I'm starting to believe that the whole alpha concept is cope



Taking a break from the autism
May 29, 2019

This guy explains it quite well. Just look at that Bjorn Andreas guy, living in the woods, keeping a huge beard and preaching some pseudo-masculine bs about vikings and such. Now that I look at it from a new perspective that's cringy as fuck. The whole alpha concept is cringy though. The ideal male has to be a tough guy who's not afraid of anything and is assertive, aggressive, low inhibitiob, bla bla, the whole redpill stuff. But honestly, I noticed it's always internet addicted basement dwellers who are interested in this stuff. Best example is lookism.net . That site is obsessed with masculinity. You regulary see there RealRob preaching about how to be a man or undisputed trying to show his dominance as if he's a gorilla fighting against the beta gorillas to ensure his territory, I mean wtf. Just think about it, an internet addicted shutin who probably has social anxiety trying to behave all alpha and tough. Just lmfao, that's the ultimate cringe. Now I'm not saying behaving like a twinkish effeminate faggot is better, what I'm saying is that you shouldn't care about being someone you are not because you watched some action movies where the protagonist is a tough alpha guy. How many guys do you know irl who are like this alpha ideal? Very few, right? You probably know a lot of guys who are shy, you probably know a lot of guys who are introverted, you probably know a lot of guys who don't like to fight, etc. This is all redpill cope, it's all about being good looking, a mix of masculine AND feminine features. The alpha concept is just cope tbh, created by men who are insecure about their masculinity.
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is cope because personality is partly genetics.you are alpha or not
But I mean even if you were not born super alpha who the fuck cares? Objectively speaking, having a charismatic (aka being likeable to people) personality is much more helpful in life than being ''muh alpha masculine''. Yes, charisma is genetic, too, but you can learn to be a bit more likeable to others if you are not autistic. Or you can just be good looking, simpler way.
Water is wet
No lmao, the whole alpha thing is extremely popular actually
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didn't read your text nor watch the video but the alpha concept is not cope. it's just that appearance has a massive impact on it, which the redpill community doesn't really want to accept (except for HOLD FRAME BRO)
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charismatic (aka being likeable to people) personality is much more helpful in life than being ''muh alpha masculine''.
yes it is but imo it's linked to beeing "alpha".
alpha in my mind is not about saying it's about acting. having no fear to protect those you love, taking risks, and having an nt charismatic and kind personality that make people wanting to be with you.
if you have face on this you'll have a successfull life.

almost every slayer you see isnt introverted or shy. They’re assertive and confident. They dominate the conversation and as a result, stay high on the status hierarchy and command respect. Even if you’re chad, you’re actively doing a disservice to yourself if you aren’t alpha.

You don’t have to jump 100% into being an alpha and drop your old personality at the drop of a hat, you should slowly transition to being an alpha though. It’s a massive benefit.

The redpill produces a lot of copes (like holding frame) but being assertive, low inhib, confident, etc isn’t one of them. It’s valid advice

almost every slayer you see isnt introverted or shy. They’re assertive and confident. They dominate the conversation and as a result, stay high on the status hierarchy and command respect. Even if you’re chad, you’re actively doing a disservice to yourself if you aren’t alpha.

You don’t have to jump 100% into being an alpha and drop your old personality at the drop of a hat, you should slowly transition to being an alpha though. It’s a massive benefit.

The redpill produces a lot of copes (like holding frame) but being assertive, low inhib, confident, etc isn’t one of them. It’s valid advice
Yeah, that's why I said being charismatic is more important than being alpha. Confidence is basically a charismatic trait, nobody likes a shy introverted guy, that's not charismatic at all. Alpha is more about being the aggressive, masculine guy who only rarely talks, is fearless, impulsive and stuff, you know what I mean and that's cope. Chad isn't like that, Chad is usually just an extroverted cool guy who happens to be good looking.
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didn't read your text nor watch the video but the alpha concept is not cope. it's just that appearance has a massive impact on it, which the redpill community doesn't really want to accept (except for HOLD FRAME BRO)
Tbh I'm pretty sure the first thing they tell people is to lift like your life depends on it which helps tremendously with looking 'alpha' as long as you're not a manlet
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Tbh I'm pretty sure the first thing they tell people is to lift like your life depends on it which helps tremendously with looking 'alpha' as long as you're not a manlet
yes, i know, that's what i meant with "hold frame". they're well aware that muscles help but can't accept the fact that height and face are even more important
yes, i know, that's what i meant with "hold frame". they're well aware that muscles help but can't accept the fact that height and face are even more important
Holding frame is a personality thing bro
Holding frame is a personality thing bro
yea i have no idea what it actually means tbh, i assumed it was something like keeping a straight posture despite whatever social challenges they may face
We're not chimpanzees.
Alpha behaviour is cope
Women just want a man who is respected in most environments
didn't read your text nor watch the video but
I've found that any input following lines of this sort is largely worthless and a waste of bandwidth.
Dominance doesn't purely come from masculinity tbh.

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