that carried these wicked crimes out even though the Papacy was behind it from day one. The bible calls the Roman Catholic Church the Beast of Revelation because she has made all the nations drink of the wine of her fornication (apostate ungodly doctrine). The Pope is the AntiChrist that will bring the world to ruin because in Revelation 13:2 we are told that the Dragon(Satan) gives him his seat and great authority. The Papacy or Pope is called the Son of Perdition - a term used only twice in the bible. Once to describe Judas who professed to love Jesus on the outside but on the inside would seek to betray Christ. The Papacy publicly professes to love Jesus but secretly we know from what she does to man through war, sacrifices (go to ITCCS org) and it's claim to rule over God here on earth that this system truly is of the Devil. This system that claims to forgive sin, that claims to be God (yes the Pope has claimed to be God on earth) that claims to take the place of God commands us to worship the dead - Mary and the saints - has actually changed God's times and law! Yes - the Papacy actually changed the calendar and the Ten Commandments. Watch Dr. Walter Veith - The Wine of Babylon, A Woman Rides a Beast here on YouTube. This is against what God says we should do. God wants us to come to Him in prayer. We serve a living God! Not a dead one in a piece of bread - how silly! As a Roman Catholic I was told all this and I believed it. Because at the time my entire family were Catholic. I mean if they were following it then it must be biblical right? It must be of God right? Wrong! I found out that all of the church's doctrines are unbiblical - there is no such thing as purgatory in the bible, no such thing as immediate life after death where our soul leaves our bodies. This is as lie of the Devil to make the bible and God's word a lie. But I am here telling you don't believe it. Believe in the Most Worthy Lamb of God Jesus Christ who in the highest price Heaven could pay came down to earth to show that He is gracious, wise, kind, long-suffering, always willing to listen, always caring watching over us, long suffering, compassionate, and infinitely full of love and forgiveness! His law is love! And He is coming very very soon! And He wants us to know that in no way will He allow the wicked to unjustly trample on the law of His Father. He wants us to come to Him to relinquish all of our troubles on Him. Oh how we serve a wonderful loving God! He never pushes Himself on anyone unlike our great adversary Satan. He wants to get to know you before probation closes and the great seal on the ark of salvation - His work in the Holy of Hollies - pleading for forgiveness of our sins before the Father - is closed forever. Because after probation is closed judgement of the righteous is complete and any names in left in the Book of Life remains those of us that follow the Lamb where ever He goeth. Don't you want your name in the Book of Life? I don't know about you but as for me and my house we will serve The Lord God - the Almighty God - the Creator of everything therein is including us! Discover as I did that the word of God is truly the word of God! That's God's promises are yay and amen. That God truly does exist and wants to develop a relationship with you! To help each and every one of us leave this virus called sin behind so that we can leave this planet unto Heaven to live and reign with Christ a thousand years.

Very soon the 2nd Beast of Revelation - a nation that spoke like a Lamb but ends up Speaking as a Dragon - the United States will force everyone to worship the 1st Beast of Revelation - the Papal run Roman Catholic Church and Satan under a National Sunday Law! This is the Mark if the Beast - Sunday Worship! And this National Sunday Law will make it a crime for anyone to worship on any other day except Sunday! But is Sunday the true Sabbath of our Lord God? No! It's not. The Seventh day of the week is Saturday not Sunday. On Sept 1, 1923 the Roman Catholic Church published the following excerpt from their London Ont publication entitled The Catholic Record says " Sunday is our MARK of Authority. The church is above the bible. And the transference of Sabbath observance from Saturday to Sunday is proof of the fact.' Sunday is the first day of the week. In times past pagans would sacrifice their children to the sun gods. This is Satanic! We should have nothing to do with this or any other pagan holiday including Christ-mass, Ishtar / Easter, Halloween or Valentines Day!
Not even a single word...
  • JFL
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Ah yes. here we go again with the typical Jesuit Illuminati Satanic themed torture / sex slave mind control crap again.

They want to make us believe that lie of Satan's that somehow we are evolving into gods. This is a lie from the garden of Eden when Satan tried to convince Eve that if she ate of the forbidden fruit she would be like a god knowing good and evil and that she should surely not die. Question: Did Eve become a god? No. Did she die? Yes. So was Satan a liar right from the start. And nothing has changed. He and his human agents -,the Jesuits and the elite - the bankers ie Templars, and Bushes, politicians and the Catholic high Freemasons are still being tricked by this fallen angel and his crownies. And because Satan in his conflict over Jesus claims himself over God wants mankind to capitulate and give in. This is why Hollywood has put out a string of Satanicly inspired garbage that elevates man over God - movies like The Xmen, the Silver Surfer, the Vampire films, Spider-Man, Superman and basically any film where men have superpowers. These films convince us that man is evolving into gods. But that's not what the bible says. Oh wait. You don't believe the bible right? Well you should. Because every word in it is from God. Jesus is real. And He is coming back very very soon. Wait...wait, wait, wait, stop!! Prove to me that God exists - that the bible is the unerring word of God you say. Answer: prophecy. The bible predicts the world's events and the coming of the Messiah Jesus Christ precisely as it happened. Jesus Christ is God in the flesh came to earth precisely on time as predicted by Daniel 9:23-27. He fulfilled ALL of the prophecies concerning the Messiah the odds of which any man could have fulfilled is more than 1 in 1033 or 1 in 1000000000000000000000000000000000! Two independent secular Roman historians Josephus and Tiberius record the crucifixion of Christ under Pilate on two separate tablets confirming the events of Christ's most precious sacrifice for mankind. If you don't believe me, look it up. By the way, the pagan Rosicrucians (Satanists/Luciferians) and the Rabbis don't want you to know this so they have placed a curse on anyone who reads Daniel 9:23-27. So what is going on here? How are these people being tricked in sacrificing children to their stone owl god called Molek at the Jesuit run Roman Catholic Church owned Bohemian Grove where you can hear the child scream when they ignite the flame fire (search Alex Jones Bohemian Grove)? The Jesuits and their friends ie high Freemason leaders from business, politics and military are being led to believe THEY have these powers. But the power is not theirs. It's being made to seem like they have these powers but they don't. It's all from demonic forces - fallen angels who want us to make us think we have these special god like powers. Any from a witch's magic spell, clairvoyant vision, aura reading, astral travel is all demonic and a farce. Now am I saying these powers are not manifest or real? No. No, what I am saying is that these powers are the work of unclean spirits - fallen angels who use their power to make us believe it's us that are turning into gods. But it's not. It's all a trick. If you want confirmation of this fact simply check out Dr. Walter Veith Occult Explosion, Roger Morneau - A Trip Into the Supernatural and others like Eric Jon Phelps. The truth is God loves us dearly! And he wants each and every one of us to be saved - to give up sin and ask Him for forgiveness of all of our sins. What is sin? It's the transgression of the law - Exodus 20 - the Ten Commandments. But Satan hates God - hates Jesus and because he knows God loves us, is doing everything he can to destroy us by making us sin against God through temptation. Prophet Ellen White says that the Devil tempts us and when we sin, he is the first one to point out to God that we have transgressed the law and that we deserve to be destroyed. But our loving God in mercy has sent His Son Jesus Christ to pay the price for all our sins! Imagine that! The very Creator of the Universe came down to earth in human flesh sacrificed himself for us so that you and I could be redeemed. That is how much God loves you - He died for you! And He didn't have to ... He could have let us perish...but He didn't ! And thank God for that! This world is under attack by Satan in His plan to take over the world through the New World Order. He hates how God lovingly created us male and female and gave us the ability to partake in the creation of life with God - something He never gave to the angels. And Satan hates how God gave us dominion over everything on the earth. This is why Satan wants to destroy the family through homosexuality, sin, drugs, and idolatry and spiritism. It's why in California Satan has succeeded in having the agents in govt pass a bill erasing gender differences between men and women - boys and girls. Yes, they are actually teaching these kids gender generic terms - it's crazy!!!! Under the occult run UN (yeah, I wish I was making this up!) they already have plans to make 80% of the US off limits to humans. Under Agenda 21 they want to cart the populations of Americans into six city zones. There, we will be stripped of our individuality and independent thought and made mind controlled slaves much like the people in this video, at the mercy of the wicked Satanists who believe his lies - sacrifice children, rape men, women and children and then torture them as they did during the dark ages inquisition. Oh but wait, that's right the inquisition never happened?! Right! That's why Up until just a few years ago the Vatican - headquarters for the Jesuit Illuminati - still had an office of the inquisition. You know when I went through school they told us that a few hundred witches were being burned at the stake for their involvement in satanism....but the truth is that it may have started out that way, but they quickly turned things around to include bible believing Christians and Jews. Expert secular histories estimate that during the reign of the Papacy where she influenced the state she raped, pillaged. murdered and destroyed more than 100 million innocent men, women and children many of which their crimes was to own a bible. The Roman Catholic Church asked the world for forgiveness for these heinous crimes when in 2000 Pope John Paul II - who used to sell poisonous gas used to kill millions of Jews and Protestant Christians at German concentration camps on behalf of AG Farben - asked for forgiveness on behalf of the priests that carried these wicked crimes out even though the Papacy was behind it from day one. The bible calls the Roman Catholic Church the Beast of Revelation because she has made all the nations drink of the wine of her fornication (apostate ungodly doctrine). The Pope is the AntiChrist that will bring the world to ruin because in Revelation 13:2 we are told that the Dragon(Satan) gives him his seat and great authority. The Papacy or Pope is called the Son of Perdition - a term used only twice in the bible. Once to describe Judas who professed to love Jesus on the outside but on the inside would seek to betray Christ. The Papacy publicly professes to love Jesus but secretly we know from what she does to man through war, sacrifices (go to ITCCS org) and it's claim to rule over God here on earth that this system truly is of the Devil. This system that claims to forgive sin, that claims to be God (yes the Pope has claimed to be God on earth) that claims to take the place of God commands us to worship the dead - Mary and the saints - has actually changed God's times and law! Yes - the Papacy actually changed the calendar and the Ten Commandments. Watch Dr. Walter Veith - The Wine of Babylon, A Woman Rides a Beast here on YouTube. This is against what God says we should do. God wants us to come to Him in prayer. We serve a living God! Not a dead one in a piece of bread - how silly! As a Roman Catholic I was told all this and I believed it. Because at the time my entire family were Catholic. I mean if they were following it then it must be biblical right? It must be of God right? Wrong! I found out that all of the church's doctrines are unbiblical - there is no such thing as purgatory in the bible, no such thing as immediate life after death where our soul leaves our bodies. This is as lie of the Devil to make the bible and God's word a lie. But I am here telling you don't believe it. Believe in the Most Worthy Lamb of God Jesus Christ who in the highest price Heaven could pay came down to earth to show that He is gracious, wise, kind, long-suffering, always willing to listen, always caring watching over us, long suffering, compassionate, and infinitely full of love and forgiveness! His law is love! And He is coming very very soon! And He wants us to know that in no way will He allow the wicked to unjustly trample on the law of His Father. He wants us to come to Him to relinquish all of our troubles on Him. Oh how we serve a wonderful loving God! He never pushes Himself on anyone unlike our great adversary Satan. He wants to get to know you before probation closes and the great seal on the ark of salvation - His work in the Holy of Hollies - pleading for forgiveness of our sins before the Father - is closed forever. Because after probation is closed judgement of the righteous is complete and any names in left in the Book of Life remains those of us that follow the Lamb where ever He goeth. Don't you want your name in the Book of Life? I don't know about you but as for me and my house we will serve The Lord God - the Almighty God - the Creator of everything therein is including us! Discover as I did that the word of God is truly the word of God! That's God's promises are yay and amen. That God truly does exist and wants to develop a relationship with you! To help each and every one of us leave this virus called sin behind so that we can leave this planet unto Heaven to live and reign with Christ a thousand years.

Very soon the 2nd Beast of Revelation - a nation that spoke like a Lamb but ends up Speaking as a Dragon - the United States will force everyone to worship the 1st Beast of Revelation - the Papal run Roman Catholic Church and Satan under a National Sunday Law! This is the Mark if the Beast - Sunday Worship! And this National Sunday Law will make it a crime for anyone to worship on any other day except Sunday! But is Sunday the true Sabbath of our Lord God? No! It's not. The Seventh day of the week is Saturday not Sunday. On Sept 1, 1923 the Roman Catholic Church published the following excerpt from their London Ont publication entitled The Catholic Record says " Sunday is our MARK of Authority. The church is above the bible. And the transference of Sabbath observance from Saturday to Sunday is proof of the fact.' Sunday is the first day of the week. In times past pagans would sacrifice their children to the sun gods. This is Satanic! We should have nothing to do with this or any other pagan holiday including Christ-mass, Ishtar / Easter, Halloween or Valentines Day!
Read the entire thing ngl
Interesting theory.
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